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Nicholas Josika
The text will be looked after
Thomas Zsuzsanna
Page 2
The bloody man
Trencin Castle
Swan Knight
Enamelled VITEZ
Consequently, the S BATTLE
SMALL viscera
HOPELESS desired
A word or two of the moral effect
And Poetic justice batch EXTENSION AS
Josika TO SHARE THE Abafi
Page 3
I give here a sketch soul into the hands of readers. Targeting serious, and there you go off to a strong
every vile can be overcome, that the difficult path of perfection, there are countless setbacks The
accustomed to evil: but finally fortitude to win victory if he can want it.
Although this story, I realized the inner life, I tried to give vitality to external as well, and the
earnest direction quite different from each other in a story positions through-
accompanied, where more true than spent, and where both large readership, both
miveltebb- working my readers expect. - If this was correct, tactile; Could be good if
intention: the audience will judge.
Page 4
Go, my son - he said.
Walter Scott
The beautiful valley of the Mures Alvinc legkiesb one of the villages in Transylvania. Fertile fields
blend underneath the hard-working rich harvest promised foldmivelonek; green living beyond the
vineyards rise, in which fictional ranges are distinguished by the opposite
Wine caters for simple szalmafodelei.
In the middle of the village visible gray walls of a former princely mansion story
time stood intact. The building has two wings is still high, which is one of the gate
open during high vault; the other two sides ruin the present, and only rakhelyiil hasznaltatik. This
One of the corners show one or two existing walls of the restaurant, which Martinusius
George was killed and cast out of the window, where several members of atrophied time unburied.
The beautiful village located west end was a small, simple village house, dark, semi
whitewashed walls, how many are now off-road villages, soon shall see. High, sharp Fodele,
meters covered with shingles chimney, porch just one and a half cubits wide, and the narrow lane leads
Stairs shapeless pieces of wood Irom an ill-fitted together well. On the porch, which is roughly
negyszegu carved beams supported the right was half open fahombar, Fodele kendercso-
Mocha overloaded; right next to a badly abroncsolt barrel, with lime, review
the contents were divided Dongen; left bench, movable feet thick; In addition to the door, which is a
German in the room on the other side, and a pair of low kendertilo szekecske. Too
these elhintett oats and barley kemels hens and chicks grabbing.
In simple Brvniste residential fence circling szakait some time and bad neighbors grates
boggling. The left udvarka meters covered with straw shed next door and wagon false color stretched
out; beyond a
rick of hay and two serteshizo stale, grunting and sometimes sticks their nose with residents.
The building consisted of three rooms and an atrium, at the end of the latter in the kitchen hidden in
remote area. Because it does not present a fire place and fire pot, not around it's busy housekeeper not
likeness; only one or two pots, wooden spoons and stuff like that depended more beautiful mess walls.
kitchen opening on the left one room of the house maid, an old woman lived. The right side
consisted of two rooms: one from the courtyard, one of the other open windows dudvas plum. The
spacious side yard was good; a large open fireplace and furnace simultaneously occupy almost
last part. With opposite rough, bloody embroidered pillows fathoms cast nyoszolya
and based on which the former sometimes gaudy paint traces appeared. The two rings inlaid.
In addition to painted wall with window boxes Onasi, whimsical shaped sideboard and a few wooden
stood; wall opposite the door long oak table space. All mediocre village
exemption from the uncomfortable situation shows the house owners.
Tanner woman, the widow of Timar Istok lord, the former village clerk, judge whether residential
one son, Timar Miska, who present hazakeriilven after three years of study, around the house
things, sleeping and sometimes a visit to the village pub "The lame cocoa proceed '
poured or lounging in time.
Her tall, lean, agile old, sloe eyes dark and very smart face.
What are the usual folds carved sixty years on, sat on the hearth fire place; dark blue head scarf
Foden long bracket down to, at the top of his shirt, which betray contaminate the approach of the
Page 5
black open vest shoulder or arm had sex; skirt similar color protected front haziva-
szonbol made kototol, whose purity was strange contrast to the rest of the suit to the depreciated
kinezesevel. Woes features, restless ears approximate reasoning and the multiple window gyanittattak,
that someone is waiting.
His son, Mike, huszevii, common-faced boy, one crate painted on his face. You meet him staring gray
eyes, pouting lips were raised. Dressed in coarse blue flannel pants and sleeveless
dolman was similar colored material.
God - said the old man, and he arose from one place tipegve window - does not come Sari
nor the next. Zsiga poor lost forever! What should I do? - Rebegett choking voice,
clasped hands on his head. -
Ah - met Mike - do not worry, sissy! Kilencevu boy is not so easily be lost.
Moreover, the child's eye, if you deliberately volatile in the house! -
Oh - meet the old rebuke voice that almost sirolag sounding - would to God that you have!
Maybe it would be to at long last. But I fear getting lost in the woods somewhere, or a wolf and eat it,
ehhel or fish. Hey, boy, your soul will be poor child! I was not looking so diligently,
as should be.
Mike annoyed getting up the tulip cupboard. - My mother - about - again I say, the children
elements are not lost; bad money is not lost. Tue to remember our day, the ralegyintett
guzsallyal, would not you say, "It does not take forever!"
- The right; but what mother says if come here? This would do happen at any moment. Miska
not ashamed, walk through the woods together again, and inquire about the countryside. - In the old
Opened lifted up one crate on its side Fodele valuforma compartment, and a holya-
vesicles to the tune of - Here, my son, what osszezsugorgattam beautiful new silver money in two
years; nine
green button dolmanyodra it difficult to fill out; yours if Zsiga elokerited.
The house looked grinning heir money. - So be it! - Took up about hat. - 1
I'm going saddled the gray, but if you do not mind, do not cause me sissy!
The old konnyebbedni appearances. While his son has gone back to the fireplace hearth took place,
nected weaving. No worries little surprised by the old man; Zsiga was not a small child. Four
years ago, late autumn evening came to a beautifiil young lady, small Zsiga By; it entrusted the
little one's care. Since then, several times appeared and never empty-handed and always promises
Tekken; which, as from time to time have been met, the old man were ready cash. Who was
father of young children, and a mother, no consciousness. Deep secrets to float birth; but the suffering
vedelyes love, which is now transferring woman lodged Zsiga harbors the small, easy to be included in
to get to know his mother, who may be the views of his son. - Train up - said the old times
Timarnenak - powerful, all-knowing man endure Zsigamat! Do not spare any exhaustion;
get cold, heat, hunger and thirst to suffer: let's work on Windows client-bearing; heart, if
want a good, but not soft, learn little, but well: words become male, strong body.
Spirit, escape in time to be alone, you elegiilten; because - say involuntary outbursts
tears that were about szegyenleni semblance - the fate of her to stand alone
Among living waves, noise tordeljenek szirtkeblen and review results for Ellen to know everything;
you know what
a need to refiise life, but not a lot, not sziiksegtelent.
The old man watching listening to the peculiar educational principles, half suspecting half will not
spirit them; Supposing he himself, partly vonzodasbol charming child, which is onkeny-
failure caused, partly haszonvagybol, from which he did not go all the way: this kivanatoknak
kitelhetoleg meet.
Zsiga briefly held; only went twice each week egyhazfihoz, where reading and writing
Yea, in considerable advancement. Around the house they share in all things: cattle, horses, pigs
fed, sweeping, plastered, so there was not anj^hing to distract herself free. The two old horse he
He brought mostly watered, and this time picking up where one's back, where another, often
adventuring party limit with them, sometimes with dust and sweat fodve this lovaglasbol no small
Revenge of the zsembelodo guardian mother home. The sheep of his orze and sometimes spent days
forest edges or the lush grass undulating pastures.
Miska came home after the old man was not so careful kirekesztoleg gyamfia moreover, although this
somewhat steal the hearts of consciousness itself, and innocent enyelgeseivel and sometimes also the
entertainers csinjaival
old man. The child was more serious than fun; but just szivomledeseinek rarity and
enyelgesinek making them erdekesbekke. All I did was deeply felt. And if tutelary
mother sometimes, though rarely, jumped neck: this is not possible please, soulful expression of love
left without reciprocate. Enyelgeseinek is almost peculiar expressions were those beyond early.
This is the old pre-created all fojthatlan compassion towards gyamfia. - Mike has not felt; he
there appeared to be jealous, and his mother did not willingly share the kindness of someone else;
although it is not
megerdemleni or not reciprocate consciousness. Furthermore, can suffer harm the welfare of the small
By intestines, although sometimes squinting eyes resting on it, and the child's mother suspected
not lose sight of the gifts; but nevertheless was more bitter than permissive.
where we can be alone with him.
Guardian of the child's mother one day just now, as this family megismerkedenk eleven Juha
and sent him three goats graze the edge of the forest. Late in the evening the sheep came seeds
return; old son immediately, out-sex karvagy szetvillanasat sardonic face badly fbdozhete,
sent him afterwards. Mike went to look or not to look, she knows; but annoyed and grumbling with
back in the morning, without the child. The old stuff seems to take very heart. While small
gyamfiu daily latkoreben gap, no idea how much you love or accustomed;
Now having lost, bitterness nehezkedek restless heart, first love toward the infant,
secondly worry if visszakivanja mother, and all of them in addition to the income of non-small decrease
lubrication. Because sometimes it was a little food wage Zsiga Eurofound uphold the poor family.
Restless went in the old: the spinning not advanced, and the painful discomfort environment
Ze's heart, which is always coupled with looks in vain. Lost not a supporter of the child;
that it was a very spirited and grains. Or so lost, which at that time still Flight
lanabb lots oblozeteiben neither rare nor csudas was not, or could onszandeka
on leave, which is doubly insulting the old man with the soothing consciousness to rise to
not given. This dubious pondering, this onbatoritas, seemingly hesitation between hope and expectation
in a
quarter of an hour passed after the other; Night had hastened to the king's quarters of the day, with
some faint ray
lovellve up in the hills above the forehead; He returned to the village herd roared round porfellegtol
nyezve and Ave-rang on the gray castle ercnyelve s not even Sarah, for the old man,
no neighbor, who went to the Zsiga foUceresesere, did not come back; Mike is also a good time to
already departed. The evening gloom usual attendant, duplicate tremor koriilfoga REM
old pictures of the breasts, pain and embarrassment hata heart. It seems now as if his ward small
really should lose, tears and heart rate Haga lashes; together in hands gornyedezo
One of the grave situation crate sitting quietly, sometimes singing hallatva complaints.
Page 7
Civil lady, born blurred
certainly, but keccsel total.
Victor Hugo
I heard the pitter-patter slow yard and grind the poor leckapunak. The old one-two domestic dog
After barking stopped, and the sound of nyiszorgast by almost animal laugh mondhat-
we provided and those loyal animal friend udvezel. The old man awakened. - HoUi - not a cry of
flax sound - no one here who lead my horse shed? He HoU, Miska or sari! Do you not hear?
- The old man hastily ugrek in his place, but he was shocked szintoly dubious hesitant steps tipegett
out of the room.
After a minute or two tall figure of a woman entered the room. Notable features of the east, and
keeping a nice arm
sliding stature, so it was quite a surprise appearance. Peaked cap on his head resting on the Red, which
almost reached the end of dipping his shoulder; Encircling the narrow black premzet foveget, from
which long, more
Retba out and two handsome, rich pans roll forming rabbit hair down atfonva scarlet ribbon;
short waist, body needing mentecske Foden dark green, narrow, small and rare lanckesziilettel
buttons. During this difficult selyemszovetii skirt reached down well above the ankle, and the small
Funds saffian red river around. Light sheet was draped over his shoulders, and beautiful mivu dagger,
jaszpmarkolattal green, and two winged arrow pierced scaled szijovebe; light hand
enyelgett whip.
The beautiful lady standing in the middle of the room, and leemelven arch shoulders, made it a the
table, and
fireplace hearth sat down. His face darkened cloud restless waiting; sometimes the door
I look toward the patch padlatot flailing whip.
Soon he entered the old man. - My mother - said the beautifixl stranger - how are you? Where viscera?
We have not been squeezed my heart to invite you, good man!
Tanner stood speechless in front of the woman, about tanakodva covers what you need to do is love. -
No - say
undone - what skeptics? Hurry! - The old man's face suddenly pale melt away, his eyes osszeszorita.
Apparently he wants to say. It was striking gender erokodesnek the face, and tendons almost part
- Old! - Said the woman, suggesting a large, dark eyes with regard to the question, which is mostly
precursor to the consternation. - What's the matter? Why do you stand in front of me as if you were off
the floor
nailed? What does this sepulchral silence, this coward szanandolag expression, which is saying
the blood in my veins fagylalni start? Woman, the skies tell what it is? Leave a comment
The old man sank to his knees in fi-ont of him, and put together dry hands, picking up garbage on it.
Pain, fear
and express deep bitterness were engraved on the face, but could not speak. What did you say,
what you could say! As knelt in fi-ont of the statue dismayed woman out huge furiosity hatal-
leigezve today was punched hands in fiont of him, eyes blazing obleikbol hatch, Szederjesi
lips, a new Tysiphone. - Woman - say - the devil! Ah, there is no name that ought against thee, nyu-
traffic executioner, terrible, let me know! In a word, a sound! - Then a vow step forward and punched
Ute old forehead, who slumped back, and with one hand leaning on the ground in fi-ont of about
protecting the other. - Mercy! - Said the old man came rebego voice. - Mercy, ma'am!
- Where is my son? - Continuing deep erctelen voice of the woman who burst into flames of anger on
his face pale purple
paleness replaces. Tight-lipped about short temper of bold reins, is
bosszukerubkint Rendite rest. - Where is my son? - Said blushing face again. - The burned
word lips, there are no sound bosom? Where is my son? Oh, heavens! Where is my son? Do you know,
I just live in Him? Without it, I'm not, I was not. In the past, such as the El fortunes
iszonyiisaga absorb these losses. Where is my child? Terrible! - And the woman fell to her knees,
was in pain and anger that spilled out into the heart of a passionate passions flooding
dangerous than himself Osszeszorita hands. - God - say - terrible, but just as
said Lord up there or here below, gentle or terrible, hear me, if you are! If you do not
mighty notion: give my son back to life and take it! Or - said he jumped off his dagger
Stuck belt from - if grabber or if wages irgalmazsz: speak, give a sign, like to many lives
This disambig, ten, a hundred, a thousand? - Said he barely understandable vegigomolva the floor.
The old man stood indescribable horror, Tuda not speak, so he saw this horrible creation
people, and God himself against diihodni and osszerogyni, kisuhant hurried out of the house. At the
door meg-
he cried with a loud voice, standing scared for a minute - Zsiga lost, perhaps still alive! - And thus
suddenly slammed it, and it seemed as if the key were turning on him.
The woman began to awake. - Perhaps alive! - Or rather shouted screaming crazy laugh. - Where,
where? -
inquired rushing to the door, which was found closed, and seized it, shook his enormous power to
immediately highlighted the comers, fell upon him, and felretaszitvan, rushed out of the hole.
/ lived and the best part thanks
faithful care of you.
Walter Scott
While these Alvinci happen, consider the Szekesfehervar went over the road. This is in addition to the
retire to a nice bends. The spacious valley, which irrigate Transylvania's most beautiful rivers, fertile
carpet of blooming mountain resort ovedzik, flanked by vineyards, thick forests and sometimes
tofoldekkel, which are indicated by black or green lawn of the felszaggatott kebleiket or
yellow ear with richly golden pendulum waves. The open countryside, picturesque, pleasure, comfort
elovarazslon six simple splendor of passengers. Here and there in the mountains or on the large side of
the valley
Plates from villages spread over smooth, high rise out of which dark shingles
fodeleikkel field inhabited by the landlords, airy jegenyektol around shaded, quiet and home
familiarity lehelven gentle spirit.
This beautiful countryside we see fish in place with a knight. Nice brown mare lowers his head wearily,
long reins hanging down, or as forbearance, negligence or as its owner, who iromlasat
overall appearance of foUow-sounding horse's body guessing. So seeing tavulrol, may think that
or a nearby farm stand has been loaded head hard. The whole shape of careless riding
onfeledes appears, not only almost meaningless expression of suffering, moreover, can be
face, but it was filthy garments from the messy too. Young, as seems barely twenty
Twenty EDA; long face with a crush, and is situated on a dull pallor, rather messy life.
Overnight and undergoing fatigue effect than the disease. Big black eyes almost IDE
geniil give light that broke off from stroke, and thinner nose, pale lips around meghazudtol-
Jak vivacity of the eye, but is rather based on the content of flame spirit saps shake back
as the soul flare. Head njmsztkalpag FoDi broken roof, rear head barely wobbling
part of it; from this fall to a disheveled dark hair waves, dust and sweat osszecsapzottan.
Dark-colored dolman already enigmatic, half leturve left shoulder, upper body Fodio, open and
more buttons fall short; like-colored pants and worn-out boots legs; nice side mivu
silver sword hanging countless times and patched together -kotozott kardszijan.
The knight half sleepy, half-drunk, but none so much that you would joltehetetlen;
closer to home in terms of rich people similar to the so-called lost child. Szunnyadozva s
sometimes moving his head up and picking up in front of the road, watching the little up front and in
about beauty
countryside; a form of silent march only seat belt megtagulasa rend it in half,
which draws closer to a stop-off at times. However, it seems that it's the usual lunch
szolonedv vapors with accompanying fish distributed in return for what egyenesb hold of the horse's
may be noticed. So while he is on the right.
Already the sun sank behind the cliffs, dying beam with gilt tarejukat and stretched along the
valley of the shadows of the mountains. Maros their long green line smiles back final defeat
world, when our ride away moan makes attentive. On the face of our people awake, but
painless equanimity prohibits further for investigation; However, the groan went in nevertheless
more is coming, and not far from the road sees a child under a bush. First
glance you like, as if it had occurred in a sudden illness. Vizsgasag, no other
What could the frenzy of our mobile convergence. The horse snorting protested lord nogatasaval out
Arriving, harshly attacked the child, why scare nyogesivel horse, but better achieved
in terms of some kilencevut, easy to see that horrible nature of the situation, not beket-
disability or stubbornness bosom pressed this szivrepeszto sounds.
It looked like a nice-looking, interesting-looking boy, as a serious nyavalyabol convalescent. On
fusible pallor, broken eyes, silent lips around jitteriness, which is almost madness
tune, or at least the main horror degree, I can not say, touching, surprising but at least the
knight. The child was quite material, although osszerongyolt dress wealthy
showed parents; several scratches on his face pale and small kezecskein that were speechless teeth
keroleg together, striving with all his might half lying half-sitting position to rise, it
Did you see that wandered among the poor bushes and thorns.
The Knights took a piece of cheese nyeregkapajaban dependent tarisznyajabol, it throws the esdeklo-
it's like the Ebnet raises bite, no fear, no szanakodasbol just to bark
cease. - Who's son - not the gentlest voice inquired - and where time? - The Child
pain and despair skipping lineaments, was about to speak, but there was no power to it. Alvinc
gozlepleben tower rising in the evening dusk tavulrol, and the parting fodelenek peaks
sun shimmered in gold; pointed to visszarogj'va Ijang position.
- You - the knight said, pointing to the casual cheese - a little cheese, eat! This is good then more
someone leads you home; I do not feel like it, do not have time to him; Pull but closer to the road; here
stop word, and only in this nyogdecselsz softly, the devil is not taking notice. - Children of the Knight
speech at the beginning of dubious pleasure ray showed hesitation on his face, but silent cue
Dont drop back.
It was impossible to leave this innocent babe and thus breaking the awful pain to see
Without compassion: but the rough adventurer's heart jegkerge not distributed, and vice versa horse
began to leave. The children perceived their intention all out egybeszede and odavoncolvan
near you, or rather, he cried out to heaven visite raised his voice choked and fiildoklastol rebego
hands - Good lord, for God's sake, do not leave me here! For God's sake, oh, do not leave me here! -
The knight departed.
He seemed uncomfortable vonasaibol face, as if boredom would be unfortunate esdek-
Rent. The child was silent, releasing himself and pushed his face sobbing little hallhatolag land;
sometimes shrill cry effects on the advanced tab. He stood out, not in the sense of inner struggle
heart; and deeply dubious bosom said something to help lead me to an internal
voice, involuntary movements of the soul: it may not be re-compassion, but something belerzet sex,
which sometimes surprise the involuntary legmegromlottabb heart. Alvinc was not far from the
has the burden of light, and there, think of inappropriate weight megmenekedhetik the first field
reside. While indefinite stood out Conversely horse trotted to the child, and leszall-
van it lifted him off his horse, the saddle itself forward helyhezven. A boy fishing and unexpected joy
amused, as if more and more intense strength again braid around her neck arms; beautiful innocent face
Zapora laughed with tears, crying at the same time. The man felt something rough, not knowing
what, but the heart of elfogodasa was pleasant. Apparently his face, almost shocked. Single
onjutalmanak good news has never known picture of Karol charm around his heart.
Released premonition of words melted into the infant's lips, thanks to the innocent and heart,
simple expression boldogitott anybody could have. The knight felt ilyesvalamit but darkly, as
the inaugural night shadows, flowing into the shadows of imagination. Question was able child
already in the short quarter hour, which is filled Alvinci, cut rebego lecture you
told him to give to orphans, the poor widow keeps the money, and sometimes visited by her mother;
that juho-
were preserved yesterday, fell asleep and awakening no longer saw the sheep, and taking the view that
the forest
wrong, he began to look for so acting stray farther, farther, the night scared and despair
Among the woods spent barely Tuda squirm until the next day, where the knight found.
Page 11
As this gratitude?
Then we left the unknown woman Alvinci, when the priority of the corner of the door fehevetven
atrium entered.
Then the effects of the door creaking ears; the domestic dog barked, and the evening quietly
a rough, but ercteljes man sound - whether we are at home already? Open your door!
She stood in the dark of the court that the door was still locked, levarazsoltan about the sound,
which is more danger than there appeared to be predictive of joy. The old man is heard screaming
Timarnenak chair
outside of the gender scream that women with sudden joy or fright, so
something used to cause unexpected.
- Here is a, lift off, old, fi-om the saddle! - Heard a man say just now sound. Occasionally gyanithat-
JuK now, who has the voice and the sums drawn. Indeed, the knight, who found the streetcar, brought
you passed the child, who was none other than Zsiga. On oromkiomlest, in which at the same time
felbuktatott almost every face, one can only imagine; it's every man according to blood constitution,
kiozonlesenek near heat or sluggish, it was quite a character in the previous
sorrow, pain, despair and boredom of undulation.
Her passion for everything that was joy too; the knight's heart squeezed, which is
usual equanimity at first, and then the fire of the world should not be sown thanks to better tax
view, however, adopted a harsh favor. Cried, laughed the woman, believed to crazy, you see it now
first. The old, though faulty believable himself received his children, some have harmed color,
fukarabb came in and apologized; as so often happens is that the ladies deliberate hibai-
were also saved are believed by Round medicine; here is the old man of sin intentionally not load.
Legszlvrehatobb was small Zsiga szinletlen heavenly joy. The child is almost more beautiful angel
so the joy of purple around dawn came down his face; although he ran to his mother's arms again and
ran, although two small hands and speechless with joy reszegiilten providing the old man: it's elragad-
ment and the vehemence with which the rough knight's eyes were related, interpreters hot gratitude,
everything. This had to be seen; no pen, which could be described. Consider these knights tight
tion and not those of trepidation, which is used to involuntary situations in a rude surprise
in front are new, and some mixtures feature of contentment, the boredom and the
One wish is granted, although it would have been all over: then we can take those colors with which
bevegezhetjiik interesting drawing.
The young woman's son sat on her knees, stroking his forehead, tears soaking his wounds, and
justifying the
bed in that situation tender care. Soon, they were tied to his wounds, and hot talacskaban
for steaming soup. What a terrible anger, joy and passion, so full of charm.
It was bland and quite motherly female socket near: eyes reszegiilten dependent children,
nyogesire all pale, intense fervor kivanatara all jumped up, I immediately performing.
Somewhat emotions subsided, she asked him to ride fervor compassion names out more
time had wanted to leave, but the nice lady who requests marasztanak. The kerdett suddenly said:
- My name Abafi
Oliver! The name is not worth much - say harsh laugh - as much as his master!
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- Ah - said the woman - Abafi Oliver! The name is beautiful, sweet sound in my ear, like my heart was,
it is known to me. - What am I? - Continue, stuck out his hand vigorously Abafi-
A, and pressed it to heart. - A wretch who never so much good halalhatok. Oh,
tell me what to do, what can I do? My life is one of the kegyede Holt, every minute of this,
every beating of my heart!
- Well, pretty lady, I accept my gratitude, and if mine every minute of your life: you mine
or you can, right? - Said the woman in the middle Abafi koriiloltve arms and pressed her bosom, and
will not
- Yes, yes - it exclaims, her arms around his neck. - I'm pretty happy if you are an experienced
I can watch prosper.
The ride began hevulni and pulling the lap pretty Amazona everyone's face flamed, hot melted
their lips together.
Then the little Zsiga said:
My mother, my breasts are very sore in the wound.
She jumped up suddenly, and the child's bedside grown. -
Where - inquired elhalavanyodva - dear little angel?
The child violently clamping fejecskejet mother's bosom. -
Here - replied, pointing to his chest - my dear mother! But it has not hurt you, since you beside me.
The lady immediately eluted from the bond of sebrol, and considering that the tears in her eyes, again
washed and bound up; kifejezhetlen comforting words of tenderness and love her son,
did not move out from beside more.
Abafi stamped her foot in annoyance. - 1 do not know - say muttering itself - when inventive
so hot milfs more! - Finally gone, and the young woman walked. - We'll see
each other? - Say this is freaking neck. - Yes, yes - replied the other - we can see, namely often.
While still spoken in a whisper, not a small woman tanner's chagrin, who gladly hear
have what you are talking. After fierce horse sat Abafi handshake, a beautiful woman's son in a hurry.
Two parties that win and lose alternately.
Abafi Oliver Abafi Gideon son of noble family originated. Father of great people birtoku
was the only son but not the greatest care neveltete. On the one hand the repeated absences
reason was because his graying countless battles and military man only property in Tuda
estimate; on the other hand, Oliver himself hajloma little to learn. The children mostly
abandoned, although the concept was very sharp wit and yet little studied. Whether such conditions
Vest was not quite ignorant, it's easy to thank times over the grounds, which
learned, when sometimes we can not avoid, and large memory of that cause, that the
Once I learned to not really mind any more.
Oliver poorly executed by well-educated, but vile elegyedven companies and all errors farm
heart beat. He would have been a nice young man, perhaps one of the most beautifiil scenery you if you
life, passions and excesses ever driven down the roses not hervasztanak face. Because
tall and slender stature, was also nervous and powerful, or at least the sfrength of the material
Carry that until later kifejlven, grew so fearful greatness; and Advances
it would have been even nicer after life! His features were enthusiastic and nobles: pure Roman profile,
fashioned beautifiil black eyes, delicate mouth, in front - one with the image legerdekesbek
Camels are. But osszegomyedett this room; worked hard on the eyes sleepless nights weight;
lecsiingott nose, lips and one stamp at the village - peeling cserepesseg spread on her face
spread fusible nyavalygo pallor; elgazolva so sometimes it was almost ugly.
As appeared in front of us now, it's heart was corrupt. We szanakodas what compassion, what
the compassion? He could not. Spirit of eternal ecstasy rocking, nothing nagyrol, no holder to not
about; the present enjo5mient, pleasure rough and unclean, twisted whim was the round in which
Moving and edge.
However, while this is all rot attentive judge of certain rough sfrength, something
not the spirit of the formula is not quite tagadhata from him; this force kitetszek everything. If
there was a fight or quarrel, from Oliver are never left; but always accompanied by the fencer
legerosbet elections, and there was usually victorious. Among drinkers first Ivon solemn, and not very
disappeared while under the table and not IVA pals, especially her drink without harm.
Physical exercise in addition to rare Mulan: spear spike dare bet per blow; either
recently come into vogue, but still rare ravaszos weapon or the szokottabb kanocossal
found purpose; horse, was a famous hunter. And who once felt the weight of the mark or certificate,
glad to escape out of the way, especially if Oliveriinknek head was not quite clear.
The heir revellings him out of the stupor German situation, which is so akin to madness first
phenomena of, and often become too out of development; but in this world of being intoxicated
minutes of sometimes surprised him
a feeling, an internal charge, which romlottsagukban too cowardly creatures sometimes involuntary
has, without clearly understand the internal suggesting some slave financially well-accomplished badly
half did command; but beyond that internal alleging secret or spiritual instinct, almost human
nyilatkozassal, whom fortitude if the evil in direction also used to fence: denies defeat
finally, if the judge allows the secret, yet it is certainly no good purpose, not the right fit
stems from the perception, but for other reasons: for example, compares the good and bad, what he did,
Judge condemns what the secret, and you missed what is indicated undone; so happens that
maybe sometimes fiill of caprice choose the better one.
Abafi was not such a case, once you have that history, circumstances, and sometimes good choice for
possession, not as good, but as you can for him, when he was good to be chosen.
No matter how he spoiled his heart, can not be ignored in the concept and six other keen mind
tangible consequences of a good deed: to him, the poor have egybehasonlitva
of fleeting pleasure, maybe I also with a good feeling brought about; After benefaction mostly vigabb,
was relaxed. He first noticed this without any additional afterthought; later
the surprise of no one, more, more attention and perform some calculations the
benefaction consequences, which, as experience has never left out.
If you get rowdy, foul virrasztva company, Kanto, spent a night in between beating,
himself the next day I feel like I feel. A hunt for example, can not be taken with a passion
first, as usual, and this bosszonta. Sometimes stamped his foot, and put it to himself, at least
then, when the choice is between two activities, one or the other following a not sacrifice the
kellemesbet, vanity, pride of selejtesbert flattering, and which terminated with quite
end, and the other did not echo or Epilogue nor onemlekeben not stay. So
slowly Abafiban two party which was, and emotions, passions yet weak, hesitant,
out hard against solid effect was found. As the spiritual strength to deny Abafitol not possible,
coarse felt a certain joy, sometimes you could temper of his master.
- You were the one who could command passions, you iszos collector, you pump? - Said
When a drunk neighbor her company.
Abafit it infringed; and as rude, rude, Nemesbod not any of the items is not enough
You know, not csudalhatjuk if wine neighbor arm her waist and lifted him up high, and approximately
shaking terrified over the drinkers, the open door Dobao, that of sinle six weeks of involuntary
flight; but perhaps we stare Abafit if fulfilled the saying that you can do
to command good and bad passions, if you want: three acres and company do not go, do not
drink, do not stack first, no hunting, no ride.
This internal sfrife bosom, these two types of divorce between good and bad based on certain stimuli
took a job
with fish in it. And so he remained rare onbiralatlan; often, perhaps usually worse stimuli
aljasb or dispute the first position; first of all bat without any rebuttal late; but
performed rarely done wrong so that 1 can at least partially and somewhat not mind it. This is his
spirit of some instability in the wake of the stamp, which is perhaps precisely because it never
was not, in the spirit of stock merged and became part of its complementary.
This internal debate Abafit seen recently, when desiring Saxon town, where the house was,
Zsiga lost sight of the path. Csalatkoznank claiming that the internal battle
Boredom Joram between sloth and some what related to compassion, without that it would be - good
Unto him be won. I think the psychological view that rather then an involuntary
motion of the soul and the instantaneous effect could present him good.
But you're a little boy seated before him, the debate has become the soul of different colors. Took some
itself noticed. The child is innocent, passionate gratitude felt good to her, and a new joy
had sex, sweeter than all that were felt so far; and who carefully follow Abafinak
lived thread, take notice that this story was the soul of a great impact. He began to see clearly the good
The difference between bad and put it first to feel this strongly implies that internal meg-
rest and this onjutalmat repeatedly eleidezni.
Page 15
As adopted Abafi the beautiful women and mothers gratitude, we have seen, and it did not expect
anything else. The
odaolvadasa impetuous woman and every vile went tenderness in his noble transfer
minded spirit would certainly have caused cold retreat. Not Abafiban out
megromolva was more, more momentary passions used to satisfy such
so that it is easy to volunteer with worry could bring love adventure. Small Zsiga PUBLIC
without hardly say the woman even more permissive, our hero could not have been more urgent.
That beautiful woman maternal joy and gratitude so hot strange, almost bordering on madness form
Protesters in every reader could justifiably surprised, but not quite the emberismerot out
sometimes with the passion to legellenkezobb megferheteset experience that the soul. A mother,
child who lives, who is ready at any moment to sacrifice everything for her child, no interest
in winter, and warm compassion causes; but visszatantorgunk and fi-ost surrounding our hearts, if
the same creature, whom maternal feeling hero addressed by the first-come up and be able to love
to throw no abstentions. But proper understanding that this should be accompanied by further this
storyline - and
perhaps it is better to be vilagosb idea.
Page 16
What does this sound?
An interesting around, aged wood mass of rubble or pictorially describe a difficult task; quantity
with all the city trained harder to raise, collect, as each gyultukorbe
color beam, while those images merge, which is true, interesting. But if this is difficult and the
kivihetlen almost full sense of the word: a landscape even more difficult or city
arculatjat conjure, that is, to put into words the impression that the quality of a place
induces each party concept.
Rightly stare at the painter's not only one of the original features of the shape and find out, but the soul
is able to
kepmasaiba tajfesteseibe or breathe; ihlelt dead because he lives a living canvas, eyes
speak forehead mean, lips and say the whole charm, six, attractive or repulsive: so festve-
look advantage of breath, declares. But the writer also deserves some appreciation, a dead irlapjara you
Going down the ranks who are developing images, declare interests and passions and life are in.
This perspective view of the dispatch, not so much the external appearance as arculatjat, fiziognomiajat
Monasteries are waiting for this story 1 would like to introduce age.
Expect monasteries face, and now, so it was not like those of human arcok-
s, which are not of a general impression, and that have an interest in the approximate onsegebol
development out; but resemble those that obtained when multiple vision. Strange, but slightly
Based on psychological concepts, that are waiting Kolos inhabitants should be recognized that we find
beautiful, and
This perverse claim any age can fit this story. There are many of these anomalous situations that
ing; reasons not explained tight, but not too glaring. There are a lot of men, a very nice colonel,
but it would be very ugly standard-bearer. It happens sometimes that a company recognized, nice man
but just happened to be there not being a person is known, does not cause any impression, see
do not take, but if someone mentions, and so is knowing who matter whether immediately and beautiful
it gets interesting. This is something what can not be denied.
If a person is expected Kolos, stopping at the main square and look left and right, and there catch a
glimpse of a house,
with External tetszetlen, but inside of and the kind of cute, enthusiastic host of view known
before: he would certainly consider a different light, and if so in every field, every street, and house
house, windows and lovely smiles towards, as interesting and lakonejaval those living in the city itself
become more beautiful minds.
Thus, this concept is real interesting Hungarian town face to be just out of countless
lovable family knows the present, or described in this era of history; and this Kolosvar
than cute, cheerful, spirited city quite Hungarian, Hungarian kindness and righteousness, the
Since tarsalkodas residence, surely you will like it, and in a similar prospective human face, a
we go forward with a little compassion, secondly, with whom we speak, who for the third time
We are looking out hard, very, very hard to become of him.
This time the story except hidelvet and the holy Petrine suburbs, which are sparsely sprinkled simple
villagers took to their buildings outside the gates of the other suburbs did not exist. The city
dense forests surrounding hills were badgers into the sky. The Little Somes huge silver snake
bowed meadows, fields and through groves and shimmering whole process fodetlen,
was seen. The robust nature blooming around it ifiu green of romantic charm sprinkled around.
Page 17
One of the city and large town in the Monasteries gap area is outside the gate Torda almost nothing
building not yet appeared.
Kolosvar than all the fenced cities, was peculiar look in days of yore. Merely s
paizskent threatening brow outstretched konyoklottek dark bricks walls erected around
rovatkos whose collar was not defenseless and start does not work, as the present. The wide trench
ovedze and Protect my muscular negyszegii towers with narrow lovonyilatokkal; lift bridges
led through the gates of the castle whimsical shaped bosom, whose front drain
ready pointed out he coupled gratings bottom. The door had shut in time, and the residents of certain
diets were used. In joyful life and diligence, effervescence, which is now almost commonplace,
then there was just strange, like more cases than the exception.
All these Monasteries are waiting kiilrol rough, ready to protect military gave gaze. In the evening, a
was closed as a beehive, where dubious roar rumbled. The interior, high fodeleivel, uneven,
crying or dark colors, plaid painted buildings, some spirit poured out on a whim,
which was probably a nice point of view in terms of anti taste, but still had interest.
The part of the city, which is now called Ovar, was the intricate legepiiletesb
streets and single market. One comer of the street leading to the so-called Great Square
is still the same house where he was bom. King Matthias.
The rest of the city was less equipped buildings, among which are sometimes long deszka-
marched to fences. One side of the large space of the beautiful Gothic church tastes, then you
Doeg existing tower, enjoy the spacious lower houses of great dignity, celebrated
pelyes spirit of devotion isolated, quiet, solitude, respect and adoration pre-
To quote.
The city's inhabitants were peculiar eyes. Quite different from the current one to wear,
carriages, horses mainly a very different shape, so to speak and the other gave keritvenj^
him. Long, along with plenty of spacious Zeke, knee-length dolman, kalpag, cap, just antiques
LEHEL address signal their shape. The spirit is quite different face, coarse language, and the harsher
current one different way of joy, sorrow and anger expression of these educators have hajdan-
popularity. Frequent unrest elfiivak time then the city's civilian population face
equanimity, comfort the spirit that made its submission to him.
The familiarity of the peaceful, quiet everyday life, arose from the constant stream of calmness
once existed. But more power, more self-esteem gap facial traits. There was something
provocative, some half- finished inventory and determination in the eyes, forehead expression of what it
means peaceful
Polgar vain to look for.
But let's go high, negyszegu protected bastion dark gate in Hungary. The right-to-left
mainly a migratory houses are painted white and ash-colored cubes, except for some en-
persons or glaring colors stand out or seem obsolete monochrome whitewash. There is no pavement,
but the street is well porondozva; In addition to the houses here and there tall poplars and poplar trees
go up
which blackened gray or white form of high deszkafodel or shingles. Only two
magasb house is across the street, one-story, close the door to the right of the first and second
left, around the waist of the street, in the middle of the street leading to the alley comer; uneven, to
carvings loaded without windows, fi-om which time the two main servant extends down-bent
people flock to the square. One of the main gray man, down to a mustache, next goes broomstick
up; another handsome, smooth-haired girl main mirror, hair hanging fi-om his neck to the right coil
armed with a dirty cloth.
Page 18
It is now stepping out the window of a young brown man: light blue, mid-thigh length
dolman FoDi small brass buttons waist, which is thrown around medvekacagany; the bear
head, bright, crystal eyes and scarlet velvet edge of a broad chest rests; Pretty, but
heavy silver chain depends on strong silver-handled silver sword and mace vasgombu side; beautiful
live horse slender neck veregetve stops in front of the window.
Even your master at home, Clement? - Sniffy about the old servant.
The rallies started in the small church - 'the old man, thanks to the head.
In the rally? - Said the young man. - Well, I'm late, is not it? What does this mean for the noisy people
that mouth
agape that streams through the streets?
The old man frowned picture and say trusting whisper:
- And I do not know boon? O Lord! Monasteries terrible day dawned Castle! The Constitution Square
raised, everyone is tense anticipation; is said to be some heads.
The knight kerdoleg hanging the old servant's eyes. - The prince is home?
- At home! - Reciprocate the old bitter laugh.
The asszonyfok can csokjairol the ferfifok the pallosrol flown over them!
The ride continues, shaking his head. The old man stared thoughtfully down the street.
Who was that Uncle Clement? - Inquired healthy, red girl, the cloth in his hand.
Peter Daczi - casually meet the kerdett.
1 have not seen yet - would make the girl, shaking off the dust of cloth.
Who were you can see - said the other - for eight days since I got here strip?
Name of the scaffold.
While they were talking thus, a stout man shiny, greasy borsipkaval head, neck pendant
and the middle of the street atszoritott skin elokotovel went with haste. Sleeves rolled up, sooty
arm, pulled together small eyes and the fire away trom his face went ashen smoke residues
showed a blacksmith. On the stage in fi-ont of the bunk house gate, when a young, radius,
blue chintz prefix young man, light green jerkin, met.
Where are you - it says - Guti sir?
Ah - said the kerdett hardly panting - Szalanczi the dungeon lord! I found not at home.
Price includes three months of ironing, and if knocked aside the head because today - head to continue
reaching - the
call my own I do not trust, do not know who will pay for him. - This hurried toward the left of the
Great Square.
There, surrounded by considering three people we see at the end of the road with a flat stone color
complexions, which
padkent goes next to the szeglethaz. Apparently, this situation magasb therefore elected to the
market tortenendoket comfortably see.
One of these three men were monasteries Petersburg undoubtedly wealthy citizens. Knee-high
mentee light gray, black sheepskin fur and black kesziilettel, ovig was low,
wide stature unbuttoned; the gender csakosiivegnek, stitched into the back way of kacsafark
ostrich feathers and degree sex stick in his hand. His face was of a sound, healthy moon images
of which show a comfortable life; right side of the nose and stood blushing copper report
premises were experienced, but an expression of traits common itelotehetsegre showed.
The other was a decent monk obsolete brown calico, rear hoods hanging, rope approximately
ovedzett waist, from which hung a long reading. The third young man finally healthy, red,
high turban, and narrow vidrapremmel, which drooped his head. Was wearing light blue Grants
open underneath sleeveless similar color dolman and pants, which almost knee-deep crimson
Boots was pulled. The whole shape and the very nice man tanned face rural labor judge Mr.
All three have been discarding image of seriousness, sad, doubting seriousness. Sometimes pillanta-
faalkotmanja-a has raised far side of the square, which is covered with black fabric and Sigismund
so-called blue and bodyguards koriilbamulva -lezengve, sepulchral simplicity reached the wave
ing above the crowd.
To this picturesque bundles neptomegrol insulated and the whole scene sagarol own idea
should be: Imagine a tall black coated negyszegii constitution, which differ in the
Central street-facing side is closer than the center. High productivity around the Constitution
METU blue dolman men's trousers, copper swords stood on their pages for each gap, the
approach seeking to arrest people; head resting on their so-called satellite black cap,
in length, lined with blue wings, heavy weapons held in their hands, one of which
It was more than just spark hole without any device, and wick fire.
As individual residents, the nepcsoportozatoknak centuries ago, the current one
was significantly different eyes.
Pa0e 20
The general color of dark current drives, this divatosb hats and dark colors are caused. Clothing
karcsiiit itself, the body needs, and these people put together some easy aspect is perhaps the
at the expense of the dignity and serious spirit that once her national dress of colors and kialtobb
easternmost presence of an abundance of clothes.
The old ones that lightness or more animation in his expression and the general spirit
There was, let's dive in and that's the fact. The signal traits were operated more. You do not see the face
of the
kenyesztes tenderness, which makes it more beautiful present, perhaps, but certainly not as
interesting, as it was formerly.
Although for centuries the people, especially csoportozasaiban, remains the same, but the present
story appeared on the age, what I can not express more than three centuries
Younger call existence.
The constitution will flow around frequently, always renewing by the people coming and going and
changing ring
established korulhintve the way each rare karimajatol hurry. This ring was too clumps
the people. One of these long marched past the large Gothic church, the houses are smaller here and
below. The spacious streets constantly flow into the square-leaking crowd forming multi-stream, which
is the
neptomegbe as thick around the constitution of losing large lake, always dagasztva, widening
its scope.
In a vivid picture of the then strange-looking, dark or mottled colors painted houses encircling
around, how to still see your area, Hungarian, Bridge Street and color sometimes.
Each box was packed with spectators; around the eye in terms of more women than men saw
mostly staring expression, only here and there appeared the frivolous equanimity, which
unexpected cases does not rezzentenek or inorganic newspaper's heart desire is not for the terrible
filling is nice to find the most terrible Bulletin.
- What a totally different eyes now have this space - say a sad voice, the people in the civil
monk turned - as in 1571, when Stephen Bathory riding along! The central goal
From here came through as the Prince of Transylvania, the joy and passion of the people drunk
- Or in 1576 - says the monk - when the Polish ambassadors received Bathory, and among them the
once so beautiful Bathory Gisella saw the fall Zamojszki wife, king of Poland who se-
bag brought them show.
- There is a scene at the time some resemblance to the recently nivalis - said the villager Mr. raw audio
of public speaking. - Like now, so you can mute the seriousness kolosvariak sat on his face. Do you
even fatherhood - to continue turning the monk - the rezzentseg not jealous of that
you are possessed of Transylvania? It was like a favor when he hosts daily
guest of Mr knows more recency, gender and the envy surprise. Many Bathory
Stephen resented the equanimity, a oromsugartol koriilfenylve that
folemeltetesekor can tell.
- Strange - note the old man shook his head and a citizen - that the majority of people in such a poor
ability to
heart moves from inside to judge. I assure you grace the pain I saw tears Bathories
nice big black eyes sparkle.
- Do you remember whether you favor - say, from blue sleeveless shawl pulled out and the port of the
Salzburg deleted
Monk - to the saying of the then barely tizevii Sigismund Bathory, as he Transylvania
Prince would not leave his home there three crowns?
Page 21
- Yes, yes! - Is responsible for the civilian people in particular expression, as if sajdng this memory
perverse impression would cause it, and it would be a counterpart to what happened later. - Small Zsig-
I say that you did make a statement on word of mouth, and beautiful eloerzettel kebleinket promising,
not without reason - will be dedicated to giinyredokbe bold lips.
- Quietly, gentlemen! - Whispered the priest. - The walls are in their ears; kilencvenharma-
dikban when the squint bucella Poland was the widow re-crown-per Bathory
take place, I remembered the little Zsiga me saying; Hey, it was not Sigismund. But
the crown instead Gyulafi Istok thirty thousand forints by Stephen King left end
Sigismund decree, not bring it up.
- The good prince like change - say a citizen - tavalig we were Turks; then, you know
favor you, winter came screeching to a bibomok Cumuleusszal Andrew Bathory, whom the monastery
people power bermalt Komlosteto tendons; Turkey and the moon, instead of beginning to flex Rudolf
The appearance of religious thinking.
- Since the prince came home from Stone Petersburg, something ominous threat hovering around his
whole being. Our daily
arrest, made for today's enough evidence that onallasiibb wants to be, and does not suffer
advisers around him.
Yet - is the civilian people - more men should understand the proposal as immature suffering
isations suggesting follow. -
No one was also reported from - exclaims Mr. predictive virtually the village - which you do not
I know, as my son!
Never say you do not order too small things - about the citizens bitter smile -
that you do not change. Udvariak hesitation, knowing that the first order rarely met. -
Bar - the monk cries erupting in anger - Stone Petersburg would have been lost! Balthazar's heart is
better than hers, but at least the man, and wanting to know.
Page 22
What so you flinch?
The large part of the space, which extends towards the left Torda Street Central Street, the present
faalkotmanytol is right, it is apparent among the other houses forming a front, near the Central Street
city hall, large balcony with protruding. Gothic windows of this mivu balcony with a tall, pointed
went above the vault door, stood open, and three very lovely lady lattatanak. The first vascular
gyermekkepu girls is interesting, just on the eve of womanhood; the balcony ledge elbow occurred.
It seemed that the women are not careful around it a lot; hair artistic roll gyuriidzek
above his head, which was pinned boglaros some plants; beads attached to the front of the roll corolla
Encircling around. It was just Giselle, orphanage lady rich family. In addition to these high childlike
slender, pale woman standing, written proof need an operation on his face. This one was in the old
from which we see in old stones and even money, and which almost disappeared from the living kore-
out. Thick, dark hair, slim, smooth forehead, protruding, hooked nose, full lips, round allacs-
s, and the eyes are large, flaming dark. A beautiful woman with red velvet flowed through scenic
folds, and breathed into his head dehcate lace cap based on which of the edges embroidered with gold
ran through the veil, grown in the picturesque amyazatat forming shape.
Such was Mykola Margaret Gyulafine! Who once seen, never forget this soul and indicator species
lady. Gender of interest, which brought the face of this, it was not so erzelgo, what kind of
commonly mesmerizing to external Bajolo. Respect, affection, jealous stay mingle,
the surprising effect of melting together, which created all by Margaret wherever released.
The third carried a full, round-faced woman, her baby rather than large. Virgin Health
dawn, which is full of goodness veszteglett this cheerful face, a gentle smile on his lips around the
arms, this beautiful dimpled szepnel pud and the whole firm, but this charming handsome stature
shape his vision when he desires gerjekkel filled the bosom. It was Zsombori Judith, of Mikola
house close relatives and visitors of Margitnal present.
Who is the handsome knight, who quietly put in us from the Cenfral Sfreet? - Giselle says, raising his
Judit and his head bent backwards. -
1 do not know - said the kerdett egykedviileg blue shoulder playfully string of pearls.
Oliver Abafi - Margaret said the deep voice of silver, which is so rare in young and middle levels
man's voice between the mature feminine. -
Oliver! - Judith rabamulva exclaims. - It is impossible!
Why? - Margaret inquired, suspended upon the pair of eyes, which used to be one of lehellene painter
elefantagyarra and who would recognize him Mykola MARGITA. -
Oliver? - Judith ketkedett. - The Oliver out ... but no, no!
Yes, I say - affirmed peculiar hangnyomattal Margaret - dare come to know a thousand.
1 will not argue with you, Margaret, but if he is, he has changed a lot. When he was last seen in
Monasteries waited more satellites proceed as Abafi-fry like, and what he looked like! God, what a
Page 23
Externally, perhaps, but the soul that is so wrong, like his own, hardly changed - a note
Margaret, deep sigh throttled itself, which is poured out roses to conceal his face pale. -
If he really is? But, yes, yes! - Says Judith rejthetlen surprise. - It is almost here; he
the! Every feature of his dressing-gown ... the filthy garments disappeared, the pale face fuller; the
coarse powder pride, keeping the ignoble noble spirit of pride and gentlemanly gestures replaces. S
yet she is! Look at those eyes walking! What a game, not to say cruel gaze! Clenched lips
show passion: they constitute the total interest in this man Oliver! How much masculinity,
how much power!
1 am reminded of involuntary - Margaret chimes - what my father so often said Oliver:
"Beware, this will be more people!" -
And what makes you suspect that the old man? - Giselle inquired.
A lot of power in it, get used to say - meet Margaret - wanting to know; and who knows that, in
I long time. -
We are especially ladies - notes with Judith painful smile around his lips. - What the
Sometimes bad things I find interesting. Why do we hate each other bugs so strongly, and why
We feel our heart's ohajtastol involuntary surprise that mistakes Oliver exempt
- Ah - says Margaret - who is such a degree of perfection that palliation avoid mistakes of others
serve slightly onnyugtatasara? You can also save up to errors of Oliver gladly, good, gentle
Involuntary heart then clamp Judith's hand, but szintoly suddenly let go, as if
- Oh, yes - it's all about - my heart. - S MARGITA considered one of the deep gazes,
which say so much, and which have seen that this is not said Judith without targeting.
Margaret Judit providing hands again. Picturesque keznyujtas this was like every movement, and
also not looking, but natural, like the queen of the high balcony, whose
a handshake happiness, and who has no semblance to know him and softly said, leaning Judit-
- Csalatkozol, innocent, joyful creature! You do not understand me. Ah, I myself do not understand!
Yea, a little sharp scream Giselle, and burst into fiames on his face experienced hands, as if he suddenly
look at the house. Post about open mouth clenched spasm consonant koriilfeszitve you have seen
teeth, and hurriedly rushed to belteremekbe.
Margaret and Judith kitekintenek and ice cream facial features followed suddenly Gisella.
A few minutes after the departure of a windy day public servants face staring out the balcony,
staring eyes looking away; then carefully closed the window and left.
Within Kiilrol fun, dark black.
On the side of the space, which was set up in the Constitution, a peculiar- looking house
mellozenk away unnoticed; in part to the many people flock around it occupied our attention,
on the other hand tagasb as part of the space and the tree house in the Constitution itself was blocked
our view. This house
However, all special kinezese and internal ordering and finally famous inhabitant Carigli
As regards deserves closer viewing.
There are people who were in taste, plans, and even some time modjokban every whim
controls; situation completely, or educational thereby causing the seeds to distinguish those wanting
moral folly. But life is interesting and makes it almost checkerboard of the desirable direction and the
Sometimes kisikamlasat views, and kiiloncoktol, whether they qualify ridiculous some interest
can not be denied, it is also about material objects. For example, the city, which is quite
It would be the mass of whimsical buildings, certainly all tastes corrigendum man name would have
but a two-building, and shape, and the spirit it for almost enyelgo
separates from the rest, and resting the eye to the issue, not unpleasant.
Such was also mention that. Imre holder Bogner, a rich merchant, who has two
Kolos house was expected; this alone to meet the whims built.
The bunk house was completely new, extremely high Fodele painted red, and pointed up, tower
the same vertex ended, and so reached out to protect them from the largest cruise showers
We can be having fun in front of the house. In the first part of the Fodele was open, and very fancy
wooden gallery mivu
defended, which is only possible to get through the Fodele.
In the middle of the top two floors of the time, then-unusual-sized window close to each other
In addition, almost merged into one; only narrow, lively red-painted columns separating them with one
else. Along that right-to-left six smaller window open, the top three wheels, the bottom
The top floor of the lower class of the whole length of the house effluent, narrow zsindelyfodel
away, which was painted white and checkered rams' skins. During the double window described above
high, round vault door immersion, and also the right and left two windows, painted green and flashy
aranyozasokkal rostelyzattal loaded.
The kolosvariak building this house called rasa, or by the holder as standard deviation of trading
jute many talents: this could build a house; or because the house variegated colors, taste-free
stacked colorful rasaszovetre recalled. Rare foreign gone before without
that it does not help smiling, and not to inquire the name of the holder, who is not used to small
to say that no one can leave the house in a glance. The kolosvariak so accustomed to
almost did not notice any more; as a strange-looking man who stares ahead, laugh-out,
whom he carried with him into believing that it is not anything special.
The door went in, right steep ladder led to the upper floor of boards composed of
occupants of green ropes on either side forming, and the stairs were rough gray daroccal to admission
Ritva. Around the middle of this ladder is broken, and turned up a large, distorted right negyszegu
Page 25
Nacre, which form a hall, was open in the courtyard, protected green red and thick rostelyzat
by which karzatkent passed through it.
These rooms open to the opposite wall ladders two pictures hung fathoms in height, one
Ignatius Loyola, another Ribadeneyrat portrayed in all sizes. One of the two images column
was one of the old way of tornacorak, how are sometimes more than the darker centuries
the memory of our country shall see now. - Minicomputers in the right picture of oak Ribadeneyra
In addition to high tamaszii table, ornate carved wooden arm chairs, two young men sat, legs
comfortable position. One of the beautiful blond lad, barely seventeen EDA, healthy, round
face, lively eyes, cherry color dolman, blue waistcoat and trousers, narrow
aranykeszulettel. Another similarly blonde, long-faced and maybe even younger, black velvet
dolman and waistcoat and trousers defeat, as aranykeszulettel. In front of them
low nyuszttal premzett hats lying. The young men whispering to each other.
Those described in the wall to the left, near the ladders, high, rams' skins dyed and reviewed semi-
circular grate
with a gothic taste door stood. Beside him sat right tolgylocan reaching a servile shaped creature
brown outfit, one of those meaningless bulged faces are comfortable neutral
mitteves and win a good living by some slack expression. This command is listening mozgonjaiak
open, round eyes staring at you meet him. Close to see the blue-clad, medvekaca-
ganyos man, who is of Hungarian talalkozank, and Sigismund Bathory was a so-called
guards are in blue.
The bodyguard waiting impression that he seriously looked at the door. - Mykola! - Sounding out the
room egyjen the peculiar half-screaming half deep sounds, which you must get used to,
fiilsertok should cease to be.
This black hooded young man jumped chair, a tall, half-open door, through the internal
entered the room.
How soon move Mykola - the bodyguard said, turning to his partner - Yesterday all meg-
calls for sending me into his place. -
The reason is easy to guess - is responsible for the brown being the bench -: Today feels like the right
Lemna than yesterday.
- Right? - On the first inquired. - It is true, as the dolman breakfast is still on, or in this case
very good mood, or busy. Other times, swap three times, while some stay until noon
on it.
The creaking door, and brown fmger view the youngster, who immediately stopped. The open door
Mykola came out of the blue, waving bodyguards, went out immediately.
The Prince of beating my shoulder - said Mykola - so long since I have not seen a good mood.
Did he say anything? - Ask the other young man.
Not much. Daczi commanded to himself, and he said to me that afternoon to order horses
Szamosfalvara, three carriage. But I expect a little more; you know, the prince is not very usual
In addition to the first command to stay.
True - replied the other. - The other day I was just: wanted breakfast, and I immediately EI
teljesitni ran command; he thought, and the morning before he tried to do a horseback riding, and
I went because I had been rebuked. -
Tell me, do you, Szagfi to high court cleverness to know when you have to be late when you hurry?
Haha - meet the young Szagfi muffied laughter - whole leaf teacher. - No - said jokingly meg-
folded in tront of you - then I'll always be ready to board a boon follower, great good sir!
However Daczi came through the door. - Mykola - say it - the prince is not szekerezik afternoon off. -
1 think - is met with a smile and jelentoleg view Szagfinak eyes.
Tomorrow we start Fejer Castle; So I took just onagysaganak
vegparancsat horses, As-
carts and moreover. God be with you! - At the top rungs Daczi step down.
The door opened again high. - Cyril! - Said to have heard of once in a sharp voice. The brown man
To make a clear idea about the next scene, we stop at the door. The way ahead
s room all we see is so strange and surprising that deserves reszletesb description.
The large, airy fabric coated black door leading up to the room; open to the street
the big, wide, almost Ajtony windows are considering outside this building
olyszeru kinezest provide same level as for example, a person would have a wide dwarf, whose only
Cyclope meredezne big eye in the middle of his forehead.
Close the window to the left goes oak table, negyszegii, rounded comers and around half
outward, feet loaded with fancy carvings. It is simple platter, and these green leaves
elrakosgatva fresh figs.
Next to it from the wall high-backed brown leather, deep armchairs we see so helyhezve.
Sitting comfortably in the visible to the market, without him could be noticed from the outside.
This armchair, sitting as occasionally they may be considered rather high as mediocre man
sitting, young, healthy face kijelelt, but not a gentleman, not noble traits. Her blond hair was thick, but
short neck curled clusters; forehead protruding foreheads of the same, which
olyszeriiek almost as if they were swollen or end-jointed. His eyes were blue, not large and expression
free; nose curve, thickness, protruding between the medium eagle owl and nose, but rather like the
latter; ordinary mouth, teeth intact. In face, which taken together, the word common vascular
telmeben ugly was not only an expression of gap after further investigation. Yes, this was these
forehead and those blue eyes with some rudeness and cruelty spirit; It was the tooth
protesters hold tight smile and the mixture of vanity and pride; but subject
considering the whole thing, I feel involuntary surprised with the investigator's belief,
the whole face some hesitation, there is something indefinite fickleness. This young, sfrength
full, broad-shouldered man that violet velvet knee-length dolman was plenty of elbow-length ujjak-
respectively, and are open from dolman sargallek out orange jerseys, short dolman. Both
olteny laden with rich silver embroidery; the mid-thigh shorts as well as orange and eco-
Dagon was embroidered with silver, violet below, and black legs Topanka Foden. Waist
mivix boglaros rich, struck gold and in need of eziistov.
Beside gomyedezo position to the shape we see whose face some formidable con-
tozkodast, and so to speak, predictive risk aversion causes. This tall, dry man
His face was long and pale; posterior part of the head Lepe thinly around the raven
hair residues that are ahead of the front elfodesere was dressed. The high
The upper part of the front is smooth, redotlen, but below the wide, thick eyebrows around several
retired. Large, protruding, blistering, szembetiinoleg squint eyes in terms of spectral term
they gave; beautiful Roman nose, narrow, clenched lips some fine points of gunyszeszelyre;
but his face was all korullehelve color was forced devotion and kindness of spirit. Top
lips and the mouth of overlap rare deflected toward two comer kicks mustache; narrow pointed chin,
thin beard
marched around. Was dressed in black and baggy waist strap bright billed.
In contrast to the simple oak table was placed fanyoszolya; based on the fuzzy straw
Foden bearskin; the head of the chair lay some tome. In the middle of two walls, which
near one of the table and the other standing next to the nyoszolya, two doors led from side to side
mellekszobakba which present were shut. And since the room with black fabric cover this
doors is overshadowed only possible kilincseiket taken at close range. The room on the right hand door,
wherein high green nail furnace rose almost beamed roof; left of the oak
was kneeling with a narrow ledge high top black crucifix, a person's death and the foveny-
he coupled hour away.
This furnished the monastic simplicity and ontagadast shows which then monk-Loyola
hard-working, influential presence of the children.
Page 28
The bloody man
Where the Red Man.
Victor Hugo
In the moment in which the repulsion Margaret Mykola all signs of his face and tagmozdu-
latain leave the balcony, Cyril entered the room with two windows were open, and the entrant
latkort spacious open the market. The first, what he saw was the tree constitution, a dark hill
eastern brown man, wrapped in scarlet robe, black turban, which defeated pen volatile.
At his side reached the broad sword, great cross training of grip. The constitution and
this appears to be a threat to the shape of the predictive always denser and denser bundles isolated
people, and the
chair by the window, heard a murmur of doubt, which he used to walk together nepcsoportozassal, not
rarely heralded the rebellion.
Cyrill closed the door behind him, he's standing in front of the tall man aggassal that the majority
szukkebliieket often surprised by the big-eyed ferfiakkali in touch.
On unpleasant voice, which is twice the room almost hear kisivitni, say the
black man in the arm chair, turning iilohoz:
- Now enter the constitution of the Red-robed. - Cyrille Then drew near, his hand on the map
for showing recently where the citizens of the village Mr. Monk and a conversation we were
witnesses. - Go - is hard gaze all, the frembling Cyrille - there, 'well look, where
I show the color street comer and tell the monks will of her ladyship to
immediately return to the monastery, and today does not make you see yourself anymore.
The man sitting in armchair nodded approvingly, while 05^11 for the fulfillment of the command
As cancer went to the door and then out; handmaid of the man turned his head high:
Bucella - called beautiful, full voice - 1 think that the good kolosvariak beelegedhettek
previous inspection, what follows is less may happen before the witness. -
If the size of commands - it's ready to respond humble reverence, which the court people-
termeszetokke has almost become another - this can help you immediately. Mykola! - Shout out the
- Good - say another egykedvuleg - but stop! Or ... yes, yes.
Bucellanak szolitasara is a beautiful young Mykola the room with the light and aggat-
lansaggal which young strong habit by doing it your way.
Go - says the blonde man commanding voice - right on the square, and tell Peter the Great,
out there riding around the church: the streets doboltassa out that all citizens have come Padlock
space and opening the windows to be empty, and the bodyguards outside of a soul in a quarter hour
not slowing down. -
At once - pass it, bowing deeply and turned toward the door.
Stop! - Said of the former. - One more! 'Go after the completion of the first orders gesture
tihez the small church, and if you can add this unseen hands. - With the exception of a coil
bosom, providing the high man, who was preparing to leave it immediately gave Mikola over. -
Hold it! Give one of the bodyguards outside the gates of the monastery, there is a stone Keresztur
armies; tell me to be ready for the first command to invade the city. The central goal
Page 29
Before Komis Gaspar Maramaros divisions and is a part of the Bocskai armies. These drop
at my part to four classes torn, occupy the Bridge Street, Hungary, Central and
Torda streets. Quietly available, but the square dare not forgive anyone.
Bucella listened quietly for a while and came out on the ear:
The Old Town - so to speak - is completely empty, it would be nice ...
It is true - all of a sudden say this - Keresztur send fifty people in the Old Square.
Mykola bowed down again, and was preparing to leave. -
One more - say Bathory - my orders one by one intimate Leave some of bodyguards,
szetnyargalvan that, I went first teljesedjenek. -
There will be a small problem Geszt ins - note the prince - to keep with the orders.
He experienced people - meet bucella. - In addition, will, I believe, as much tact, the legerdekesb
letter the object up and thus occupy the attention of the estates. -
1 do not want the truth to this bitter but necessary action foganatlan supplication
by delay. I guess I doctor, he did before God. -
When his sacred majesty of the penalty and gave ground deputy officer of the princes in their hands:
at the same time also gave them insight, which is necessary for the proper apphcation of the penalty
of -
Human to make mistakes, bucella! But those, who are against love, fidelity, color hodolast been, and
behind bloody revenge jurors deserve to die. The cowards! ... I thought they always
unmarried child will be their business. Where is the pride of Balthazar batyanknak now? The
castle and the letters written to me Kovasoczie out, that council is ready Chancellor, enough evidence:
how subdued. But where Carigli late father?
He once famulus Cyrill said, this is done by the great devotion of a house - is responsible
Bucella - and it takes him a long time. -
The survey, which is ahead of us, not to him; although he let nezetimet site - note the
prince. -
My soul is tavul from your Excellency - say bucella color was humility - to give
relations is important to intervene. I would like to act as an angel of peace, and friendship agreement
breathe the spirit of angry breasts; but magasb, holier inspire interest, and I am the most God
alazatosb servant, do not dare to defy sacred sugallasainak; I saw it criminal finger
when he accepted the party were smokers, hers now, when a part of the punishment, and deservedly
it's kinder to the pagan yoke ignoble servitude before them the blessing of the Holy Father, the vast
Rudolfs patronage of the pious prince will provider. - Last words of the Italian deep
The main drive followed.
- Much has been ignored in this plan, bucella! - Bathory said after a pause. - The Turkish good
neighbor, if
and we pay is based; but if he is lying, stirred up the German: intrigues blown into the dormant spark
under the cloak of ash; if we are to stand by the Turkish hands, already confiscated Tatar
our limit, and if it would not be on guard Marko Deli alvatlan eyes: the wandering hordes of Hungary
dulnanak kidneys. But even thinking of such a thing, for me, out of the country sooner or later anyway
ing heavy burden to shake off my shoulders, my country better kept under the protection of a Christian
such leave under Turkish yoke.
- The magnitude of Godly intention of His Majesty and the Roman pope's blessing will follow it.
You need stability, solid stability.
- Oh, do not be afraid! - Vigorously affirmed the magistrate, mingled scorn smile. - 1 know the good
brother, Balthazar, yes, all who would gladly flattery chair next to me; I know the advice
gentlemen, who arrived at the Castle many new doublespeak reverence contributed to meet me. and
who has not
seen light and splendor escorted Szamosfalvarol so far; but even the same day evening gathered
Kendi Amy, death, wedding my head.
While talking to the prince's bucella so, where is the blue army guard teams gyiilonge foot
where horseback, and the rumble of drums unanimous sense of regal command of every street.
Large population of people gathered in the square, there was little gap can be seen, and the grouping
surprise betrayed; hangosb always the noise and threatening rumble begins to take shape;
violent gestures were discernible; faalkotmanyhoz the closer-closer to the flock soka-
sion; only a bold leader had to fuss complex should develop.
"Break the Constitution!" "Tepjetek with the executioner!" "Let's go to the rasa-house! There
! Cariglinel "These are heard here and there; even though the ear of the prince could not play.
Just in time ere dangerous moving wave guides the royal command, which the grouping
guard army violently interrupted by works in, urgent action. First part, later high tomegek-
He started the oszolni people, and a quarter of an hour later, the space clean and deserted stale. The tall,
Constitution alone seemed black, and wearing the scarlet-robed, blood freeze long rest. About
the large army of bodyguards negyszeget formed, in which the teams up and down lovaglanak greats
stopping or order commanded buzoganyaikkal outstretched.
Near the rasa-house, a dark gray building from there came out of the gate a few brown, loose zekekbe
clad henchmen; their heads high, black, twisted csakokkal, wide edge in their hands, long
kopjakkal. Among walked quietly, heads lowered a tall, strong man with long gray
beards; body white shirt Foden knee; stems cherry color, richly laden with gold pants
It was, hands and feet, difficulty Beko csorgottek.
This Kendi Alexander! - Said one of the guards. - How old should a decent way to get lost!
Restless, heavy old - is the other - our concern us, moreover it!
Silence adopted by the guard team.
The prince egykedviileg reached the large arm chair.
Bucella - say, one of the recorded fatalbol figs - figs bad as people: bad
because healthy, blooming outside of spicy scent breathe; but out of it began to rot. -
The old, proud Kendi occurs in the constitution - Whispers in terms of space and not bucella
taking care of the prince's remark - what a woman looks into pride, as if sorry that this
viewer has little hero's death. He does not plan more alcohol undoing prince, who as a father
advised should be addressed via non-evil cimborasagba to mix undoing. -
Two good figs do not know - about the prince - Carigli father all. It's clear that high walls
reflected sunlight bosszujokban matured, not the nice gentle winds Olaszhon operations. Oh,
Bucella, when fate brings forth a lot of this mess, at long last! -
No more! - Bucella say, quite busy horrible to see. - Now showing head
about the loss of a man. -
Sudden treated him - would make the prince out there with one of those glances that
horror and aversion cause, rough, satisfied revenge villamit spray.
- It is difficult to know the prince - is Bucella, squinting his eyes strained sorrow - but descended from
and specify the Lord of hosts, that the size of its long, even wear, and the God of the church
- This is only the Transylvanians ohajtsak! - Reciprocate the prince, rubbing his forehead, where the
gravity separation begin to retire.
The goal of holiness justifies the bitter way to achieve it, my lord prince. Religion is not Bulletin
int approval, your worship. If this party is vanished, the ice is broken, and more
ellenkezestol you can not keep. -
Who shall now? - Bathory inquired, in terms of stealth faalkotmanyra.
George Literati. The scientist Mr. rungs are not so feel fi-ee to go as the previous two ...
After a minute or two in the name of a murmur is heard on the window seat. Annoyance and anger
went into
Autumn bodyguards grim pictures, sex of the terrible serious anger that is so threatening.
- What happened? - Upright cried the prince, his face burst into flames. - Property bodyguards
this voice?
Second fell swoop Literati - meet bucella without any emotion - such a case, which
listless, but not the first, and last, but not prospective! -
If the work done by the executioner - said the prince vehemently - Several new Castle with it! Not
I like to torture ... Szagfi! - Shout thunderously.
Szagfi entered.
Komis Caspar come at once!
The ride is now among the estates - about bucella mocking smile, which the prince has private
face particular risk prediction cited charity - if I pick up - continue stepping closer to the
window and narrowed his eyes, as briefly see - Keresztur comes next. -
The hum persists - says the prince - can stay Szagfi! No - continue, face megcsipkedven
Szagfinak two fingers - what they are doing pretty ladies waited Kolos, how many of you know
already? -
And only a little of the window, your Excellency! - Meet the henchman, almost trembling as he
this terrible moment in this unexpected question. -
1 Think kotelhagcsorol boy - said his shoulder hand Bathory - or lantrol to
they come down. Exit, Szagfi!
Szagfi away. -
The whole place is still standing - bucella say - there Bocskai ride fi-om the Turda Street.
Who are you to lead?
Kendi Cabor - said the kerdett.
1 will not say whether he remains the last time?
1 let them go after the other - bucella answer - just now or later ... what does not.
Cood! - Said the prince. - Hot and IflTiut the dungeon you're done with it.
Parties, miserable! - Was about space in the room.
Page 32
- Who is this again? - Invite the prince, looking up into the hands of hard to feel like himself halfway
from his seat,
sparkling eyes.
Kendi, as I can see, does not allow garbage to be connected.
The stubborn! - Bathory say, to feel like karszekebe eaves.
Parties, say - could be heard again - you're one of us not to see the first gate afterlife!
Buzz spread between the bodyguards: -
You do not have to hurt! Do not fasten your eyes if you do not want it.
Kendi terrifying calmly stood by the jury in the high-constitutional. What to kneel in front of
vegcsapast informal eyes will be turned to the Rasa-house:
- Children's prince, or tavul not here, I suspect - known cry, penetrating voice - szall-
jon every drop of innocent blood shed upon you and maradekidra, bully kid hetediziglen.
Bathory eyes experienced hands, his face convulsed, revenge and anger anger blazing eyes, according
to him
- Finish, executioner! - Screamed out of the house to the rasa bucella risk prediction voice.
After a minute or two, has been around, holding ladles, Kendi the disembodied head.
Soon, the heavens were opened, heavy rain pouring the constitution, and executed
washed the blood off. This time it was taken as a sign of innocence Kolos expected.
Page 33
/ was a man of my word.
We've seen the Abafit Mykola House of ellovagolni balcony. Margaret recognized him immediately,
but yes
Monasteries few others waited. It would have been difficult this is, who saw him a year ago; long,
dry elkenyszeredett face, soul, color and without expression, beautiful oval triggered roundness;
the folds went pale forehead reversed redotlen smooth; the unkempt hair matted together
shiny brown curls melted off his shoulders, and eyes of a dangerous fire, sanguine El hoop
disappeared, and the beautiful, dark, long fibers covered with fire and spirit and whole-grain command
hoditni there appeared simultaneously. Masculine erect, flexible, keccsel full stature, broad
durable power shoulders, slim waist supple dexterity, small hands and feet Nemesbod indicator species
sion. Thus, as we now see, there was no better man than he Transylvania. Vegigleptetven the
street, no one could go past it several times without looking back.
Up to mention was made of the declaration Abafinak once to three acres of everything El
involve yourself, what other time was his passion. Prior to the recent release of our hero Kolos
spend a year and a half to three acres, and the Word was spoiled Abafi vile man.
What could ontagadasra him so much, it's hard to understand; However, starting fi-om a psychological
point of view it
explained. We have seen the best idea of progress, and that her case history, by circumstances
Round camel good idea has made the difference between the consequences. He then landscape,
when this is not the best, nothing less was probably more of a bet or a statement on camels,
a noble pride; so will almost certainly be to do the noble pride sugalla-
sa, no desire to Show that the soul is stronger than his passion, he could give him a solid
defiance against you. Might easily and it is likely that it is a rough defiance megszegye-
nitni wanted to refute, encouraged her outburst, the whole extent of which he did not
thought out; but who have been saying since the reception, a kind of alszegyennek that if
design of low complexity have also promised him win the bet as well as unszolna, and affirmed
I exercise intention.
This was no small task to the man, who did not, do not read, economy left fallow,
whose witty conversation, friendly enjoyment of responsibility were not, in fact interpreted the word
lation could not love.
Am one of the first seven boredom. More than once he cried after a aprodjanak wine and Kanto.
The Kanto brought, sometimes lips touched the brim: but remember abstract expression of scorn
the face that her reins of wine, called pump and tavul rejected the self- tests
vessel that ran down the contents on the floor. The evenings, the atasitott went out afl:er day,
priest poured it out in court, or the household perlekedve. Everything was bored, and tremendous
Train passions in the usual places and the like used to charge; but this was a huge force rough
capital and noble material, and if God allows circumstances, highly idomulando once! And this
stem strength helps him to his word rigorous strength to keep to the smallest detail.
A few days later Abafiban some change was noticeable. Slept better, a lot ejszakazastol
and the messy life weakened body eszrevehetoleg built long after the failed dream. He is a
not the best start to feel the light and merry phenomenon, which is mostly normal life
follow. Clear this awakened displeased lived so boring; it was almost the same lepetve
Page 34
by experience, so that they can live a happier, more joyful, more powerful. These involuntary and the
caused by fluids in balance coming prosperity boldogitobb other, but natural szintoly
It was also actualizing is. Maids, who have included only the cranky, zsembelodo, intoxicated
commander knew not to bore Tenet's favor, which kind, gentle and
Mr used to provide lenient. Now multiple exhilaration of seeing lords around again
born completely happy and pleased double parancsit; action and had okben
alkalmaztatasokban him a great something that Mr. rough cseledjeiben in vain to look for.
Abafi start, healthier place standing, working to get a feel of Justice. Receive prohibits riding,
hunting and thus the one-two Nemesbod szenvedelmet that had entered intoxication many gaps
SUBSTITUTES out before. The time is long empty and began to be built on the strong young man. The
After seen, certainly in advance only boredom and lack of anything better, then some growing ingerbol,
which he could not explain himself; but its roots in the thinking easily
finds. The success and become an obsession with fish liking the true cause of this field socket. Two
After the moon in a rural kimelessel began when accompanied by contempt or szanakodassal
name mention. Yet not spend three acres, and there were those who called him with respect. Who is this
change or more noble kedelyenek meeting was accompanied by attentive eyes, not your tagadhata
it is not in the involuntary esteem.
Luckily Abafmak - because we often lead to circumstances in life! - Courtyard pastor
It was light-headed, man- view is correct, a lot of sense and science. This vision is not so sharp
it may be the way by which our hero is advanced. He loved the young man, who was once his lap times
- This was something paternal transference; he gave an encouraging word to keep most, so he could
mode, this beautiful, manly determination to emphasize that Abafinak hizelkedett. I would be called the
its kind, and many times I have: he is the man whom all big, beautiful and noble fill out; because
there's a lot of fortitude, but must be willing to. He later warns kinezesere good, renewable power
and the consequences of more normal life. - Oliver loved the old monk; before this
rough temper his soul only belerzeti animal affection was familiar creature, whom he invites
would have been charged, as we often face an old church, which we see ten or twenty years
round us, and that if tavul is something lacking in feel. Often loyal dog or meg-
used to birdie the yard and shady oak aged szetomleszto similar effect. But this
ordinary love fi^ied fish with becsulesse gender, soon began to suffer, then taste,
out again want to do the venerable company; and if sometimes the science minister warning
Tete him that before Transylvanian enemy weapons, mind-word around the green table
serve honukat: some hidden desire arose bosom, which is always stronger, cleaner
and appeared Nemesbod form honaert could do something. This refinement was present instance.
Monasteries Castle when he arrived.
Since time was a lovely piece boy Abafi the court, under the supervision of the court chaplain.
No one knowing who owns the child; but who saw vedhetlen affection felt for him. Oliver
favored over its ardor and affection feelings higgasztasara was influential. Who
whether the boy suspect.
Very title of this book explains that the author is not foreseen to details of the history of Transylvania
presented; However, the inevitable short on consolidated to mention, such as that at
story is somewhat versatile context and balance of our hero's actions relative
bution megitelesokre.
Sigismund Bathory visszakerulven Stone Petersburg, where some stayed and I gyanittata,
that the prince ever said about it, everyone is still the biggest favor
Pretend; but at the same time changed. I used to be jealous watching her with concern Bathory Boldi-
Cops days growing influence by military gyakorlottsaganak and high literacy
He owed. Balthazar was deli, psychological and powerful man, with great care neveltetve Bathory
Stephen, who in his youth he traveled Dan-, Norveg-, English-, Franc- and Spain. - The
prince or really believed that strives against his brother's life, or at least fearful or-
Associates suspected it. As a conclusion, the twenty-eighth of August 1594. a
Sunday morning, some degrees of responsibility under the pretext of the order with them himself
Collectors; and while the gentlemen were busy reading the written documents: Albert King and John
entered the room, who were prisoners revealed the name of the prince. These were: Kendi
Alexander and Francis, John Iffiu, step-father of Stephen Bathory, Boldizsar- and Andrew, as
Mailath Margaret's husband, the widow of the elder Andrew Bathory; Kovasoczi Wolf, Kendi
Gabor, Hot, Gerendi Bomemisza and John Lonyai Albert Cseszeliczki Balthazar, Szalanczi
George and Literati. - Bathory Balthazar and Kovasoczi shortly after kiildet- many new Castle
tions; and the lords, whose cruel and illegal kivegeztetesiiknek we were witnessing, Har
mincadik August Kolos Expected killed them; although the prince is still Siger and John the
Huet Albert-, order from messengers sent to promised to them by law outside
Nothing will happen. - The date on which the monastery Petersburg area of the free constitution already
been set up, no one has the certainty of the prince was not his intention. The people, like all
unexpected event gjKilongott the square, one out who else thought. In the silence sank problem
people's mind that the man irresistible story then used to great surprise: that
will be carried out by people who, I suspect everyone. And just as the famous landscape havas-
Plain robbers were detained Kolos expected, some of the residents of the death of prophecy.
But let us Abafihoz, had a lot of courage in him; frequency hunts that at the time
not a single life was accompanied by threats, friggered by the presence of mind, and not those of the
onbizodalomnak and milked out, which trains and educates the courage. - First it was a tender young
situation due to corruption of coarse, vile circles, where megtamadasoknak, peasant abuse have,
taunt was exposed, and sometimes you meet these sudden or words, or deed; debtor rarely
viszontorlassal remained so, and it is still in it gyengetlen, heavy head in his inventory skills
Gradually, this skill has become its own nefarious circles, all sarcasm and hatching against itself
recall - we prepare the minds of skills Nemesbod, which upset the wrong dignity
tosaggal beats back; the responses gender has not been immediately tenderness, just mind skills,
so of course, he took some time thinking better direction, it also nemesedni began to calm down.
Abafi spotted fish with himself that he is in answer to the nobler objects and Observations
ready to purchase, which was formerly used only visszatorlasara rude jokes.
This natural skill and courage to explain and make understandable if they make it to morality
After meeting started with some gentle soul of this stimulus unsuspected talent greater kozhatasubb
use cases; cells has been that once life on the ability incorrect alszegyent
will be overcome, which now prohibits public places szolastol so far: his fingertips the hon useful work
Veena involved. He had the inside will then Transylvania and so dubious relationships with regard to
Tarsalkodasi password was set in the time since I lived in the ordinary, something flowing and natural:
the man heard him speak. Horse riding, hunting, love tortenetecskeit merrily, szeszellyel
able to perform; so the more things post already had some talent; the rough
material - so to speak - had just clear up, I had to calm down.
Education was so neglected, as we have seen, that he knew little; Luckily,
I also have noticed that he has a lot of will, that his soul slowly begin to trust the own resources:
csudalhatjuk not him, then, if the missed years of space to fill the acelszorgalommal.
It was again a great help for this intention tudomanyu large yard and educated pastor, and more
Page 36
Mykola more of the house, which Verseg, CONN neighborhood, and therefore no successor, the great
incorporated into a single
Margaret flax, out toward the trembling of a non Abafi staying devotion harbors. So
Margaret stood in fi-ont of him, and rightly, as can reach you. If someone had said to him that Margaret
likes: he did not believe he was not pretending this is not believing; not in thinking that such a
feminine being, as Margaret does not know the meaning of love legnemesb sensitive and the word - no!
but the soul cafolhatlan belief that there is no man who erdemlene him, and especially
mere notion that limit the feelings Margaret Tali touch - and the esteem.
It is certainly interesting Abafi entire soul and simulasa this photo session in front of everyone, whom
Reny, the
noble morality foltetelekre ignite. Abafi soul of this initiative towards self-interest sejditeni; and
Thus the belief that he has to sit noble and humanly speaking, the south of reach perfection:
almost continuous, almost favorite kepzeteve are adapted.
Page 37
Who are you, and everyone Hina?
M. Cottin
Abafi of accommodation, where little lingered, rushed among the country gathered in order.
Sigismund Bathory doubt so he could keep the monasteries Petersburg ones, as we have seen above,
that no one
I suspect neither the prince's intention, and thus the large estates of the captured hon Jain iigyokben
about her even when some of them have ceased to live.
Abafi was the first who got up. All eyes stared at him; the majority of non-described ottlevoknek
week of it; It was so great between the Now and former Abafi difference. Simple black selyemkamu-
s dolman, vest and pants Foden deli extent and in such a narrow piece full members keszulettel,
which was almost invisible. Only szeposeitol ramaradt, laden with precious stones, curved sword
Have you seen the old man inside the house Abafi rich offspring.
Feel Iree to place risen from a large, enthusiastic sash around his eyes took in the crowd staring at him.
the hesitation that almost fear Parul speak first when large congregation surprise
him; elhalavanyult face serious doubt over his features convulsed; the sight of approximately
if you would halozva, sparks szokdeltek, and the large, spacious church its shops, it displeased him:
as if the mass of people below a dense fog.
Rebego was the voice with which to speak, but the strength of mind, which is the main feature was the
You die with fear and became victorious alszegyenen. Always inclusive, always has ercesebbe
voice, and finally all the words in the farthest recesses beautiful Gothic church can be heard and
Clear all keresettsegtol went and it was a simple presentation. Not condemned the prince
the wish is that Christian frigyeseket search; wished the gentle, religion descended from heaven
everjwhere could submit wings boldogltva approaching people and God. But it is precisely this clear,
who came from heaven by faith draft certificates; and maintaining this particular word oath religion
A brief description of the peace, which covered vaUeys of Transylvania at the time of Stephen Bathory
wise - and
considered good and peaceful neighbors can be the Ottoman if desirably met; how many times
gave way to Transylvania where he could clearly prove lehetlenseget deliverables. Vivid colors
painting of the power, which if felizgattatik, so often the undoing was the Hon. Reveals
to present to the Transylvanian prince orders hesitation and the known intention of the Turkish
for breaking faith, Tatars herds lured into the country; out the nature of simple rules
Vaiva those in need, which is caused by the Mongol runs, and some families were called, who are
captivity and servitude reached. And if - say - a country torn bosom party,
which gave the oath of loyalty to the close and the danger is not encouraging gladly tartastol
or the prince stood ohajtasara: so guilty, so any condemnation? - Deniers that those whom the
Prince made his captivity, had sought his life; hodolas's honest, he returned
Stone Petersburg, enough to demonstrate how the orders are ready nobles elected worship.
force structure and comes completely out of the hero Balthazar, the enthusiastic Kendiek the Iffiu and
Hot dicseretokre and
called for the orders to seek to hold back the threat posed by the embassy, which heads over
be retired.
Page 38
- Do not be afraid - say nice words and enthusiastic fervor of facial expression - Stephen Bathory
nephew of Transylvania; ercfalat draw, loyalty, trust and straightness ercfalat the Hungarian
Prince around; but he is also aware of the past, give boldness bizodalomert. The princely rights
or guilty of the most beautifiil megbocsathatni tevelyedettnek; and who were enemies of the hive,
friends will be, but it's to be, it will be a great need for a shared commitment and sfrength, and where
the Turkish
faith nail, a raised sword ready borders.
Every man staring Abafira; not the simple words which neither force nor certificate
power was not enough compared to the size of the hazardous conditions; but the courage and open
line of the village, which Abafi this dangerous time, when the difference between the opinions veszto-
took place in Transylvania enthusiastic men, they say.
Many fish lata reviews them, mostly the kivegezendok issues; Decision of the Assembly
According to a number of embassy contributed to the Prince.
A sudden downpour ceased, the sky was clear again; the Kendiek, hot, etc. Literati, resolved
already live in the embassy when the Rasa-house, received countless multitude tempted. Bathory
came out to meet them; Carigli stood next to him, a simple monk attire of a serious-looking man
regular roman face and eyes and deep-fire Bucella, the Prince family doctor. Bodyguards
tight semicircle formed blue, grim medveboroktol altfonott wall next to the sides and back. Abafi
spoke to him again, trembling and frightened crowd after one. Raw, vivid, understandable had
voice and beautifiil eyes blazing fire of enthusiasm; He began his speech driven people, more
the prince's chest as his face radiant eyes; but then straightens up with fish and
it seemed as if it would consider a height of her korulozonlo population; who is unknown here, now
keep the prince: as much dignity as much magnificence floated all manly nice shape.
In keeping brave and beautiful, full sound that was almost all Bathories own,
said the young Sigismund of foUowup health. Reveals that the structure and executed in the life
sought to poison dagger weapon intended to execute him, they wanted the Tartars
up country; that the seeds are small groups of Tatars also starting to show on the wings of his
biztatasokra came. All of these, as promised the prince, diplomas bebizonyitando: but what
never happened. Furthermore asked not to nyugtalankodjanak because he is not violence
you want to do; even as believe more needs orders and loyalty eg5^ttmunkalatara Turkish
against, as it wanted to dispose of them.
Tunodessel serious danger and a lot of anticipation of the coming szeledtek home.
The prince turned Abafihoz.
What is the name of Favor? - Said of the fiinch, scornfiil tone, which usually Lords
someone to reach out to them uncomfortable, and who has a desire to show their power and
fiintebbseget situation completely, on the other hand, the small reasoning that such a shame and
offensive at the same time. -
Abafi Oliver - said the kerdett modestly.
Abafi Oliver! Still remember - said the prince, having regard to the long vegigjartatvan eyes
Abafm - ever; Oliver; Yes, yes; but not the boon of Gideon the son of an ill-mannered, bribe,
vile man, whom we know only bad news of? -
Excellency - Abafi answer, not a humiliation rejthetven, whose fiame
koriilloboga face - 1 think that's really not Abafi Oliver sees in front of him, whom the news
perhaps magnified, but not quite unjustly, many evil brought forward to greatness. At least
will live in the bosom strong decided: never undone myself vile Oliver described
- 1 understand - like Bathory reciprocate with contempt lineaments - juhocska a convert! Yes -
continue mocking smile - these are always kinder to the nyajornek! But even if the perfection hag-
Pipeline boon not gone so high that nor receive good advice: remember that the
once gone astray usually keep an eye on, and that whatever bland, not the salvation kolom-
Pot neck tie, not to confuse the fiock behind.
Abafi understand the cuts, which the prince's words contained seeds.
- All the wish is granted - the gentle answer hangejtessel, rezzentseget throttled itself - that my actions
are known. Excellency, even the bad ones, because those mentioning or
Condemnation is not going deaf tab, not closed bosom I find. The cowbell is not wanted
Never, not even me, adolescents, mature men of residence - to continue targeting the full gaze
giving the young Sigismund.
The prince was a short man put Abafival tribute to escape. There was something about this risk
main shoots the dark as to which about atszegze Abafit.
- Another one - suddenly turned around and said, very close to stepping Abafihoz, face and burst into
penetrating voice. - Do not forget, young friend, that if someone strayed sheep bell to knit off
often torn neck, and because of rashness - continue the cruelty peculiar smile -
Sometimes the neck is lost as well.
The prince was suddenly gone. Abafi stood thinking for a few minutes, and then the
Mikola took to house the way.
Page 40
Dinner is ready.
The Turda Street turn right into a narrow alley tetszetlen, the expression kolosvariak
alley way, called the Wheat Street, which is around the middle of a tall, projecting fodelu,
Alhazen Sir Moses lived long Guti, who had once seen moment: honest,
middle-class citizens and first blacksmith Kolos waited faithful to his wife, Ursula with my woman. -
The workshop
Church was right at the end, open, and the signs of burning soot stamps for protesters, ill-imposed
door, which betekintve a broad, multi-anvil mazsanjd, stove and refrigerator bulb szeneivel
marsh ring and the two big, huge tiideju blowers were taken out; round them more sooty,
broad-shouldered crew bustled, hghtweight runtime environment Kenny continued hard work, and
sometimes rough throat
gajdolva gaudy sad songs where pitching ajkkal futyolve and nevetkozve.
In simple as it seems and, carefully washed, and the shame that page unless clearly
the house was left open at the end of the large gate, a gaze lowered to the right door construction
you had two shapeless stone staircase, and the long courtyard, enclosed front face and stacked
with logs. The center of the house is a long row of windows occupy a toddler, armed with a thick,
gaudy rostelyok-
from which to onmiiverol Guti as Sir Moses was no small opinion; and every time the house
gone before, a "Anch 'io sono pittore" KIND gondola.
History era pub, tavern, and several similar mehserszugolyok aljasb
gyiilhelyek Monasteries were expected. But the Hungarian hospitality practicing many upper-class
families need
segtelenne his restaurants. However, as we know, there is a kind of people that
would command more than you used to each other, and especially amused when the tension
hate; even those not as well, which is full of courtesy and gondoskodasbol for man
marasztasbol etc available. These calculations very clever Guti Sir Moses's plan to his house
good salary rallies occasion of the feast and carnival I keep laid table; his wife cooked taste
etkekkel Petersburg monasteries, especially cabbage and the already known monasteries Petersburg
bread and the countryside
best wines loaded. The Hungarian cuisine malasztjaival middle-class, the then cseme-
Gekko as Szekely and Turda cake with honey produced fruits, and more mehser effelekkel
Tuda always speak yard guests. This abundance, host and cheerful courtesy of Mrs Ursula
kitchen views known, knowledge of your customer's table rarely failed.
A long hall to the street ablakzo this hospitality was not quite with no benefit desire
intended. Long, narrow oak table, always clean, but not fine tablecloths spread; high
furnace, furnaces negyszegu assembled and farostelytol protected more straw chairs, a few small
bench, which the guests situation their feet, and a sideboard rostelyzott, reviews iivegkarikakkal
broad and loaded into the bottom three branches - the whole simple flirnishings, two smaller
table inserts for the future supply drinkers. Include one of the two doors of the gate, and the other in the
extending toward the open side room.
Three days after the first period we made Mrs Ursula clean and a linker
surogni bunch of ordinary plate around the table. Sir Moses' shining brow sweat
recently arrived from the workshop, and the next available near the furnace grate sat wide straw chair
Benches stretched his legs a little. Bright borsipkaja was cut on his head aside, which le-lemartoga-
toward the floor as his eyelids involuntary dream makjai nehezkednek.
While Moses Cyclope hevergete work out, while his wife gaudy, narrow szalmaszonyegecsket
rounder middle of the table, and huge monasteries Petersburg place bread in the middle; salt cellars and
some gaudy pitchers states around the woman Ursula ovens masterpiece.
Once the master until he fell asleep, when the true Queen poharszekbol a narrow plate
chopped and stacked neatly Szekely cake took off, and it situation on the table. While so
great care would be ready to close for dinner, and the plates were conjuring: small Tobias, the house
Kose, moon-faced, red kilencevu little lad, creeping into the open door of silence, and the
gliding under the table, while his mother tipegett back and forth with great skill began in Transylvania
lesikkasztani slices under the tablecloth. It was a nice moment of success; However, a clumsy departure
elongation bringing out the stake of balance: the whole man, so far, only works dwindling
soft csorgessel collapsed. And the half-open door to hear a kisuhanni Tobias moments
took the Civil Service Tribunal. The ring was so eszrevehetlen that Ms Ursula dilated fuUiartyait dodge.
A few minutes later we see the little round face csenesz betekingetni the door, and soon
gray tabby, an old dog home, the kid kuUogott nogatva. To the side of the
Orsolya table for their future, where the honey was building, immediately noticed the deterioration, and
legyverovel a pious tabby, which alone among possible suspicion loud reproach
He makes the door.
Why, honey - Moses said, rubbing his eyes awoke - what the elf is wrong again?
For a moment, the man did not lie dormant after the hard work! -
Kedtol - is annoyed Orsolya - elhordhatnak the whole table! Look what they did to
old tabby; do not even know it has nothing but eat and alunni. -
Leave the poor, fulfilled, and Grow Old; He has also let me wallow; but - continuing the window
terms - kesodik the time, and even a guest arrives.
- Today, two of each case will be less - would make the woman. - 1 do not think that Abafi and
Bethlen lords eljonnenek after yesterday's debate. I only regret that we could not be; certainly
quietly had ended. Tue mereszti only the eyes; and the host of the job order
fix - zsimbelt Ursula, putting together the honey and slices, and provided top of the sideboard.
So la - say - not only to reach the nose tabby lord.
But it was not affelekbe pop it - comfortably meet Moses stretched his legs - not to me too
into the line. Who shared lawsuit, rarely do without one or the other not to damage.
So far, the reszrehajlatlansag, which szenvedoleg to wear myself, we maintain the honor of
in front of my house guests. Then, Ursula, a word I have spoken bekeltetve requesting
voice; but what good is mainly Abafinal! Listen also to the clever words, if the full head.
- Well, yesterday was full? After all, since I come here, these days, so to speak, he was the one who
always went home sober and normally bears little known him to others. To remember
One miner, taval when sown in the table at him Martin Iron bed in the morning and one
was unable to come here?
- Ay! Now, what is true, right, Abafi changed a lot; yesterday but did not get hardly the last
glass in the head; as they jumped Bethlena that all we thought it reminds the window
Um, yeah - says Ursula - and a csekelysegert; because what's wrong with being a
csokjaert village lady promises? -
Wrong? - The host said with a smile. - Zounds! How could I not bad mother, or even good, and if
csokodert every village they would, would not eat time.
Page 42
- Boho - it says, a chaste image osszeillesztven view - but perhaps not the
Abafit hurt. It says Tue, how was the whole thing; I rattled off yesterday to
I can not speak a word of it.
- Abafi Bethlen and the beautiful woman talking about - Moses replied, yawning - one out who else
lauded. The Mykola house came into play. Did you get to see - say Bethlen - small Gisella
No angel bum brighter than him!
Children - said the other - beautifiil but clumsy; solicitation my fiilhegyig felpirul, and if upon
I look happen to me, so he takes his eyes, as if they have committed a crime; and then the
Mykola house who could take him to notice! -
True - Bethlen say this - you are just getting your eyes there MARGITA. The taste is not bad.
I know someone who was once reveals it to be a kiss Margaret ready for his chosen one
given village. I do not have such Bove village, but I do not even intended for an old piece of land.
This Abafi brow furrowed: Enough! - Says.
But Bethlen continue: Not intended for; but the kiss is the length of a quarter of an hour holders, one of
ought to be.
Enough! - Said again arose place of Abafi flaming face. - Bethlen, if we are friends
stay more respectfully say a woman whose name I dare not pick up in vain. -
You're joking! - Meet Bethlen, particularly through jartatvanAbafin eyes, which
something more challenging as atoning appearance. - 1 do not hope to stay in the role of instructor
you wanted to take care of yourself; And what could be more insulting if Bethlen Mykola Margaret kiss
of desire?
- Neither I nor Bethlen; neither God nor man! Unless you have the intention loss next page
Brick knowledge of iron daggers into fall. Always ready to be - say Abafi all face
expression of anger and keep all - against you, children, and the bragging bully
against whom, I think, in the village of more than common sense!
- This is weird! - Exclaims Bethlen. - And as I see the hill wine is out of you; hibazasz but if
With it, go back to Bethlen ever before Abafi Good Hungarian iron hanging at his side, and you
poganyodnak always satisfies. Just the other not answer me so soon; to more
iron is ready. The interviewees in this open-hearted to the village Sigismund Bathory recommended.
you can be, you can not hear me.
He or anyone! - Meet Abafi rude outburst. It has been in some of the few words yet, and kirohan-
Cum. -
Hm! - Ursula lamented. - I'm sorry that happened to my house; but I think Margaret
Abafi eyes looked deeper, and this is the reason. -
You should be - say fejbillentve Moses - he is such a genteel woman; yes she does not pick!
Who knows if this is true? I can not believe so many Abafirol bad as they say it.
Something that is lovable in man, and the discounts is against you; even yesterday that
eldicserte. -
It's true - Moses reciprocate - that he is a different person than just a year ago; but it is not good
it is a bowl of cherries to eat, sampling of comments yesterday. Furthermore, the thing is not heading
nail in my head, in particular if the two people who had been part time evening drinks per quarter cup
In addition to the small table there would not have been present; Abafira these particular players have
keep an eye on.
- Who could I find - note the whisper Ursula - who's grim- faced men; but better
The old man rose from his place, following on with fish, as if afi-aid that someone will hear. - Indeed
you may be right; but what he had done Abafi that this care is accompanied by his step?
- No sound - said Ursula, some junior sky spirit beaming like a feeling
nothing escapes his attention - to the Assembly, he spoke against the prince's intention?
A man just get used to keep an eye on.
Page 44
The world is a stinking swamp.
Perhaps even fiirther continuing the couple's speech; but the open door Bethlen Kenderesi,
Tolcsvai and more people came in, and he laid his home konnyiidseggel camel down the left and right
reszire bottom chairs and the sideboard cap them and their swords, the space around the table.
Ms Ursula looked Bethlena attentive eye, his right arm resting on a black cloth
neck, then seen after food. Moses also host the empty jugs and began gathering the
The whole company was in serious dispersal of sex, which is a sad effect of public
case used to duplicate; and though the former were among some of the general things that did not
participate, and
no soul knew of compassion, a charge of mischief conjure communities, it is not
It may sound old blacksmith's room and the frivolous joke bout of joyful noise, which is the usual
Torda street corners as possible to hear it.
This is a dangerous time for long stories odabamulast easily explained by the fact the
Three days ago, remembers what happened. Transylvania and every family and kinship
ties of friendship flatten; It was so rare, out or relative, or friend not weeping or semi-
would have made it. Serious dull moment's thought and the revenge of some outbreaks huge
indulatkiomlesekben nyilatkozanak for now, almost everyone condemned the prince
deed, and sad hearts eloerzettel I train more like. The pain and the surprise first
aching szivszorulatai dilated, who used to lived-out booklet thread farther; the youth of old gyuUielyeit
He began to attend; but in other circumstances around them radiant bright kedvcsapongas
made a mistake.
Orsolya soon steaming bowls stack at the table.
Tolcsvai face sitting Bethlen, whose face was paler than usual. - Wolf - began this
expression of sympathy nice feature - deep in the wound, which you get?
- Word does not deserve - Bethlen answer - not injured bone, mother and cheat-proof medicine
you're much lighter pain. But where Abafi? I promised I came here.
And he was left intact? - Inquired Kenderesi, a serious-looking young blonde, gazdaUcodvan
the steaming bowl in front of you. -
Now, yes - Bethlen replied with a laugh - a huge incision was on his arm, but my sword page
occurred, and the answer was him - continuation arm, palm occasionally. -
1 have the courage and strength Abafi - note the Tolcsvai - 1 estimate; I confess, if the
gender courage, which is only the arm strength, there are only about isolation, and
other courage, lack of Nemesbod not, I do not know much about it; coarse gladiators just despise
I know it. -
Hibazasz - Bethlen about - when you see him just gladiator; He also knows the meaning of the word
be brave: the fear of inorganic shows the declaration before the Assembly, and the prince, which enter
God, do not run undoing.
- 1 once stared composure - say Kenderesi. - Do you know Tolcsvai the beleny-
hunting, when a terrible stain Belenjd the height of the abyss teased? He
was foremost wind speed driven two Belenyi raised his spear before, when all of a sudden, just
two paces from him yawn toward the vortex. I was close to me, and I lost adherents. Then all of a
kantarrantassal horse gave a different direction, and saved it came to pass. But m, come here. Welcome,
Oliver! Come
kozenkbe, the gleam of red wine jugs in front of us, and there is reason bufeledesre, come!
Abafinak keeping all was something special; who saw him yesterday, had barely known him.
Top with plain brown shirt stood open his jacket, and a wide, bulging breasts you have seen;
threw a sword out from the comer, the Red hat on the table; face flamed, her eyes sparkled; stripped off
himself with a straw chair close to Bethlen, silently giving her strange expression on his hands
face of fierce defiance and compassion which were mingled.
God is among you! - Say Tolcsvaihoz turning.
Yes, the wine here, and a lot ... What we can do better! - Say wild laughter. - It's bad in the world,
cowardly and despicable. Those who want to sell right here, csorgosiiveget should put his head ... wine,
I say.
Bethlen pointed at him and the others staring at their eyes.
- What passed, my friend Oliver? - Say first. - Leave a comment Since blood flowed between us is
more closely
My heart is attached to it; answer, what's wrong! ... Sentinel stand with a grim night for you or
megvijak ten sake? What troubles you?
- In the world of people, myself and for all - pass Abafi, hammer fists on the table, the Kantian
danced around it. - A princely child first lap down the men of our country; a child is determined
the price of Mykola Margaret hugs are istenitnenek devil.
Bethlen rose from his place, his eyes kerdoleg suspended the solo.
- 1 do not understand you! - It says, offering his hand. - Ha, hell, and I must admit that this tour!
Cowardly fear it will fall to the men, who were among the military give rise to storms, and all for one,
why? Ah, leave me to listen, because szegyenleni begin to spear instead of a spinning wheel to room
Rito ... mark my wine, I say, and wine! - And standing in front of the pitcher fehagadvan last drop
emptied and threw an included angle to the tile szetugraltak room.
- Devil! - Tolcsvai exclaims. - You declare to certify humanity, Oliver? Do you know that
dangerous times to be standing in the correct sense? Cold and power considerations antidote to
not revenge, which flows in words; and is not it Abafl-carrying blood through your veins?
1 understand - replied Oliver - the loyalty Abafiak known. I do not hate Bathories; but abhor
deeds that are alienating him every heart; Gesztit and hate, the Italians, who
bustle around her, and eventually moved to first be hesitant, shaky prince ... Be cool water out
can; I do not know. A flame of hell biases bosom, and decrypted by a huge force bays,
Now break out. -
Do you know, my friend - chimes Kenderesi - it will be good to live in a small higgasztoval; If the
source of the
blood must HUTNIK: cooling power of true power.
- Wine - Abafi say - and pretty girls! I need this now, not more.
The young gentlemen continued further conversation tata them. Oliver on fire; every word, every move
dulata sfrange mixture forms a manly masculine not worthy rezzentsegnek sa coward complaints
bathroom. The wine is not easy to hurt him, but I can feel him present some risings.
While they were talking of the small Tobias slipped out the door, and the attention with which Moses
Orsolya beszelgetokre taken care of, or behind my back, stopping, or desirably kifordulva
teljesitesokre, it could be used; szetjartata big round eyes in the room, the table, the
chairs, window parkanyain, mezesmaglyan until finally secured the top of the sideboard nyu-
Godt out which desires lighthouse as pillongata him from above. Small's Tobias
gathering mischievous face, which the children wish to avoid attention, Lift
a wooden chair, and approximate it to the sideboard, pausing, and if the mother or father were
posing, marching forward in his chair, his small stature that it conceals. So he goes with fish, and target
chair was placed near the sideboard. Then similar dexterity one small bench
Lift, and the driver seat. Thus, the ladder being ready, just quietly climbed on a chair and
from the small bench, arms raised tried out, if you can access to the deck.
While small Tobias tried this trick is doing to benefit the tabby lubricated again; the young men
nekiheviiltek table already, and Abafin was mainly active until you see what each is trying to mind
elszomi and scrubbed his former passions. Soon, loud laughter and not the
legillendobb jokes have become a serious spillage of emotions, such as locations and among wine
often happens.
Then open the door, and took down two men entered the diadem, and take place in a busy speechless
small table. One brown, large hollow-eyed man, his bald forehead, left
eyes black belt covers, chin and Slab long, broad, thick beard; black dolman clung
Members of muscular, with a large part of the housing baggy, dark-colored raincoat; other
was young, military-looking guy; chin dark cloth around them both being fenced
only half could make out their features.
Orsolya angry gaze in all the bejottekre, her husband and whispered in his ear. Moses with the
expression, which forced the Taps favor, came closer to them, who in a low voice
wine and cheese ordered.
While a decent Kovacsne in fulfillment of the command rushed Kenderesi got up from the table. -
My friends - say - 1 can get a good seat near the castle wall toward the center gate, Mrs. Sarah,
where good wine and beautiful girls, holy creatures they are. Here - continue scornful gaze of all,
bejottekre - fellegesedik time. He that cometh to me? ... Abafi wine ... and girls! Come!
All of them have been deployed. Sitting on a small table next to the younger man osszeszorita lips. - In
moment he reached up with his hand in the small Tobias, rising on tiptoe, on top of the sideboard. But
Sir Moses also noticed then, what involves the small house heir; lekeritven and belts with
karvagyo the smile that some of their own parents when their children reach do koze-
saturated him. Small csenesz looked behind, knowing in his father's intention, he suddenly wanted
put the plate; However, having lost balance with it, whichever fogodzni,
great clatter dropped to the ground and rolled just approaching the door Abafinak the foot
ear splitting scream.
The child has gotten the best of her nose, which was bleeding; but nevertheless also host Moses belt of
he began, holding tight to the hands and feet thrashing collar boy, whom the incoming door
Orsolya help arrived, trying with all his might to calm her husband. While Abafi
speechless watching the peculiar scene; face serious clouds moved in, it seemed as if deep
Thoughts surprise me, as if something dubious memoirs vilagolna mind. - Do not
kinozzatok of the poor youngster! - Sensitive voice said. - 1 will pay the damages. - In the
others have turned. - God be with you! - Engage in a firm voice. - I'll stay here.
And you're not coming? - Inquired Bethlen.
No! - Abafi curtly replied.
Page 47
No? And why? - He says Tolcsvai Kenderesi simultaneously.
Ah - is Bethlen -. Leave! He's not good if you specifically; I know the Abafi-workers. No - It will be
to laugh! - Farewell, Oliver ... sometimes ...
With all went. Abafi quietly took a seat next to the furnace.
What's the time, Ursula? - He says, gesturing to himself and stroking the little picture of Tobias.
Ten hours will be longer - it is responsible.
A four-hour rest here - Abafi say - and then go home.
The men talked in whispers with the small table; sometimes the younger Abafira
szegze eyes, and a deep respect for the wild flames of hatred shown. Soon arose, and
left the room.
Moses approached Abafihoz trusting.
Sir - say - took notice boon to both those small table next to the owl?
Not for the first time - said the kerdett. - What have I to do with you!
1 do not actually speak council, sir - to continue a half whisper Moses - but they are not on good terms
act. -
And to think - Oliver reciprocate with a smile - that two megijeszthetne so miserable?
1 do not, sir, but who knows what the intentions, and how many people can be!
Do not you worry, good host - to continue taking leave - my soul clean, sharp sword, my heart is in
place: what
Can I deliver?
Moses shook his head. - 1 suspect I have something, but my soul is at ease, because I speak. Good
night! -
continue, taking leave of the outgoing Abafitol out his sword while Kote up something down the small
Tobias hands, his face covered the jet joy.
- Good night! - Abafi reciprocate.
/ am the only enemy is not the other.
Com. Nepos
Quietly, deep thoughtfully advanced Abafi the wheat along the street; Torda street
Turning left szogletenel took his way to the market. The protagonist is rightly looking at the reader who
so to speak, to crush old passions, Moses entered the room, wine and daughters
Desirous perhaps some bitter feelings, and when we saw her march towards an ambiguous House
stop at once, and was decided to pledge not to go.
This is easily explained by setbacks. More than once he dropped briefly into the old way of life
return; he was not always the same as mental alertness guard onfeledesenek inhibitor, which now con-
toztata back. Praise be, however, that since every piece in this recession time when the
emotions exasperation of distributed, caused him pain; and the bitter feeling that her meglep-
you, when he was awakened by the Spirit of intoxication, always sharp, always fojtobb came to pass;
and thus the force that
legyozesokre required of passion for racing, training was always the most natural
While a bad or despicable acts regret it caused less pain, while more difficult to
ficult could also stand in contradiction; but since deep in the heart of tense string pendula: a
pain of regret in bad premonition about his assistant's forces, which
required of that temper of contradictory stand.
Several times in life are a trifling consequently high. The proud man times
attributes the majesty and power of mind alone is sometimes a little korulmenyke consequences.
Thought to Ms Ursula, when Torda cake carefully szeldele guests per
distances them that these little Tobias will megtizedelni, and that this was a consequence of a
idea in a man's mind to accept life, which reimbursed him the right way, you might megizelltven
again the vile pleasures forever been lost in your eyes?
When he saw the small Abafi Tobias ground in front of him: vivid colors, standing in front of one's life
legerdekesb scene, save the small Zsiga; she came clean heart, soul
Despicable direction then. He remembered that it was a turning point in the day, so to speak of passion.
Slowly fenysugarokkent vilagultak minds of those beautiful, rare condition for which more
few days ago so hot embraced her bosom: how to advocate that the soul may be noble, and
Do you think that moving huge strides in perfection. Caught detected heart szegyenleni began
that in so little power is on the way out by the fire itself, may remain. - 1 do not -
felhevulessel say nice - I'm not going out of the way again. We remember, we make up for in life
back to the heavenly peace, which you do good in the bosom of consciousness? I can feel the strength
in. No! Referring to be forever every vile! And from this moment on, the strong and solid Reny
clear path to follow.
Bringing so conceived. Abafi see through that, which is now almost visszasiillyeszte
semmisegebe painless, yet not such a circumstance, which it could not win the man-power.
It is true that the Assembly szegyeniilten considered apart, and seeing many of his frightened face
around gender of contempt surprise her heart. FoUeptenek was not the first civil court
success. Although smart with how, lack of success of complex there, which was great spiritual force are
Page 49
visszaijeszto, and about the first view of the mind as a refutation of the accuracy of the target, which
in our control. The prince's words can damage heart. Although this situation is somewhat words
fontosb nature Taps out what Abafi mind to voice very spot. Purity of intention
appeared on the minds lobogasaban virgin; It was as noble as you wish. Enthusiastic case said honfiak
up, and the bitter feeling surrounding him, to all that elevated mood so well known, and
which lead weights heavily on the soul, when our actions are targeted feheertetik noble, beautiful, and
Instead of blissful hope desert, soulless about the food in the way of action.
So felheviilve and recalling fellengeseibol everyday aljnak avaba, you can not stare
Abafin when you are sick, suffering soul than the body sinlo, sensitive pains rezzenhetobb
it came to pass. And perhaps the enthusiastic feeling full, if somewhat frivolous Bethlen her dalliance
with no hint
better hours szintoly enyelgo trefacafolatra BIRN, the challenge was how innocent. The
Please approximation, which Oliver fiare and its bloody consequently sought to karpotlani and
the flaming romance and friendship that the two young men together until his death CONNECT, the
certificate is enough
The difference between the former and the current Abafi.
The clash Bethlenneli, psychological principles, starting from a decline in the non-human friend
about. The noblest souls are scorching, and may the best man for seconds
unjust, has been mainly stimulus condition, and if the passion, which is controlled by noble. That was
forward, which brought Oliver Flashpoint: Woman protection, knights belonging.
By one of the most natural setbacks hero complainant kikeleseiben debut,
and the odaengedesben, which now almost vile pleasures vortex stand. - Perfection started
Abafi deeply felt listened to and have done if I had seen it necessary; perfection
way of erupting complained fluctuated in beautifiil condition, and launched himself toward doubt; but
downturn legcafolhatlanabb phenomenon, the reasons that haste was downturns mentse-
His non-Bulletin: or story, or a circumstance, however, as we have seen him in the visszaigazitak
correct path, and say that's fine decision: not to do any more vile, despicable not
think I have never been so solid, so Power and will complete it, as the present.
Abafi quietly passed the night in the dark; the very shadow of the church tower of whimsical wide
trembling line melted through the entire length of the space; staring down from a height of night
bright courtyard of the army of serious military- looking city, and the silver parazati atomledeztek
Gothic tower woodworks, praised ivezve wreath round them. Every street was silent and deserted, and
sound in the evening, sometimes glide through the air with the faint hangjaikent the Aeolian harp, the
Abafi auditory senses. Shock ragyogvanya be a mosque there appeared even in the big house rasa
window, bulk dubious world around it, and went a long shadow in the back and wide
window, occasionally sleepless Cariglie. - Oliver continues. As you will come to the center
landscape of received, heard a faint rustling behind her, like a selyemszovete smooth planks;
looked behind, and quiet strides dark cloak wrapped itself after being seen ahead.
Abafi agreement. More courage and more confidence in our people were known, so to speak,
enormous strength than that kuUogonak up slightly ridiculous it would not before. But
Rant sword forward, and still, he went farther; barely reached the broad middle of the street, when
a dark door oblebol three people ran out naked swords. The attackers face of
The lower part was wrapped in cloths, and dark-colored costumes. Oliver seemed as if
Guti Moses kettejeben the room drinking dubious figure to be recognized.
- Give yourself! - Said one of his deep voice. - AU defense inorganic success.
Page 50
Abafi drew his sword, and the answer to this solicitation was huge cut, which immediately solo
spread their land. The other two fierce battle began. Not forgetting the hero after her mysterious
person, lest it back tamadtassek, marched towards the wall, speed sword blows of the backing
ellentorekedok thick cuts of
While they fight in a dubious luck, one of the windows of the house near the balcony of soft Mikola
slit scream silently through the night.
Devil came to her! - Said one of the fencers, felrevetven sword and mace ragad-
is produced, which fiercely attacked by wild Abafit. -
Two against one! - Said one, not unknown to Oliver's voice now, and buzoganyos
man lay down.
Abafi suddenly left in the third one stuck in the throat, and turned back to protect you from,
whom is known for her followers. - No thank you - say - nocturnal bird kozbejottodet; back
tamadomat hunt, and it is not manly.
To leave you lost? - The answer is known voice, stepping aside. - Not against a vednelek.
There is no rule against knightly assassins. -
You're in! - Said Abafi noticeable surprise. - You! I did not ask whether - to continue tame, but
but reproachful voice - that do not follow all my steps? -
Teach me before, insensitive, to do this I know - is responsible for the help was pretty young, and
deep sorrowful expression on his countenance east. - 1 do not wish anything, Oliver, but while blood
bubbles in my veins, the sun that shines buried, you are! And yet we trifle with its
measured, what can I do, what you have done and are doing!
- Enough! - Abafi said evasively. - Enough! - You are now providing the young man's hand, and
inexpressible szives-
with voice continues: - Not taking the view goes, you're good, call, grateful soul, but depart; good
The dubious being audible sobs left, Oliver bosom rose involuntary sigh.
- And you - say megtamadojahoz who stared, transfixed about becoming veszteglett vasmar-
under the weight of sweets - a third of the whole miserable that he wanted Abafival merkozni,
very little or vengeance! Neither you nor the sender and fellow nevoket no desire to know.
Here - continue, in all the dust purse - remember this hour, in which Kosovo held my hand
wine in front of him! - And this one way around it, the two fell into another, and left. The
protection was young he took his way toward the other.
Then rose the assassin struck, half-sitting position leaning on his fist; face of the piston
hosseg flame fluttered, and felragadvan dagger Abafi after throwing; In addition to this the dagger
screamed ears
out, and a couple of steps into the ground in front of him.
Yea Abafi a step back, stopped, and long, contemptuous gaze in all the wretched murderer
speechless passed away.
The young man suddenly grabbed the dagger from the ground, and the killer in a hurry.
- Do not hurt! - Abafi commanding voice shouts back. - Depart!
The young bosom hid the dagger, there appeared to struggle with him, and departed, pulled out about
nogatva power.
- 1 am, 1 am the only enemy Abafi - murmured the killer - and 1, and 1 will be until blood is boiling
my veins! Curse on you and all your steps, miserable. - Last words were almost drowning, and
hanykodott painfully from the ground is heaving, blood soaked al.
Page 51
Different, hut both are nice.
They are faces that have a national stamp, and feats of oszves family arckife-
gramme, which the majority of the nation is striking. "If you want to see English - say Utasi -
Look Bloom Master; the long face, protruding blisters, very bright eyes, hair verhenyeges,
huge nose, the whole being and soul dream dispersal receiving lines of his face when the object is
included a glance the understanding of English. Or Don Velasco Hermosa View, and if the
Spanish castiliaiban proud to know you, look brown, round face, dark, round
eyes, straight, short rather than long, blunt nose, bulging lips, the dignity
strength in his steps, looking for opportunities to move in and the whole shape of radiating safety
margin - and now
Spaniard will see immediately. "
Thus, there are some families, each home landscapes, which you will learn the general qualified
prospective some house keeping department of a whole nation.
This stunt or sample the family in Transylvania Mykola house. Who saw it on occasion
possible overall image of all the riches of Transylvania family house holding, habits kedvtolte-
seirol the age in which history is moving.
Whether village or town in this popular family amusement, I noticed the simple courtesy
philanthropy, without a show guest esteem, Bajlo the way that everybody convenient
mes position can be made, and a few minutes of the house, a friend makes the most alien.
Rich gilded furniture, carpets, high-quality, heavy silk curtains; the largest silver
abundance, almost all work to be more utensil and horseshoes are also used; numbers
many servants, protruding into the then taste color dressed; a pair of huge satellite, pages,
clerks, officers, ID holders, key trench; an honest, fun-looking, suave and court chaplain
finally the jester as a necessary part of the additional time fenyesb finances.
In summer, open doors and windows; light, mostly silk or razsaoltozetek, horse nyerito
yard, barking dogs and a multitude of brown, short, stocky and short stout horns with long pecer
legs, yawning in the dark shadows of the gate.
Warm winter, a blazing fire in the open, whimsical wall carved or shaped kilns kandallok-
in. Pretty loose, fine premzetii winter garments. A spacious daughter's room, open fireplace
gathered around, spinning with women who practiced Merry meselgetessel the long winter evening
unalmait and including
sometimes known as the Transylvanian be nice until his death, an elderly housewife or smiling, red
dove gentle daughter. And all those lovely, lovely home-made scenes of the agreement, the sound
system and the
Hungarian familiarity Bajlo inspiration was shining; the frigid courtyard entrance, crushing mustache
or riding dripping from returning, beloved, feared and expected landlord, countless smiling arctol
accepted, and the unkempt yard, paved fiilhegyig Bear or muscular belenjrvadaszok
kopjakkal, stomped, small horses.
Transylvania was not latogattabb, szerettebb, becsultebb houseful you like Mykola house, and
so had the magic spirit kind of acceptance that it elomlott make up for it-ownership
respect. It was nice gentle lady, nice if debrief ekitmenyeit propagated; the grim
hunt deer if aggathatott peg in front of the kitchen, or mace, spear could swap the
Mykola old Miklos, who in his face at all times cheerful, comfortable, healthy expression
of which also was good for the eyes.
Mykola Nicholas was about fifty-six EDA, medium-sized, full, strong, nervous man, half oszbe
mingled at the top of his head and his hair is mostly very rare richly laden drawstring velvet cap
was only during prayer before and after the table and in the Church used to charge. His face is round,
red, health, let's dive in and was very cheerful The expression, blue eyes radiated kindness;
handsome aquiline nose, healthy teeth and lips by protesters mostly pleasant redotlen's forehead
causes the feeling that the people so it is nice to someone against whom mostly cheerfully
However, as everjwhere, the house also increased Mykola sometimes clouds, which are home
quiet, homely joys skies, which vaulted over it eletvidor family alkonyitak. Margaret
does her husband, Valentine G5ailafi four years before he died in the beginning of our story; soon
followed him
Mykola Nicholas's wife, Mary Abafi, Transylvania's most beautifiil woman leglelkesb. Nevertheless
two deep mourning the death overshadowed not only for the whole family, but the whole house people.
People are not happy about it than others. There was something special and something all of these
in sorrow, in which he took part in the last servant. The first dream seriousness pain later
followed, and finally the time to relieve, and Mykola cozy joy greet the family again.
A son and a daughter was Mykola Nicholas. The son of the present EDA barely sixteen, Bathory Zsig-
say in the court of noble squire service, and then it was always close to the prince, where
I met him. His daughter, Margaret, G5ailafine (also seen on the balcony of the house Mikola), the
widow, was about twenty EDA.
Margaret was one of those rare, fictional creatures, who are everywhere, sometimes appear bright
interest and fairy charm distribute seeds around. Her beauty, dignity, which koriilsugarza him
some originality in every move he made him to separate from the everyday world, sample
ist keeping future, enlightened by hundreds of protesters; and that the percolation jovendobol
the present so there was once like in such a complete form of rule that included former percent
prev next woman of the world for hundreds of koriilfenylve could imagine.
There was something MARGITA, which keeps the boldest. No pride, no cold, no
in terms of dignity, but the charm, which aired as a magic inspiration out of it, and not of the
fabulous spell based.
And this enthusiastic thumbs up like creature who all made perfect, every movement picturesque, all
heavenly voice, was not as lucky. I noticed something in it, especially in the younger age, so to speak
Hereafter, the ground locally, which could make him quite happy earthly joy can not.
Hardly penetrated into sixteen years, when she married. Her husband is rich, beautiful, maybe some
good ones considered
stakes, but it was light-headed person. Neither agreement nor appreciative girlfriend, whom his father's
wish is granted
Views of lead in his arms. It was a fiacskajok who Gyulafi absence came to light; and so
appearances, the affection ardor, the passionate love, with which the little Margaret
harbors, he began to localize the earth, and the fate of kibekelteni; but even before her husband's death
fiacskajat destroyed. The court priest meghittjeinek megjosla the child's death well in advance what
the particular circumstances surrounding her departure. The low birth Balint right shoulder little black
cross was
shown, however, that special occasion and many speak a few weeks after the birth of transmitter signal
later disappeared, and the boy, though lineaments changed little, there was much szikarabba.
Her husband died some fancy earnestness pour Margaret image. He probably never-Gyulafit
did not like; but in such a perfect creature, whose whole soul was full of tenderness, he has not had
this close relationship with someone without the spirit of full strength I would aim to do the video
get used to sense that his heart is attracted to her husband. Even after the loss of this threefold
enthusiastic lady
Page 53
It was not broken; and although the judge of erotetesre certainly lost upon it all higher
wear of the most serious in it yet, but gentle, not pulling itself out of nothing
housewife, the kind lady and found everyone properly. Many people have tried the rich, delicious
widow love to win, but neither could achieve target tavulrol; and this is one such selection below
lolag more women are distinguished fellow, has been brought back to him with a request not
Everyone was against Margaret almost ridiculous to speak or blame him; so onkeny-
dead, defeating for them was so public.
This striking property are both enthusiastic mother Margaret education, on the other hand, congenital
thank tenderness. Hamari widowed mother and her death at the right time independent camels.
The old man went to the residence was not Mikola, which onkenytelenne Gyulafmak against
become; so that the first represents the relationship involuntary and unconscious the exercise Margaret,
a family history of
associated with this striking property, even if the duration of the holders thereof younger than those
with whom
may his soul majesty.
In addition to these two children was a close relative of Nicholas Mykola Csaki Giselle at the house;
EDA fifteen girls, who, rich elhalvan parent, uncle and Mikolanal as gyamnokanal
populated. Previous meekness and relatives hugged the angehc child with love and enthusiastic Mykola
daughter, Margaret, who is a widow since her father stayed.
If Gyulafine than finer sculpture piece full age, like once, cleansed, regular trains
Saive, members sculptural, artistic century as a memory back, surprised the crowd: Gi
Zell of the entire female, gentle Gizella was peculiar interest. As the devel roses, which the
spring dew beads absorb first half open chalice; like a bird, which anyafeszek-
After resting in the first kirepte, koriilbamulva the atmosphere, which is a free country
cleave through winglets; as a first febrile patient alert you of him
of life itself and returns kedveseinek: so magical, so ethereal charm of this lovely melt away
child. Sensitive to the word beautiful, noble, softer meaning: it was his heart,
as the Aeolian harp, which is a weak breeze sighing sounds melt. What else to take hold,
Giselle in the navy brought tears to his eyes, and what else sweet agony clamp bosom of her
exalted, tulteve the world. An angel was at this time, and average koriilsugarzek whom the heavens
Glorious in heaven. The members seemed to have merged Nemesbod material; some senses
in association egiebb, tulibb human spirits, so subtle, so impressed RECEIVE
modes, so suddenly turns were used. Shy external threat then: a crash is dropped foot,
tremor brought upon by an unknown light, yet the torment in hell of consciousness speechless hokeble
Innocent as an angel, pure as a lily spring guise. He was like fifteen EDA gyermekebb
many nyolcevunel; She became so, so this was a nice szentesiilt creation that everything transparent
filtered, ennobled around him, and the harshest words for the drive not detected vedhetlen charm
among which prohibits indecent him from heaven that came before or Barbed clean lute or speak, but
could explain bravely; for him, the clean, everything was clean.
Abafi Oliver as one of the closest relatives of Mykola house, there appeared sometimes been very
a young man and his father's life. First look of the house completely unemployed Mykola interest
they were. Was much younger than the old Mikolanal; wilder neveletlenebb than enthusiastic
Margaret's husband or later, although it szeszellyel complete and easy-going, a former Transylvania
most educated young men among tarsalkodhatnek pleased with him. He is mostly Mykola house
speechless, sitting at table, playing a sad role in Hungarian, swollen face, which can easily be seen
was much better known heart or amused owl gunyhojaban hounds and greyhounds social
Page 54
The old man was Mykola first, then the intact nervous decided eyed child alert
it came to pass, and others warned; but we also can not Abafi kind, either listless show
It was not, and was one of the remorseful, who they, I went after the present ones were elszam-
lalvan last get used to say, "he was here."
However, the judge of who this child is rude some attention praises, is perceived as
suspend devout bamulassal sometimes large, dark eyes MARGITA than happy if it addresses,
ready to face what flaming parancsit teljesitni, and that this is not the gentle love
LEHEL odaolvadassal, but not one of the respected trembling occurs which sometimes
harbors toward student instructor, whom leamed to fear, but who also respect, and everyone is looking
discouraged, because
approval feel honored.
It is almost impossible to think that although rarely appear, but both her always respectful ardor
Despite wearing lation roof Oliver youngest age and almost fellengo roughness, although
mostly silent hodolasat Gyulafine had not noticed him. The Margaret, anyone who is not a difference
differentiating who everyone angelic gentleness and dignity nyajassaggal represented in full:
Abafi slightly towards a return to the principles likeness. It is true that for him there was no hotter
kozelltobb, perhaps even colder, less careful; but because they saw him as sometimes
onfeledeseit, poor excuse his actions; because sometimes one or another fulfillment Imperative
the almost despised anyone that was missed, and out towards some close relatives
upper-age relationship had taken up; Abafi this course than discriminate when
not towards you, at least the others treat him with egybehasonlitasban; and in this light,
Margaret Abafi that only the eyes with the way he used to, the reality is always similar
left to himself
After Father's death came into the possession of rich Oliver. Then drained brake passions,
always deeper and deeper sank. Cimborasag vile, rude like the charger charges
Days and blog intoxicated and gaps. Only hunting and riding replaces Nemesbod foglalatossagkent
elobbenieket sometimes, and I train in it's natural stubborn courage and the almost
tremendous physical strength, which were a gift of nature. Less frequently appeared in the house
Mikola, where the old and the well perceived gunjmiosolya enthusiastic Margaret quiet, sad, reproof
were charged. - So time passed between several filthy pleasures, living the infamous round or attom-
Bolve not quite clear lack of minutes, until now at the beginning of this story is the way Fejervari
found first. Since that time we have seen the idea of prospects, no one villamsugara Nemesbod
Pointing souls of her house and began again Mikola involved. Fairy lights in clear erkolcsise-
Genes reunited before Margaret, childlike Years idol, whom he feared and worship; Teenager fiatalsa-
Haga anchor with glue her beautiful Nemesbod world, and there is already anticipated and Monasteries
Mikola was the everyday object.
Gyulafine very well aware of the power of the gentle power, which he could hodolasra Oliver, and
sejditeni bosom interest began even before the Castle Monasteries have arrived, so towards the young,
just out of mind
sugallasabol onallast began to gain power for himself by providing a platform for promotion, direction
award. Margaret makes me feel that he was not empty, silent person in this view of the game; knew
a gaze, approving smile, handshake qualify effect; knew that a password
willingly given and the site itself is not never lost. Can we stare if both of them together account
interesting camels in front of the men, who began to excite public attention, and who has made it all
come of divination was great.
Rarely development interest towards the man without the woman's heart, gentle spirit mixture, which
the purple face, a warm heart beating causes; so not only Margaret soul, heart
also came unto bias towards Oliver. Maybe it was not love, I felt Margaret, but certainly
Yes emotion akin to love. I often doubt arose from the lady in her bosom. Is it possible to
Page 55
ever noble man, who has not failed, it was a despicable age? Write Fucked bosom of the earth to fight,
which is necessary for someone to sit out almost noble himself? And this doubt him take hold
It will be dedicated moments. But the lady's heart, his own confidence, which insists on for
notions of who is interesting to him. So Margaret trusted Abafiban; He began to believe that he
gyozend and
fortitude trampled out every vile passions rugodozasait: neither believed upbringing, private
gasztala, train with the tender compassion that is attractive kegyencehez him; and sometimes took some
words flashed TE
respects, rising sigh, which gyanittatak how interesting Abafi before. One thing is certain,
that he was not aware of Margaret toward self-esteem, when he had thought some certainty that
she loves Oliver.
However, this was not Abafiban temper. Since childhood, Margaret increased, next
relatives of the house; brotherly love was something, something spiritual. He, as well as foUebb
we have seen, even Gyulafinenak of being caught up fellengobb szempontbul than other visitors
Mikola house. Already on gender devotion with which he Margaret worshiped, every earthly desire
exclusion bosom; and though strange, but it's true that he did not could believe that someone Margaret
would be able earthly sense of the word, and not a sacrilege would have thought of: the more
revered as a mother towards vain desires edelgetni bosom; I stay valtozhatlan presence
the devotion with which he paid homage to Margaret, and in which the difference between the sexes is
was forgotten.
Leghiisebb -zartabb Oliver and I was only towards the small Giselle. We know that he was the first who
Abafi looked into his eyes, when he rode in the house Mikola balconies. If this sometimes hilarious
Before enyelgesbol mention of Giselle: felpirult fiilhegyig, and sometimes even angry. If Abafi
talked, it seemed as if it covered in shame, and the presence of a cheerful child Abafi
It was swollen and almost speechless. Margaret thought it was irresistible aversion is what Giselle
Oliver felt against, and this is a deadly him. More than once said, praising him, Giselle lowers her eyes
silent. Szembetiinoleg disfrict Abafi the company, and when his eyes sometimes happens in the south,
beautiful young rest: it was suddenly ashamed of it.
Many adolescent virgin differently explained this particular costume itself Able to hear
Mikola had her house Abafmak former messy lives; tenderness and purity of soul
was unpleasantly affected by the presence of such a man, whom he believed deteriorated, although
that's what the depravity, there was no clear notion, and whether he is just as evil unknown
badger given. Have you thought that maybe Abafinak little attention to her cause of this retreat:
Oliver did not look for it, so to speak, and respect him up as a child; and both multiplied
Bending, which made thousands of Iben once, and there was something enyelgeseiben that Gizella
only spoken against the child.
Neither praise nor blaspheme, or even heard anyone even mention Gizellatol Abafit since the majority
was once the home; and sometimes when talking merry enthusiasm among the younger girl or Others
men: Oliver just had to show up to Giselle elnemuljon immediately.
Margaret once inquired why he hates Abafit who, no matter what age a woman could be spoiled now
completely changed, and one of the most interesting young people of Transylvania.
- 1 do not hate - cast down his eyes met Giselle - anyone. And what could be this child's interests
estimated before the meeting Abafi, who does not even notice me?
1 do not know the reason for grip - Margaret reciprocate - but I think I'll appreciate if deeper
gaze sow heart. He is not, however, everyday people. -
Please - tell Giselle face burst into flames - MARGITA dear, do not mention him; I have children
I'm addresses, do not have enough itelotehetsegem someone understand the merits. And if you love me,
do not tell
Abafirol more; I promise you that! - Say, providing a beautiful angelic goodness kezecskeit Margaret.
Page 56
- 1 can not grasp, Giselle! So be it, I may not bring about; but if you come, be
friendly to him: hidegsegedet could take notice, and it hurt him! - Hurt! - Giselle says skeptical smile. - He will not notice, Margaret! - And then
eyebolts Gyulafmera asking, as if against the whole conversation would be nice.
Margaret was silent, and fish with making sure that Gizella coldness towards Oliver
orvosolhatlan or unknown causal circumstance, which prohibits fathom tenderness.
Oh, what seekest here?
Last night, when Abafi Guti lord Moses walked home and attack defenseless, we heard a scream
Mikola balcony of the house, so suspect that someone noticed the Abafi fights. This is
it was.
Since the bloody scenes of doubtful minds with worry die Kolos waited, and the fright
Gizella little horror experienced dangerous influence. Not slept, sometimes pushed deep bosom
konnyitni sigh like you're wanting, and the whole being conspicuous elcsiiggedes mutatko-
out. - Later, lying down - say once Margaret - maybe elalhatom better. - And this is not
nobody seemed as Giselle once sewn or not important, then that time the largest
houses were in vogue late midnight.
She is beautiful, full spice August and blog watcher on the balcony, while involuntary sank late
dream eyelids. Why is he sitting here and not elsewhere, we chased the dream, we virgin bosom lifting
shone bright pearl of the pain in secret and unseen selyempillain? Who can fathom.
In a world of human bosom, and countless thousands of feelings secret compound ripple redoi-
That night, when the clear moon lit night, Oliver quietly continue his pace through the deserted
through the space: Giselle was on the balcony; there s one of the spacious rooms have hard fara-
gasokkal loaded desktop dying half the oil many candles are triple lobogvanya as
senile Last Days, sometimes percegve up, small and nesszel elsotetiilve again.
She sat in the lovely child, shape and innocence, virgin desires and feelings; beautiful
progression face the young, developing lines dormant, as a premonition of a nicer way
exerted shapes that come complete; nehezkedtek great night-dark eyes languidly half its
lids; up so respect the quiet queen of heaven, which sugarpalastjanak amid serious
gently melting ground, silver foams. Who saw her bosom, who would know what was noisy there.
szetrepeszteni what threatens it? Staring have it: ah, but no one knew!
He saw his progress Abafit silent, and stood up chair, accompanied eyes: dream seriousness
appeared in his features and some painful as a whole. Shri proves that the race
he saw; very well see how it tamadtatek Oliver, we calmly rabbit sword of how
before it falls to be the first who raised him sword; seen it all, but no more. Gender febrile
where cold running through all his nerves; Members experienced straining; almost sudden heat
burned spilling out, following the unexpected frost members numb; Lead weights worked hard szemei-
away, knees detected break, and a scream slumped over the balcony; taking a chair angle
sURL huUasaban deposit, and through blinding snow off serkedezett young blood.
Everything was fast asleep in the house Mikola. Margaret, who had become accustomed to in the last
few days
Gizella put to sleep late, long rested in bed; Among dream soul mused arms and apple
chase each other, there is nothing fixed or secured legtitkosb soul desires.
After midnight, were: the night guard at the then fashionable, long horn emits spectral singing; and
tavulabb tavulabb and sounding monotonous song, more staff is always quieter echo from
, Page 58
Giselle moved, picked up heavenly eyes, the candle was in Aluva; given that the pale moon
night scene dubious scenic lighting; he raised his head, staring into space. This was something crazy
cold, frost-long respect. I finally rose, leaning on one hand and sat so quietly
thought, word, watching without a change szoborkove view: Phidias or Praxiteles the
odabamulasat despair would have carved out in the cold marble.
Piece of time so he sat; However, Margaret woke up and the room flickering candle World
He convinces her that GiseUe has not yet been laid. The snow-white bed spread upholstery coated with
the heavy, textured gold broke through the quilt, which was cast half-back flank and the imprinted
Have you seen pillows. - Where Giselle so late? - 1 think, and the hallways athangzek song-like voice
Margaret - Giselle! Giselle!
Page 59.
Yes, yes, yes! he said, the words
suddenly and quickly dropped out.
Walter Scott
The next night the middle-sized room opens up before us; The Accidental Spy FoDi defeat the dark
A single high, in addition to painted glass, inlaid rings Onasi white below the window
Monasteries Petersburg look square. Room negyszeget long form; is facing window overlooking the
a tall, ornate gilt carved door ledges. In right-to-left door frame we see two
high upholstered bed: snow white squeaky beautifiil folds bullet went down window shade; beyond
these two
long, large-flowered sofa covered with fabric stretches on either side, facing each other, and all of
before s pretty mivii table, full of feminine works, scissors, silk and half done
embroidery. The window to the right and left two white-coated table fits against the wall, both
ezusttiikorrel large, spherical with top and rear support will help us stand. These
surrounded by many small and large silver, mostly vesicular glands and vessels mivu semi
megaranyozva quite a few and precious stones inlaid. These vanities are one of the main
crown of the great eziistkorsok; Mikola- one of the other arms of the chakra. Bellied figure below,
round, in addition to slender, thin; and a pair of massive aranyozatlan candlestick.
Heavy defeat before the curtain went down a high window, obscuring it up until the present, and the
flows into the middle of a four-flame candles are down to the world.
The parties involved in high doorframe space left in bed upholstery; large arm chair with foot rests, and
We sit in Mykola Margaret: eager eyes are the deepest sympathy on the bed
suspended. Simple homemade clothing went down pretty easily folds members, and one of the arms of
the chair
based on the right ledge. We in the bed like a patyolatfellegben, small Gisella fekiinni.
Guido who saw angels, who stared at Correggio Amorim, it may have some idea of the
sight, it seems that in our eyes. The principal closing her eyes and beautiful childlike trembling
smile around his lips rested among the pillows, which are formed around one keritvenyt. Thick
drilled into becoming rich gyuriidzek waves around the month of forehead, face and dawn
marble bosom and shoulders. His arms stretched outside the paplanyon and half felturemlett shirt
entire piece from gombolyiiseggel charm the eye, which is half good shoulders, bosom lily
Among piles of arms and strolled dazed doubt, and not wanting valasztni choose acting.
Quietly there appeared to slumber. High door of the room were opened, and an advanced in years,
wide men, mingled oszbe beard and long, wrinkled clothes entered by waist
smooth belt clamp; cederfa little ark held under his arm, and sometimes a layered pearl mivut
crowns. Quietly approached the bed, afBrmative gesture returning the head Gyulafine
warning of the sleeper.
How are you sick? - Inquired the old man whispered.
Apple, it seems quieter since I brought her to the private balcony outside - met Margaret
choked voice. - It was not so easy. But it would be nice, sweet Aaron, if utero megtapogat-
DN; I see, I did not go all the way from the heat. -
1 think - Aaron reciprocate in a similar tone - it represents the convergence of fever, moreover, the
best sleep medications, do not haboritsuk. A few hours later I come here again: while the former
I could see someone else folvaltani good agent. - With the exception of a ladacskajabol vials, handing
Margaret. - Here - say - the damping fluid, of which not more than five small drop of water wiU be
to be; but relaxed intermediate stage of fever patients. - Margaret helybenhagyolag motioned
and Aaron and the patient quietly gone unnoticed.
Then in time, though they were sometimes home doctors, most houses had more confidence,
many international certificates received strangers, among whom he is not a Jew.
It was that Aaron's deservedly famous, and is both head element, whom Stone Petersburg dangerous
torokfajastol saved and many upper-class family in Transylvania bejartas.
Apparently, after the doctor's departure to the peacefiil sleep, which Edje smiling
eldele lips lovely Giselle, restless fever hanykolodas replaces. Eyes half opener
it's folemelgetven up and head to the right-hand train left before the image as if it wanted to smoke
avert gaze. Her lips were starting to move other than that, it is about; but without sound chair.
- Oh - says shaking himself out, and open with his eyes, which suddenly behunyodtak again - what
This heavenly dwelling! Oliver, look! ... There's the rose bush! ... How open rose! ... What a color
compound? -
He fell silent again; After a pause, the face of the most beautiful race in blush, eyes open again, all
As regards radiant magasztaltsag ablaze. It was truly heavenly, heavenly and almost fearful, avatlan
in mind; as the kind of illness and that the disease is in excess of the talent Testin clean
tanlatasnak wearer. Written proof beautiful face of joy and happiness to all breathed vonasaibol.
- Dear, beloved Oliver Hevea - say - chosen of my heart, come sit next to me ... That!
gratitude to you your love? Oh, happiness - continue with almost one voice - you love me, you
mine! This dream ... No, no ... Do not ...-?!? Murmured, holding out his hands as if
other hands squeeze. - These are your hands, Oliver? Those that attackers are plagued by dust,
and which are Gizelladat so sweetly, so soft, so hot squeeze your heart!
Margaret awakened.
- Oh, my! - Says. - Now I see it all: she loves! - S hands adhered eyes, resulting konyii-
them, remove them apart. - Yes - repetition - he loves! With blazing sky, though suppressed, bosom:
Now I feel all the power vedhetlen ... Poor child! Oh, it's more Lazne, these reports
features of the insane. My God! What should I do? Should I call to someone ... Now quiet again -
thoughtfully. - No, no ... this pure, angelic child is the deepest, most hidden secrets of give!
others? ... No! ... It would be sacrilege.
Giselle again woke up from his sleep; faded face, lips quivered; fusible pallor race
crew members, half-open eyes stared at, and his hands were clenched meet
vedoleg stretched around; sharp shrill scream sounded from her lips.
- Oh, heavens - exclaims - three against one ... Oh, oh, the Oliver ... He and I! it is only one - and
breast clamping his hand, and fainted back cushions. Not so long lay, dawn came down again
face, again disappeared into the pale pallor, and the spirits of heaven mosolygottak lips around; and
hangkiejtessel silver, the flame of love glowing eyes said: - Oh, no, no, good Oliver!
- He says, raising his hands up vedoleg. - Ladd is not free ... Oh, do not covet! - Silent again, and
After a pause, resume: - You're right, oh, my everything ... because you're one of my dear husband
or! The Oliver, who first brought this one home megpillantasatol detention hot embrace my heart ... Yes
... - rebeg-
you and seraphic smile plays around his lips - married may kiss each other, do not you, Oliver?
Or they can sin if you make it? - Said, his eyes cast down deep eye medal. - Oh - continue
flaming face - you amltasz, Oliver? Or not, I believe you, jer - repetition, made
arms - come! - Kiss the air in front of him, his eyes half were closed, his face month of
covered the darker blush, almost seeming out skin around lilies, as if one has beguiled
by unknown pleasure, the nehezkednek senses sweet, charcoal strolls bleaching, which is
following Edje enjoyment. - Oh! - Or rebege said.
Page 61
What you need to Margaret erzeni bajteljes this, but he is bound bitter heartbreak age, it's hard to
Clearly perhaps the first time that Oliver likes. Spirit has read little feverish heat of Giselle,
and for all the words of his innocent, childlike over his angelic purity of the heart of Margaret
spoken. She was a woman, and perhaps not worth as much esteem, if all went weakness
it would have been. Gender jealousy began to merge into the bosom; but the virtuous woman about
self horror szegze all spiritual power of this idea over against him a surprise.
- Ah - proof hear say about soul - 1 am a woman, poor woman, and I
believable ... foolish delusion that I'm gone all gyongesegtol. What a feeling this is that
surprised me! I like Oliver, Oliver I was afi-aid; gender hatred raises his head
feeling against the noise of this pure angel, who knows so much love in silence drown virgin bosom
and who
There is not now, hajh just crazy lips of suspended words! And Oliver is my right to be worried about?
Whether he likes me? ... Oh, do not Deceive yourself, vain woman! Not love, not the gentle.
Heaven got the passion that you involve him familiar respect, no other; and I was like,
I love it! - Continue erupting tears. - But no! Do not see nobody Margaret weak
not of the world, not Abafi - adding a soft voice full of love - not one!
Giselle hanykodott but restless in bed; the forrolaz fully took around.
Folcserepesedtek's lips, cheeks blazing mad staring eyes were half felnjdlva and hokeble
rising rapidly up and down. Felrazkodott intoxication of feverish again; horror clamp your lips,
his hands were like something to probe them.
- Oh, my! - Hardly say erthetoleg. - On this deep wound! Be calm - gentle voice murmured -
Oliver soul! The drug, which upon drivers, six; you will experience relief Myself
I picked the rocky berceken spicy plants, and Margaret was directed by the Irish. Fly
calm! - Repeating the expression of condolence legjelentobb face. - You're aching, my dear,
really? As if erzenem myself Calm your head on my shoulder here! Felresimitom dense furteidet
homlokodrol. Oh, your forehead is hot! - He says, stroking his hand in fi-ont of the quilt. Again
paused, and there appeared to slumber quietly. - You do not put words? - Rebego voice inquired as-
a eszmelve. - 1 do not know whether I, my dear? I'm Giselle, you call the nod your little
Gizelle, who thee so hot, so kimondhatlanul like! Gizelle, your Gizelle, whom many
nice name you can give! Who has no thoughts, just you and you always!
Margaret changing feelings between brooding student at the beautiful angelic patient, and where soft
Clamping poorly, where toriilgete forehead.
- Poor - say - so young, so deeply felt, so passionate! Where this could lead to? Oh, if he
happy I could, and now Oliver! Yes, it's very nice, it would be very happy for me too.
MARGITA was not the dull, sickly slops that so many prominent lady. He loved
tagadhata no longer to himself, no moment deep in his soul he said cafolhatlanul
this consciousness. But how you beyond all koznapin majesty had the feeling inside of you
emotions were nobles, and strength of mind will not allow her passions inclined fi-om teveszt-
Margaret deep sense of spirituality that every noble soul seeks some purpose in life, and
if not, not lived or experienced animal tengesse despicable. Father of declining home life
Fun koriilovedzni gentle charms, rich in possession of the welfare of the people do everything,
prayers lifted konjKiket secretly wiped, not seeing anyone: he's the beautiful, the well-
circuit components, which he modestly silent eldele szivoromeit. Now, when the secret suffering
vedelye statement before this particular way: the soul of serious thoughts environment. Beginning
contemplate that his elder Oliver, perhaps an age so he could not quite boldogitni as
he desires a noble heart, and what would be immeasurable pain to him the thing he loves himself
Page 62
towards cool to see; but if you hodolas's so farther gondolatit booklet, which is much more prominent
It was like that could go unnoticed, not to love! ... I had a voice Margaret keble-
in which he always suggests that to her again: "He feels the brotherly love, he
friendship built on respect attracted to you, and why these passions flare elegyitni
gentle warmth of feelings! So for me he will always feel! Yes, and perhaps always hotter, and
I will be the truest, most intimate her friend. "This drove a thought the other. All
Margaret was a condition for the noble spiritual strength that come complete with matching s.
He saw, he knew that Oliver Giselle feels for nothing, even the innocent child almost
not even notice.
- Oh - he says he is - it would be divine, glorious convergence with the two hearts together? - Again
Margaret that seems to think - But - continue - if Abafi break out of the way, which
high court as a beautiful soul fires forward, and back down if vile passions ozonebe:
Giselle, the innocent, the pure, the sky, just ordinary people come close, and all those painful
Maker of bitter disappointment and would accuse myself. No, no, that would be terrible.
Nice big plan outline Margaret began to turn into a noble soul.
- Yes! - Say, and descends more eyes on the shell, and her breasts rose higher. - Gisella
kimivelni, noble materials and entered on the perfected soul impress Oliver, beautiful megedzeni
folteteleit, encouraged the way; and if so together erdemesekke idomultak if each Observations
taken, they knew, maybe love: their hands together to make one heavenly bliss of eldelni
When such a happiness which, beating onszenvedelyet, created all by itself. - This was the plan
Margaret, and though her heart was broken, and kivivando against fate itself
Giselle's eyes were opened again; Margaret quietly holding hands.
How do you feel, my good angel? - Asks.
I'm thirsty - foleszmelve said Giselle. - Oh, come on - say - do not drink the thick, add water,
Oliver, crystal clear, as is my love. -
Giselle - Margaret said again, giving her a glass of water, to which he brought his lips eagerly -
do not you know me? -
Yes, yes, yes! - Giselle say crazy speed. - Of course, as you or queen. No,
no, you're huge fairy, glass is clothed with nice folds melted limbs, and
rose gold pendulum around the temples. Yes - continue forward, staring at you - through your clothing
I see your heart beat. Oh, that is clean ... Oh! - He exclaims, half folemelkedve, after a pause -
because you're Margaret, Margaret ... the good - and then braid feverish ardor gentle arms of Gyulafine
around his neck.
On me know whether my dear? - Margaret says again, eyes fill with tears, and stroking a kiss
fused lips. -
By thee? - Said the child, passion legeltetve eyes Margaret nice features. - You're good
Angel, you know it? After all, I owe you all my happiness. You love him,
as I like it or not ... oh, no, you can not love anyone. His soul was mine, blood
my heart beats, and his gaze ... ah, there is no word to express what a woman makes you happy, and
you waive at
sure, for me, the simple child, you, Margaret, and the women first, the beloved Margaret! ...
As my gratitude to you for you? Oh - and continue tears descended eyes - well you know
thou that I can not live without it! Did you see dumb with grief my heart, you've seen sleepless ejeimet!
You've seen it all - say, and some tired imagination of the paused again. After a pause
continue, Gyulafine hands tightly clutching the heart - you knew everything, and listened as
Page 63
me! ... and done! ... You camel with your hands, you will open the gates of heaven heaven
in front of us! - Giselle face halo around there appeared to radiate.
Fever began to disappear with fish, his breath became quieter, a blazing fire in his eyes gentle flame
melting, and dream nehezkedek eyes. Margaret sat next to him with seemingly dumb. A photo spread
before him, and he saw a lefejlodeseben drawing and image of it is inhabited, and everywhere he saw
himself as
benevolent fairy - and really saw himself in silence. Only occasionally flashed joy beam on his face,
the jet does not delight in his ejaculate sky around it.
- Yes - said Margaret, and a gentle kiss on the forehead again Giselle - will be met
AIM, teljesiilheto, and I will not live among cowardly complaints, not referring to the life bar
remenyfosztva and imaginary egembol excluded - continuing deep sigh - live and machined, while
This beats the heart; while six, about the exciting spirit bosom!
Page 64
What's new?
Victor Hugo
If Peter's Church in Rome, or London westminsterit, as is the eye staring bow
the human hand, the human mind works. Huge arches, and yet very slim oszlopo-
con difficult mood of devotion heating sacred darkness of it, the amazing dignity and courage
kulrol rise, the architecture of the soul great food is raised, the people kevelyebbe
will be about seeing yourself farther and surviving works. Fine art, illustrious, Bajolo; but the results
initiated in comparison to what is and what is the nature of works produced highly classified secret
the workshops! Flood, volcanic mountains, foldingasok workers. Smash mountains, valleys fill,
caves were plucked, and whatever you do, because the smallest of small works in big was beautiful;
the largest, in terms as if they had a gun in the smallest details, can reach you
fineness. English to by a magnifying glass for rough, uneven piece of iron; the uterus
milliomszor zoomed smooth and sting gorotlen like pearl.
So the work of human hands beauty of disappointment, the termeszeteinek reality. His works
kevellye make the man, the natural shame: dignity difference in the balance
Mountains ormain breathes more freely dilated breast, wings desire, and the magic mirror of an eye
adopt a world below to the country, and the core of the town thinks he's such a great little man! The
sea plane, where the royal ruby crown rising sun, or hanyat- between violet clouds
lik vizsirjaba, vegigcsillogva long line of bright green enamel elements lie about the
elfogodik bosom, some isolated inhabited the earth, and their scope eltepetve, whom cardiac
melted chain thousand desires and feelings; reserves all its own! The house, which the waves
it gallops, onkeszitmenye; the stem, which controls its flight, ontalalmanya; and the target, which aims
But the ODVA dark caves, deep mountain lungs koriilbamulva immense vertical
cliff edges, koruUehelve the deep darkness avatol: strange, inexpressible charm turns off
the people; elfogodas, religious gerjedelmek rise, and seem to appear. Hell is the torkaiban
soul thinks about heaven and invisible wings vicious tanyarol rise up to God,
the eternal spirit, who created all this, he works himself creates, quotes, produces,
elragadvan sensitized and soul of the man himself absorb the earthly and the leszivarogtatja
Egita the ground.
Transylvania is one of the most beautiful caves near the edges of Wallachia, the Volkani Strait koze-
juice is Csetatye Boll's present name, which in English makes Boli castle, and a Portola called Boli
note monument out here alone defend it for several weeks racing against the Turks and Tatars.
Sharp, jagged mountain rock, lying almost naked, blooming green tree masses borzadozo
given up among the hills, about certain situations pride sky. The large meandering road
path leads to the other side of the mountain, where black and outdated throat gaping cave in Boli
dark hole. A few steps farther kioblul sudden, highly swollen huge as a house
Before traveling to the show: two sides projecting sziklaormain natural gallery runs high,
numerous cavities. Through the broad bay ends midnight zuhogva a mountain rumbles kovecseken
stream; width of several fathoms, a depth less rare konyoknjdnel soon. The cave keble-
dug its way in the dark green foam ice cold stream of users and steep walls nyaldosva
Long hair sad morajjal turn right under the rocks, and the way to form the bed of the mountains
through, or barlangit or where fodetlen, the sky azurjatol karpitoltat.
At the same time, which was retained in the present story line, a vivid picture of the cave Bajolo
against us:
high, fustgomolytol veiled, its glare Huse, great column on atrecsegve;
page in a long line of horses ragodnak meet them stacked green grass and nyeritve topogva; the
could lead to fire spread to nearly leafless farkasborokon hordocskara elbow lies a surprising
-looking man; as far as we can take this position, squat body and nervous, his face serious;
spend a little high brow hairs sea, openly leaving the upper part of the head of the whole;
an approximate age of sixty years; the lower part of the head of thick, dark hair fodozi defeat, filled
In keeping close to the neck; The upper part of the forehead is smooth and white than those who would
fbdve considered, but close to the arches like szemold redosor be shown to through-
two engraved melyebbtol are marching up between eyebrows, short-tempered and violent phenomenon
show. Thin, tall, towards the end of his nose suddenly legorbiilo respect to some of its strength,
a more enhanced kiholyagzo, very bright, big, blue eyes; delicate lips wide mouth
stood ajar, and long white teeth in protest, showing the strength and integrity; thick chin,
defeat mustache and beard Fodio. Dress is simple, open zekebol brown, parted fi-om which
shirt white form hairy chest was very rewarded; leather pants legs around rivers, years
waste of shiny and rough feet, there is a wide boots.
Not far from the man, whom some semblance of upper age gaze be with the rest of the fire
surrounded by picturesque clumps stand high on the sunny- faced people, or heavy iron yam
shirts or white farkaskacaganyokban heavy weapons and those without; on the
halomzo ruins here and there are some serious face and lively gestures; one or two
fiat stone or empty barrel, which is translated into a bottom-up, elbow or ones
kneeling around, among others uproarious laughter and hassle cubes unalmokat expelled. These
Long is among a mass of people elcsomozott some up and down around the fire and horses.
The whole face shape and compound spirit breathed some rough force, and the pecuhar csoportozatok
around the bonfire dark red lobogvanya fusion dubious hesitant light, providing a huge remekkent
the dark shadows of the cave szirtoldalain us in for. A great romantic scene
Given this risk prediction among around motley crowd of people, they are thieves or hadfiaknak
Two men appeared to be particularly pretty, all faces of white and fine apparel
by Hungary. Their members were dark, knee-length dolman top of beaten gold and kovek-
comes loaded with a wide buttercups are driving them up by way of the terminal; expensive websites
csiingottek swords, and as a whole pumpkin showed that not long ago are among the host of this game.
Still, arms crossed and almost cheerfully stood by the fire, speak to each other
getve little and watching the others.
Balthazar - said the elder, about negyvenevu man, round, red, healthy-looking
face and upset members - whose hand-Cseszeliczki reach the beautiful creatures? -
Who knows - is responsible for the younger egykedvuleg the other, turning to the pile flame
You have seen quite beautiful, young, in his face, blue eyes full of fire - something the sehonnainak
Italian ground Uncle Bela, as most of the Lonyai possession.
The two speakers really Cseszeliczki Balthazar, upscale, very smart young man and Bob Lonyai
they were. The first eszerol, the last known details of valiant men, whose pardoned
as the prince, but their cattle giddy and Lonyait iramuze.
Hawk call Cseszeliczkit speed of striker Lonyait hireert war. This army
everyone was pseudonym.
Falcon was silent for some time. - Ah, my brother - say - who knows what the future brings. While in
high spirits and
There is power, while two men in this life keresztiiluszhat the waves!
- True - Forward pass through his hands coated with a nice, long beard - while we were sitting with
plenty of wealth,
wish to battle and trouble; We're in it now. Worry, and who wants to know, I do not!
- Many adventurers Lightning - about the man sitting farkasborokon turning Checkout Channel - hardly
Strain through a pair of Tatars; I was not wrong.
- Do not Felts, Mark - Forward comforting - the heat off daughter; it is also better suited man,
as a lady. Our two days wandering Tartars took chase; but hardly noticed intention ships, however
nal back. So help me, I would not mind the two Tatar, if she had been; one left
teeth, the other carrying a forget-me good.
- But Lightning also received good blows kopjanyellel - chimes Falcon stepping closer - a cart
were included in the cave. Now you can see the heavy cutting wheel in the stream.
Csetatye Bolin who attended these ruts see this day; perhaps has never been more cart
True - Marko reciprocate - but also sworn vow to fetch the head of the Tatar, who then megszaba-
started from. -
Ah - a stocky man said with a laugh, leaning close to spear Marko - who can it
attention to the eyes of many! Meglakol the first for her, who find.
Kiirtrivallas sounded muffled into the cave, multiplied by the hundreds of bays visszhangtol retired.
men immediately jumped up and stretched fegyvereikhez, marched to the door of the cave, which
tease throat dark knight with a serious-looking. Clothes of unsophisticated simplicity, blue
dolman and an approximate kanyaritott medvekacagany him in the presence of one of the incumbent.
EDA was thirty- five, was a regular face, cold, serious but important; passion age
plowed brow ridges, which reached a height of sparse hair.
Hello, Brigade - shout it to return to the fire chief - and not waited so at the right time! What's news
Monasteries Expected? I see, well megszalasztad the hawk, the foam breaks it. - This lay down again
the farkasborokre. -
I'm Good - addressed the meet, get off his horse. - Lead, but only in the cave;
the outside air is not clean tar Fokea seen wandering the thicket, and as owls, glistening
need I have eyes at me!
1 reply luck - note the Falcon, stepping closer to him - that unscathed
left. -
By far, you've seen them here in this? - Marko inquired calmly.
About two hours - answer Brigade, closer to the fire. - Hardly something no plan! Because
although I noticed no hiding from the thicket, and even spears raised me. -
Few people can be - say egykedvuleg the leader - this is the reason.
1 think so, because you only have megzaklattak; although none Karvalyomnak Hagn
footsteps. -
How many of you went to El Toro, Botos here?
Page 67
Eight people - meet the stocky man who just spoke.
In any case - Marko continue - we're ready. Although the Lightning would have at home!
Strikes are not scared - chimes Botos - Hundreds outmaneuver!
Sit here. Brigade - Marko is turning the new one I came - next to the fire, and you can come closer!
Here the
water bottle! I know you thirsty, recruiting game, have a drink and let me know!
Good brigade pulled the canteen, and lay down, stretched along upset members of the shaggy wolf
The whole group rushed to the fire, his eyes fixed on the light brigade.
Do you know - it began - what's the latest news? Deva heard Szalanczi Laszlo property
Castle of Brani§ca, the prince's men osszevagdaltak. -
Since the Turks decomposes the covenant, think of the little prince clever ambassador.
And now the
Prince? - Marko inquired.
He is - answered Brigade. - The Turks, as they say, all the way to peace was broken.
He will gather job! - Marko exclaims. - 1 thought I would forward as soon as Balthazar and
Kovasoczi kivegeztetesoket heard Szamosujvar; Dinner and Francis Kendi sa Bornemisza
John's planer. -
1 do not I bring you good news too, and Falcon Forward!
What could bring bad? - Forward says with a laugh. - While the sword hanging on my site, and my
heart is not
ficamlik out of his place, not a problem!
- While wine and beautiful women are - continue Falcon - wonying about quality? We are beyond what
I have everything.
Beasts distribute the prince, and you, Forward, or banished to Hungary!
In or close to, and I can go today - meet Forward, Marko question facing view.
At the right place here! - Ultra-Mark, and his face appeared on the confidence that own him
was. - I'm the king of the borders - to continue standing up proudly and considering itself around - Deli
Marko. When is a good time to Sigismund, he will not mess with me! ... Here, Falcon, this was the
Kornis Caspar days. - By providing a coil Falcon.
Hawk to the fire ran along the bending lines.
- Um - say - the prince take care of itself in time: Michael and vajdakkal already shaking hands
caught, and the edges of the giant promises now. No - continue merrily - beautifiil estate, treasures,
money, all there! The prince was taken away; he knows why; but - say breadcrumbs and sword
flag around his face in terms of - live in Transylvania! Stephen Bathory relatives live! In addition to my
I am, and my heart beats, while my arms stretched; and who feel as I do, pull out his sword!
And a lot of swords csortetve zajganak vagina, and the cave ODVA snapped back: "Long live
Transylvania! "
Marko seriously considered around him. - Long live Transylvania - repeated calmly - but not
hirtelenkedjunk! The Turkish giant. It will be good to keep him while questions as to which party
be the one which we intend to stand; you anyway - continue pride - 1 will decided in!
- Just remember - about Forward - promise you: I do not rant against Transylvania sword ever.
- 1 do not, I do not - say Falcon Botos and at the same time.
Page 68
We do not! - Even some voice ringing in the spacious bay.
Oldest trouble maker and I am a military partner, Marko! - Exclaims Brigade. - 1 have no one to
world, paternal house is your army, and the battle world of trouble! I will follow, where and where you
want! -
1 know - Marko replied seriously - what binds you to me, kopjaveto game, and how long
I can count on you - and a sneer went down around his lips. -
As for you, zajgok, you know that I wish from you just as much as higher koteleztetek
selves. This is my habit! Now be quiet! - Speak in a low voice, and as thunderbolts
After, there was silence.
Dwelt beside the fire again.
And what other news hozasz. Brigade? - Marko inquired further.
The prince will marry; said Charles Styrian daughter waiting.
How? - Notes with Marko half smile. - For Josika Stephen recently sent him
Italy, for a similar purpose. -
Yes - Brigade answer - but while he returns to the beautiful Cristiemat taken Monastery Castle. The
as heard in disguise to meet her, a model of Italian clowns. The preparations were beyond
large; Bogner,
said it had been blue and yellow fabric and bought the town; and
Szeben has also been a barrier gate.
And what the barriers? - Falcon inquired.
Knight games, in which several German and Polish gentlemen involved.
Sword? - Forward inquired. - It megugratjak Polish lords.
Long dzsidakkal German course - answered Brigade - the German princely lady honor, and perhaps
kelevezzel, if it comes; I do not fear for the Poles!
- The German dzsidaviadalt - hate - note the Falcon; mostly physical strength lays in it,
no skill and courage. I like the sword. But I want a party on the sand
urakbol decide guest. Devil! Still annoyed that we need to stay out of it!
What do you think - Forward inquired, turning Falcon - Vini going to Abafl?
Oh - responsible for this - there is no doubt in it! And if yes, to win. After being with him for this; His
also prostrate at the same time!
Hardly take part in it! - Brigade is hardly concealed annoyance.
Maybe exiled to save him too! - Falcon interjects. - It is to us, it will.
1 do not think - say Brigade, and his face darkened almost to blue - not to kozunkbe!
Among glasses and soft-hearted ladies place, not in the caves arszlanyanak among men!
Moreover, too - to continue forehead folds involved - be powerful enemy. - Then told
Abafinak megtamadtatasat the monasteries Petersburg market. -
Bucella, say - is a brand - a secret enemy, and the prince hatchers.
If this is true - Botos say - you'd better take care of itself in time; only to stare at that
Prince follow in the footsteps of such a secret flight; others more briefly treated. -
Determine the reason I could - meet Brigade, without hesitation, not quite, but that possibility
tunity wanted to hide. - Mikolaekkal not want to mess with Bathory. Abafi closely related to the
house, but it will not save him - continue clenched lips.
Page 69
- If while bypassing the prince's anger - note the Hawk - all will be forgotten;
I know Sigismund Bathory.
While talking to the cave so dark army sons, two shots heard kiilrol chair. I jumped up again
all those skills, which often unexpected situations always vigilant Taps beings.
This Tartar or Lightning! - Say Deli Market, around half pushed around in terms of mass hero.
Lightning, I say - speak in a low voice Brigade, and something popped up all over unrest
- Lightning or Tartar - met Marko quiet - nothing else.
Pagie 70
Aside, miserable!
The cave mouth galloped into this moment, a young knight; Before the insider as whimsical
appeared on prescription painted, surrounding the inlet opening azurjatol Legno.
It was a nice slim stallion, which played barrel light burden; Transylvania true species, not later
degenerate offspring material from crumpled, half-Spanish, half-Mecklenburg, half Arab ... so all
not only Transylvania. Dry, straight, small head, broad open, red horse orroblokkel slender, willowy
neck, thin veil on efQuent mane; straight waist, dry, nervous but not very
thin legs, strong, secure bottom. Such was the knight's horse, clean Ciuc species, fourteen Markon
well reviewed. Eleven Green cafrangja defeat fringes hanging down his head, and fit nicely faded apple
color; Hungarian high cantle saddle, bear meters covered with skin, tight slim waist; forward
receiving his feet and lively gait lightness and fun aspect dashing Negen uttered detailed.
The ride was short dolman cherry color, which eziistfonalbol top military chain based iimog
shone full members merged rule, felkonyokig length sleeves, waist and long, narrow
plastic, cloth surrounded by Turkish texture; stems extremely baggy pants were down and Turkish
skirts and little feet yellow mucus in need of bearings; wearing a short leather foal kalpag
long ostrich feathers, and three more of osszetoldva, which can be placed in the rear saddle; but
onokozta breeze circulating now, far reaching for horsemen.
- This Lightning! - Say in one voice for the whole group, and reached out kopjakkal was Rendite is
How, errant child? - Cried merrily forward Deli brand. - Arcade Porverejtek surprise.
Lightning not come empty-handed! - Botos exclaimed, surprised him and seized the reins of horses,
Dragged which downcast heads unexpected hold up a step or two forward with you.
Burning was the beautiful young face of war between the wild-eyed man army; left of the reins, right
horrible gaping dripping blood, holding a ustokenel Tatar people; and saddle up pretty mivu
Turkish sword was keresztulfektetve.
- Here, Father, the fairing! - Lightning said, because he was; and one for the people, shaking the dust
has struck
Marko forward. - And here - to continue, the gaudy silver sword lifted out of the saddle - myself
something! - Falcon altalveve the sword, but Lightning easily leaped from his horse, veregetven
neck. - 1 am satisfied with today - a flattering, kissing his forehead pressed. - Swallow, there will be
complaint in the figures. - This signaled Botos, who guided the horse deeper into the cave.
Lightning was pretty, slender stature, more large than small, and about twenty-EDA, although
particular masculine attire of hiiszevunek barely visible. His face was oval, brownish and Orientals
extremely interesting. Merry frivolity small safety margin hovered Codec living in his features.
Movements, szokiejtesein was peculiar grace, which is a nice plus silver tone.
Returning to the former men helyzetokbe, providing the daughter of Mark's hand, without it, offering
reached the farkasborokon through the fire, putting away kalpagjat, which will house than from
fell out of chestnut color, ankle-length hajtekercsei.
- Resolve saruimat off! - Say half imperious, half smiling voice.
Page 71
Brigade came immediately.
- Not you! - Says a hard look in the dipping villantva Lightning Brigade, and all of a sudden yank
back foot.
Brigade stood up, his whole being suppressed annoyance was sfriking.
She seemed to struggle with him, his lips moved as if it wants to say.
- No - he said, after a pause, conspicuous contempt jartatva brigade through his eyes -
aruUak not, but the skies, beware, because I know you.
Brigade stood silently in front of him; Sfrikes atszegezte eyes, and something so deeply sad and simple
szersmind was angry this regard, our blood ice cream.
Falcon politely bent down while kiszabaditni the exfremely small and narrow pins
fodelokbol yellow.
What aileth you? - Marko odabamulva inquired, he turns and Lightning Brigade flush
gaze. -
He knows! - Answered Brigade defiance.
Nothing! - Lightning spoke briefly, always keeping an eye brigade. - And you, Father - continue -
hozass wine! I'm Szomjus. -
Go, Vidor - commanded a young man standing near - look around the chamber, is also from the
pirosbol; sensitive because the child, although I kept short enough! -
Your head grew leader! - Note the young blonde Vidor, hurriedly went to a cave
towards smaller bay from wood soon reins of return. - Here - say - what's left!
White is enough for all of us. -
Drink it yourself if you have to! - Lightning said; drank handed the reins of the best, and I laid it up
to you.
Where were you, discuss it! - Called up Mark, stroking his forehead. - Where's agent thee
Comet button? Nor could bakja the Tartars. -
Fairly rolled pagan dogs - Lightning answered. - Less than an hour from Noticed
three wandering Tatars; Apparently kotrodtak hurried toward the mountains. Swallow said, my horse,
it would be good to cut their way; but three against one! ... Eh, guess who dares, wins! ... Sarkantjm-
mat nekiszegzem the trees and while I say this, I was against the three ebbel, who immediately
lance leaking of me. You know, that throws the spear Tatar: just now shakes over his head,
then looks purpose, stop, and it exploded. While the spear flew the lackluster not lying; and the three-
Instead of lightning hit the ground! Then squealing mine which one takes off the ground immediately
plummeted. But the other two curved swords rushed at me, and while we fought for a long time, mixed
with dust
around us: from a group seemed to hadfia.
Stone was - Marko chimes in with a smile.
Yes - Lightning met - he and his companions! As he sees the two Tatar save him, tovaillant. I am also
horse. Button on your not leave here, I said gold wage White Castle. And leoldva the Tatar sword
lenyiszaltam than I could: the sword and principal came to me! Hey, it's not enough lady, men?
- God, enough - say by providing hands Marko - whose father is. Has been accumulating in the Tatar
capital, twenty
is not it. Forward? Tomorrow will be sent White Castle.
Page 72
Will soon suriidni frouble! - Falcon said merrily. - The Turks made, and neither the Transylvanians
lying. -
Ah - says Lightning - the more the better! Just be nice and healthy, do not you, guys! Long live ...
the frouble and the battle! - Cried merrily lifted up the fakantat.
"Hail!" Bluster.
At midnight, when everyone lies a long time.
But let's get back to the Prince. Sigismund Bathory known overly hesitant acts
kidney, her cruel olettetesei higher proportion of the Transylvanians, and even the outer court case also.
odious camels. But we also can not be denied that certain magic about the melt
Bathory name Transylvania, which partly Stephen Bathory wise and always looking to Transylvania
memorable reign of specialist explained, on the other hand, some of the property from kijelelt,
which have fallen short - was not a Bathory - so to speak. These were caused to each
sect was, in truth it romantic affectionate.
If Stephen Bathory, the wise sense and virtue rich prince of Transylvania loved than later
Poland: I watched Andras science, tapasztalasait; loved the light that
construction of a home debut. Similarly Boldizsar many people liked. The beautiful, bright, although
frivolous and cselszovenj'tol did not like the man once knightly spirit mingled finer
and then the time rarer literacy; and to him, especially among younger women and more beautiful
Transylvania, not
It was a small party.
But Sigismund himself could sometimes I would be grateful for some, and not only had the public
personal courage that is so everyday military life, but with some top chief
also, in some cases, that he was almost surprising, as against the Turks,
while demonstrating lucky wars.
From explained that most of the Bathory name is still attached to Transylvania
He refused to return for good hope Sigismund Bathory cruelties if not quite
to forgive, at least excuse, and young age or bad advisers' attribute
who, knowing very shaky thinking, I know I paid for, and sometimes onszenvede-
viszonttorlasat vile struc- ture or revenge at the expense of the young prince to satisfy negligent
Striking certificates were these personal aspects of the show hatred sokszerii
chases, out of which many were exposed, without knowing the reason iildoztetesoknek.
The majority of the employees in the monasteries Petersburg Abafi megtamadtatasat the prince's secret
attributes whose intimate doctor Bucella, Abafit a careless person nyilatkozasaert
hated. Abafi metelyenek country once called him, and he used this Corsican viszonttorlashoz
Italian is not very serious latszatott to want to forget.
Even by this belief was likely the fact that Poland bucella
sent from the prince, Abafin no more trouble.
Others suspect that this bucella orgyilkolasra was not in charge of the prince; but
believed that if the goal can be achieved, Bathory was glad the thing rather than resented have up being
stimulated against Abafi, whose courageous opposition against the National Assembly and the prince
It was unpleasant to him.
Sigismund Bathory who described them in no csudalhata that the persecution against Abafi
simultaneously abolished; even if they had directly ordered the prince.
Do Sigismund Bathory thing was to see them tomorrow mercy, whom he hated today
Page 74
however. All this has made its mark capricious ruler fickleness horde forehead, and
mercy, as was the proverbial inconstancy gyulolsegenek Transylvania. Furthermore, the
Mykola house was one of those that are most often visited by the prince, and Margaret
He was awarded a high spirit of conquest against her charm. He is the prince of involuntary attractive
himself, yet polite distance could be observed. But all that, that Abafit as
Mykola house close relatives latszatott spared, not legoromestebb told her, and her restless,
although not considered a dangerous man.
If there were many of them that he suspected anything like this, and if this were likely guess:
others thought that Oliver challenging a different reason. Because if he would, despite the
prince, or it would take him, surely it is so banhata than others, whom
held in hazardous; We can find a way or make him less noise arthatlaima. Szintoly
hihetlennek seems that wished to execute by Bucella assassins, who were less
the prince would open violence possess it. And if the romantic fidelity Bathoriakhoz
Abafiak szegze devoted himself against one of the prince's intention, and that her bosszonta:
Oliver foUepte was all new, and Bathory more than enough thought to do, when he was now about to
humiliate; what target has some secrets ... And so there appeared in the relations of Abafi float.
The prince waited days. Places day was the arrival of beautiful kolosvariakra Bathory
angel with his wife, his reputation preceded by far was the best, and then the knight whom
Transylvania to them
matching dignity wished to receive. The prince, having seen him in disguise, waiting Szaszsebes
on, to hurriedly returned Cristiemat ahead.
If a national holiday now be saved somewhere or other and many times they want to shock
rejoice: fejtoresbe few thousand will have to see and hear kielegitni desire. Great actors,
famous singers, equestrian, rope dancers and earth, a knight or a large military exercises
visits and days and weeks to spend; and though all of these sights along the prehistoric
strength, but it's more lively passions and senses effect than once: just educated higgad-
a more affectionate to each other, gentler and perhaps prettier affects humans.
Age story of a notable gaps pleasant day time and please fill embankments
It was a difficult task, especially fi-om Transylvania, from the frequent unrest artistic
gentle sway far prohibits enjoyment.
Which arose sometimes shape are irregular and who is not amused tata legillendobb darabjaikkal the
opportunities, and one end of the country to another adventurous eltuket chase; some more talent
uraktol couple or pushing the princely house from far and high costs for a short time there
destined. A strong man famous archer or kopjaveto times have you seen his skill; or
Gypsy sound Aces chase away the long winter evening unalmait; but sometimes, more occasions than
sounding across the country each case, he made a knight fights on foot or long dzsidakkal
horseback up the spirit of German tournaments, or swords, the Hungarian light-knight fights
forming kelevezzel or Turkish, which both iranyzotehetseget and composure of
Knight was able to exert. The estveket large, gold and silver splendid dances
are loaded. These and a ceremonial escort lakadalmi or other occasions were the
like charges, where the Transylvanian, it is much keletiebb luxury debut.
But while the prince arrives, there will be a disinterested gaze discard the house and Mikola
Small Giselle not easy, but it developed in a few weeks from his illness, which
alone was actualizing is unexpected horror. Margaret groomed him day and night, and there was
something magasz-
taltsag the detailed care towards Giselle, which is partly due to higher
build-up of such a disease in which there were some technical veszelyjoslok. And not fraternal.
Page 75
friendly, but the mother was the diligence, which made all of Margaret seemed off", and the inner
heavenly reward enthusiastic countenance radiated pleasure, when he saw the success of this beautiful
Gyulafinenak natural tenderness prohibits him Gizella only suggested a tavulrol also to
initiates secret. Great changes have taken place since Kettoztete friendship with him, whom his
Prolong the members of the fever; bed waked after though weak and pale, but quite well developed
likeness; and when fish with beautiful members of the health kiidomita again, although the sweet face
of roses
moved, she was the most beautiful daughter in Transylvania; but the hilarity that is so attractive to her
the childlike kindness that any slight majority finds joy in each such
excitedly waving and soon disappeared. Gentle, affable retarded angelic creature; but serious
gender and dreaming of escaping sad Board fiuid lines around his whole being. He did not suspect that
Margaret review it; heart of the mystery hidden in the deepest folds view. He was miserable,
because love without hope and prospects. Gyulafinerol adherents to Oliver loves; I MIN
denkepp secret of his love because he loved Margaret estimated. He is calm seems.
Tact Margaret was much clearer than that the spiritual power of Giselle not staring, and the
sacrifice, which was required for him to do this angel had not felt and appreciated. He has it all
seeing, knowing and soul merged Gizellaeval gaze.
He, the adolescent girl, beats her in addition to spiritual strength? He put a hopeful, developing life
all long happiness balance, Margaret smaller in all respects with the victim? - This
inquired Gyulafine itself For although he loved with all his strength Abafit soul, which is itself
before any member could give, but do not advocate that a marriage between him and Oliver - if ever so
also come abroad - be happy. Abafinal much elder, gentle soul modesty prohibits the fate of the
those young merge, moreover, we will probably hung from; Oliver was so deep
adherence to the noble lady, but as can be certain of a very different kind of LOVE
at. And so Margaret Provided himself slowly as Giselle mind the idea megbarat-
koztatni to ercfal is not among the charming children's dreams of a hero, and that Margaret
There are no plans for our future.
Many times, but he always said the most gentle of the welfare Gizella Abafirol; said how
now estimates; but at the same time so was able to turn his speech, which Giselle suspected
married to the beautiful widow will no longer go. And if such a heavenly ray of hope when
by passing electricity ran through all the nerves gentle child, and beautiful face
the serenity of the morning in the month of happiness lottery: csudalhatna out? But so much he could
Giselle soul.
Heart of involuntary hide worry that sometimes Margaret was incredulous and emotions towards you.
Giselle fish to begin with to make sure that her sister Abafit estimates rather than love; but
never that Abafi feels the same way. He pretends to cruel ontagadassal you to
Margaret Oliver loves it.
Abafi fi-equent visitor to Gyulafinet, Gizella sometimes warn him off. Our hero is charming
found it interesting and beautiful child; although the heart of a string nor a vivid pendula
ardor for her. However, the use of multiple vision and Abafi figyelmesb him hard after them
be close to each other; sometimes several times and spoke with serious subjects. And something so
full of goodness, so cahn, so gentle was the purpose of the whole Giselle to Abafi
glad to do with it and have some fun for him to take some interest. But the reader disappointed if this
approximation tavulrol the first rays of love kindled suspect. Always prominent kivalolag
It was the difference between the bright, hot connections, which are seeking love each other,
that silence of such importance and happy - and among the bland, bland application, which
Giselle towards Abafi not worshiping, but pleasant, conversational was just hilarious.
Page 76
So I went and months. Much of this time Oliver poured the economy of the village, beautiful
horses and great hunts busy. Farkas Bethlen was the most common visitor, who
szorosb triendship day came.
Abafit everyone began to appreciate without szinles, and is not only beautiful, knight, everywhere
fine-behaved men, but in science, foreign languages and proficient in reading
Sotto; Abafi because a large part of the time of obtaining new and important knowledge, and great
Each week refused a day; Abafi high castle grate was lowered down; nobody
When he was accustomed to such visitors are still not Bethlen, output from this whim friend
lation tolerated; but when he expects the gray tower of midnight rang out, atrazva erchangjait silent
night on:
Abafi a knight approached the castle - horse outfit was simple, black; blew three times
short trumpets, and the lowered drawbridge. If clouds battled the midnight sky when lightning
futosta black cloud over the upholstery when a storm was raging, and the giant beeches nadkent
fluctuated in the
Black Knight is impressive; and when the rain poured or ice raining down from the skies bright,
or stood guard hungry wolves howling, vonitva szirtgerinceken: the dark knight the door at midnight
stood in front of the guard tower and the triple horn signal let down the drawbridge. And if sometimes
the passengers found
silent knight coming, and the dream faded moon illuminating light lines east of his face so cheerful, so
glad it was so radiant; but if found, when he returned to the castle, tears glistening szemei-
in; and when it appeared as a stronghold of squealing going szaguldtaban speed: done with the
arguments put fish only -
back and always - always look back on.
In many cases simple natural saga for the occasion, and sometimes superstitious people's lips
Regev formed.
His gentle, affable and good.
The beautiftil Cristiema while rapidly approaching Monastery Castle. Once entered into the ditch six.
However, experience shows immediately knightly spirit of the subject, which will, even in the absence
of Europe
tartomanyaitol educated, nowhere more at home was not as Transylvania. Hungarian honest suction
vesseg be dedicated to this beautiftil knight tisztelkedeseket not even towards erdekesbekke. Each
resting place for all new surprises waiting for the royal lady, whose gentle and morality of
has a reputation known beauty of benevolent consequences joslottak Transylvanians raw
hesitant and overly volatile Sigismund. It was the eve of the arrival of a whole Kolosvar
illuminated; several rows of lights are small windows then the candles, and sometimes the
to the whims of lights has glaring colors or painted pictures of the illustrious history of
regulations intended to express joy.
The palatial halls and rooms of all creation who were superbly ftjmished, and the eye
all heavy silk and velvet fabric resting on. Openwork gold trim, gold-plated
chairs, steel mirrors, Turkish carpets were seen everywhere, and the walls kamukain dragons
Griffons and stared at the compound thousand spectators.
Transylvania valleys of the tehetosb families gathered here, and wanted to rivaling the desired
abbess short animations make it more pleasant.
Great kortisztelkedes preceded by a magnificent dinner, where we Transylvania ladies
Cristiemanak presented. Among them was Gyulafine, the beautiful Margaret Mykola; and the first time
Quote of the apparitions Cristierna pleasing to the eyes by Margaret nowhere
mistake to do so. The regal woman was medium height, stature fine lady, profile
Noble Roman; vilagosszokek curls and smooth silk, beautiful eyes fashioned and sky color
were. Keeping the whole appeared calm self-confidence and modesty, which does not move
off each other, but it raises delicate subject up to you. Everyone has spoken, the men
mostly in Latin, a language which, if not perfect, but very nicely spoken; Women
French, sometimes using the same words, the way in which the Hungarian language Yea it your way.
Elvegzodven acceptance of kortisztelkedes so that certain issues and short feleletek-
he is the regal woman Mykola Margaret, pickles Gaspar, Keresztur Festival and others speak
getett. Something was so gentle and conquering the whole shape of discarding that this first publication
much won hearts of even those who wished the prince other woman Italy
honbol. Then the number of Italians Sigismund's court nemzetoknek all educated
hodolasaval sought the favor of the prince Mrs properties do, but everyone
kivalolag nyajasb you use the Transylvanians There was striking.
Abafi this feast was not present. Many people believed that the prince into before or defected
appear, everyone has memories of resentment, or do not want to expose herself further Turks
and in this notable occasion thereby generating attention.
Margaret immediately noticed her absence, and Farkas Bethlen him and asked him who he did not
Tuda uni-
bet to say that a few days ago as he saw his fiiend hunt safely and healthily.
Page 78
Bathory's time for the public, which is filled with the beautiful Cristierna masokkali conversation, use
Wishing Margaret approached, and spent most of the evening with him tarsalkodassal. Maybe
the enthusiastic woman used this opportunity to be the prince relented towards Oliver; so much
certain that Bethlen - whom Sigismund, and the romantic batorsagaert the Spirit, which is now
so made it interesting, have suffered - and asked him whereabouts.
Bethlen re-affirmed that he had seen the hunt.
Nice - said the prince bland smile - if Levente erejoket hardened and bravery;
there may be a short day, it will be necessary to do serious time than hunting. -
Transylvania sons - reciprocate Bethlen's pretty manly maintenance, which grace and dignity
combined with - will be pleased if you kept your honor their battles, and I am sure
Abafi Mend that will not be the last one out the next House of Bathory of Transylvania and Java
up arms.
- Yes, we - Bathory says with a laugh - to tell the truth boon. Rather, we love him -
continue mocking smile - mace in his hand, as speaker chair to see where it seems not very
to be in place.
Bethlen stood quietly before the magistrate, and it seems to want to answer; but it continues:
- Tomorrow, I hope to Bethlen, the knight will not fail between the barriers. Illustrious
kelevezhajitok are among our guests: young Zamojszki, Komisneval out there and talk.
Szapia Casimir; these very nice would snatch the laurel.
- Excellency - Bethlen met - and I'm kelevezjatekra written, and one of the team
leadership of the Reverend.
Bathory nodded approvingly. - I'm sorry - note the expression of exasperation -
the noble game should stay, I do not feel myself the best, and all bucella
more violent movement banned. - After this bland obeisance made alkaline turned to close the
The room next to a pillar of the beautiful Judith Zsombori see deli members straw color
velvet skirt with shoulder and went down eziisthimzessel rich, and their work is a great corolla,
precious stones and
glittering beads, slightly magasbnak portrays him as having really. He has this evening
excited public attention. Beside him stood John Banfi tall progression young, beautiful, Hungarian
much and big brown eyes. Walnut color dolman the then fashionable, hard selyemkamu-
It was quite nicely golden leaves Turkish breaking; gold: of beaten silver, blue stones rich
loaded replacer made the braids and dress egyjet from father to son, but specifies collectibles
Among garments which remain at all times nice. Without violet lace shorts
green and simple Topanka is inserted clothes.
Was the subject of conversation Cristiema. - Apparently - says Banfi half whisper - that
To our dear prince not so cheerful and happy as a new woman used to be commonly;
I hear the prince himself is not above the hard-working, so a gentle creation in
could make people forget his arm away.
- Sovereigns - Judith says participating in all gaze Cristiernara - not olynemu husbands, as
other people. They are secret interests, family relationships housekeeper's arms; I expect to s
Sigismund, who fly from flower to flower, to whom all the beautiful ladies short flash point of view,
to be an exemplary husband?
Banfi seemed to think.
Page 79
Margaret - said after a pause - still makes the power of the Force, which Bathory
always seemed to worship. -
Make a mistake, Banfi, if it thinks Margaret; no women who would be less calculating than he is. On
junior sky, which was exercised impression involuntary, and to realize that he is the prince
never looking even approximate such a natural equanimity accept that it all
dismiss suspicion; He also such other.
The undeniable - reciprocate Banfi - he was always affable; the beautiful princess itself,
as appears to be very amused him gladly. -
1 - Judith says - not the best prediction Cristiernanak days, the whole being different
ruler; hardly ever could hope among them the affectionate relationship of mutual certi-
Dalmatian's leniency, which alone can boldogitni house a lot. The prince volatile
will remain in the end; and I think one of the ladies, who were accustomed to distinguish
not cost too much of her angelic lady elidegenitni. -
This is - say Banfi is a subtle smile - occasionally without intervention it will happen:
if it is true what I hear. -
S is supposed to do? - Judith says, suspended him gaze.
Said in Banfi - a secret tender, about which I speak is not gladly, especially before lady
expression. - The relationship among them is hardly ever more prospective than fraternal. -
1 will spare the communication - meet Judith, public speaking and suddenly the ground easy pirulattal
towards. - Just Gisella - continue, desiring forditni the subject of the conversation - tomorrow will be
Prince would be presented.
That is quite healthy?
Yes, even a little pale, but beautiful; so beautiful, more beautiful can not be! A few fejedelemne
lady wishes to the families, priority around him; Giselle could hardly will choice
and he would not willingly Mikola at the door; MARGITA there brother, friend and mother passed
S Gyulafme also, I believe, can hardly do without him, but would not consoled for ...
Mikola Abafi often is the house, and Margaret his first sight of the ladies. -
1 also used to parishioners - Minutes Judit - that's respect, which Abafi bore to him,
is not entirely devoid of love; but later convinced me that really does not feel Abafi
the gentle power of anger towards Margaret. -
Oh - says Banfi - the love of a Proteus, a thousand dresses in shape; and confess, always danger
delmesbnek think if you start slow, and the other takes on the shape, such as respect or friendship
sion. On gender sudden love that moment work is often sudden wind pass. -
True love - some say Judith vaunted with - or have years of work at the moment,
and an eternal! ... and if it was never cease ... love!
Several people approached the interesting pair at the moment. The conversation became common: the
lemasszony way, tomorrow knight toys in the room so far unknown and light taste buto-
rairol diszitmenyeirol's speech was changed. Here and there in the comer and interests fontosb
national relations came into play. The hall resounded by the heather, and one by one the
richly illuminated by the youth classes retired.
Young Zamojszki, a relative of the House of Bathory (Bathory was because of his brother's wife
Giselle), the
fejedelemnehez contributed, and called him up slowly Polish.
Oriental dress even raise the interesting Levente stature. Then down to his ankles, he picked folds
rich embroidered waist strap clenched kurt food was the most beautiful snow white selyemszovetbol,
breast density, small aranygombocskakkal; this was on top of the so-called Polish kontus arm, and
hatralogtak this slit fingers behind his shoulders; the upper garment was velvet sky and gentle
swan river around the throat. Hands holding a light azure velvet hat, swan narrow throat
premzettel, whose drooping roof was negyszegu.
The members of the royal women deli apple color clothing selyemkamuka beautiful embroidery river
around; buttercups stab into the cap from shining diamond and white high neck east
several rows of beads encircling.
In the first party followed the prince Mykola Margaret and many different clothes, which
It was striking even among the Teutonic Knights, who accompanied the princess arrived
Monasteries Castle, and among whom Tattenbach Zobel and generate public attention as more
gyozedelmetkrol famous knights.
Bucella, a doctor, a simple black suit in Italian; Basil, an Italian painter and several strangers
unto the scene in part shade, dappled partly strength.
Page 81
Trencin Castle
Many people with great anticipation.
Walter Scott
Monasteries are waiting outside in front of the central gate, now called the Trencin Castle, was the
gramming prepared. From the long Hungarian gate towards this large space, wide pine walk lines
led, and they are close to the right-left suddenly made terjedett forest - a surprise,
which the monastery Petersburg Chamber dear to the prince himself. The remote is not required of the
were imported from snowy and hidden places were stocked; the night before the tournament was
picturesque clumps in the ground, where rare csoportozatot, where dense mass to form where each
standing: thus the wide, spacious area to form an entirely natural grove, which koze-
peben was the knight battlefield, leaving the road.
The Trencin Castle in negyszeget see a large, fenced with high barrier board,
coated with a blue and yellow fabrics. Pumpkin Party joints per blue- and yellow-painted
columns rise helmets, verttel paizsokkal and garnished. This part of the pimp badges,
which extends towards the city, high, wide paholysor rostelyzott karzatokkal is raised.
Similarly yellow and blue fabrics, coated, crushing, tent-shaped ceilings boltozva. The Varas
From spacious resort steps lead into the private balcony; these medial than others
much more pomp and valasztekonysaggal is adorned, and they include three majority
In contrast to that described in a high rise each box, similar kesziiletii, the judges fight
for. The battlefield amidst a tall Gothic mivu poles we see figures that tower,
top with four flags in Transylvania, Styrian, Polish and imperial colors, which is empty, hollow
are stacked in the midst of countless beauty awards, which the prince of gyozoknek
made, such as weapons, billikomok, tigriskacaganyok beautiful saddle blankets and more
cafrangok counts, csujtarok and silk, gold and silver overloaded.
Torda side of the barrier gate be opened; occupy seats in front of the high lodges
the place, the number of viewers, which is always higher than the hind emelked-
s. The other two sides negyszegnek free for fear of throwing kelevezek offensive to be effective.
For the moment, where we arrived at the gates before him, all the very lively, surprising picture
The prince girlfiiend had occupied the central lodge, behind Komis Caspar, Geszti,
Keresztur powerful man dressed fancy shapes, and the young Zamojszki visible; Cristierna
In addition to the two merry- faced helmet shaped fokotoikkel an elderly woman and a long veil. The
other lodges also
were packed nicely, and even partly richly dressed spectators. One of them, which
the third was the right Bathorietol Mykola Margaret prevail against the view of the notice; right of
Judith, his left sat Giselle. The nails shall set out the old Mikola, next Giselle, and next to it
stale beautiful son, who was not on duty today. Judith see behind the pretty high Banfi John.
Giselle szembetunoleg pale, but there is something so Bajlo whole being that all eyes on
hanging, and everyone wants to know the name of this interesting creature.
The stairs around the bustling crowd barriers, there is an empty space; gap in per
princely sons stood guard army military medvekacaganyaikkal and heavy weapons.
Page 82
Viewers around the ranks in terms of more acquaintance severed. In addition to the royal emel-
one can see the stairs in a decent citizen, whom the monks in a monastery hear Petersburg market
Tess and chatting with Mr village. No tavul from sitting on the honest blacksmith, Guti Moses the Lord
His true ribs, Mrs Ursula my mindkettojok festive attire and radiant with joy
faces; beside them as comfortable as Pastes not catch sight of half-kneeling, half
Sitting Tobias, whose occurrences are nesting and awkward questions Ms Ursula used egykedvu-
segebol sometimes jog.
Near the judges fight balcony of a familiar face occupies our attention. If this little chunky,
swollen- faced lad, short, layered gombu dolman green, light blue trousers of a tip
sheepskin turban head, not Mike Timar, who got to know Alvinci. Shape
serious thought, he looks up; it looks as if his brain would start to turn into great design; sometimes
okolbajnokra keep raising his head, sparkling eyes and hands made gyanittatnak punched out
not yet aware of the Iran stand in the plane or on the face and minds vitezkedje out
himself in any case cheaper prices.
Mykola close to the lodges is an extremely interesting-looking young man, who if you look closely,
It is as if these oriental features, this dark eyes, a slender stature and the way
peculiar creature has on several occasions and have seen several forms, and we dare not rafogni that he
the; so different from every appearance of being in this dubious figure of the former to
safer now almost a stranger to believe him; because maybe some memoirs
give rise to the interesting traits. The young man barely huszevu simple grass color, knee length jerkin
which is composed of sculptural simulva regularity seems to have increased, and in the same color
the pants; extremely small feet covered with black saffian. Spencer more similar colored, large, reviews
slit sleeves, the lower arm clothing, leather belt for smooth, rich with buttercups elhintve,
confined waist; round, like-colored cap tigrispremmel narrow and unstable, long,
wide, red-brown feathers on his head rests; auburn hair or trimmed, or is subject to caps of
hidden; mivu pretty silver sword, which was as if he had seen somewhere, hanging on his shoulders,
Explanations kardkoton special bundles; crossed arms stand quietly, sometimes all,
scanning, almost questioning gaze of the planet's mass of people around him, as if searching for
The walls crest countless people swarming outside and the barriers during the high fenyvek, minor
crowd stood in a variety of colors, dressed in men, the so-called mountain of Parties
The part that Varas-looking to the left of rise, residents of neighboring villages infested,
great eletvidor inspection, giving diverse and variegated gaze, which is the round
carriages set up gaudy kesziiletii horses and domestics still vivid conjured.
In addition to the judges fight on either side set out, accompanied by drums lodge of trumpets gave the
relationship was based on the city bastions daydreams howitzers thunder.
The gate opens.
Page 83
At this time the gates opened, and then a high fathoms, shouldered man kijelelt strokes
stepped quietly struggling to place the sand. Snow White shirt fodte waist, legs simple red
pants, and his feet were yellow lines Topanka dense belt tight. Veres, almost flaming hair
thick curls fell from his shoulders, and all terms of the specific shape of lions. Wide eye
Olden, bright blue eyes babe long mustache and unkempt appearance of dignity even wild
increased, at the top and the elbow tucked shirt freely ye have seen nervous, powerful arms.
This very man whose whole shape of the force and harmonious expression onbizodalomnak
It was no small interest, on arrival, looked around the middle of the square, the lineaments of gender
defying challenge was expressed that the time to deter a coward, but the strong bilateral
single stimulus to a self-righteous kerkedonek shame.
A civilian man, whom just now talalank friend, neighbor, a fat mehserkeszi-
Lake occurred. - This is - say - Matthew, who has long since we heard the news; say, fifteen
quintals can raise up, and four wrestling.
- This tower - the prince said, leaning Cristiernahoz - honest military man, whose
brother, Stephen, his army of little use; as kinezese shows hardly reduced
power, yet now seems eroteljesbnek as a child I saw her brother's court.
A little gentle shaking of the regal woman was seen around the lips. - There will be a life-threatening
After this Goliath? - Asks.
- Oh, no - Bathory answered with a laugh - he used to deal quickly, and in any case the enemy rovideb-
letters fall as German knight when lifted off the saddle.
The fat mehserkeszlto, whom he called a respectable citizens have before our friends Matthew stared. -
I - say - there is hardly fencing mate!
- Who knows! - Is responsible for the other. - The reward is great, and will occasionally whom benefits.
He was right to honest civil man, because as long as he tata speakers, during a
stout young man, whom we know immediately Timar Miska, who stood in the plane; turned up his
shirt, defiant
boldness considered the giant eyes, smiled contemptuously out under his breath.
- Come - said Mike - I'm not afraid amyekomtol, and will fight megyemben selected
three; Let's see, the fee will be melyikunke!
Matthew vegigjartata the wild country champion eyes. - Prepare - pass deep, rumbling voice almost
- Because you do not know at what moment you measure the sand in front of you.
Then suddenly kepzelhetlen hugging the waist surprised scrambling thrashing Miska,
it's all quiet with korulcsovalvan head over to the ground before him spread their own.
The audience followed it all the laughter, and Mike difficult for dragging our feet behind the mass of
- By briefly treated - notes with Guti Moses leaning Orsolya - 1 do not think that
second catch.
Page 84
- 1 do not - said the woman, good cast elbow Tobias. - Why, Tobias, do feszkelodjel
as much as the lekoptatod rasaszoknyamrol beautiful hair, and then all the people here do not ragodjal
in front of the cakes, hush, listen!
Tobias cake stash under his jacket, and his mouth open staring ahead.
Ni, ni - exclaims Orsolya - the scruffy lad what he wants? Not only waging a Mate!
But it is! - Guti said Moses, with great attention given to the fight place where a beam
young and bold strokes interesting view approached Matthew, who stood still, as the
lion to save him before koriilcsaholo dogs.
The trumpets sign thanks, all attention was warm sympathy of the young champion vice versa, but
the bold entrepreneur nobody seems to doubt the outcome.
- Know - said the prince, turning Komis Gaspard - who is this young man! Love her
attraction between bodyguards.
Cornish helybenhagyolag nodded.
The lodge Mikola, who Gisella studied subject, we see that these games rather him
is charged as pleasant effect; each new scene flame overshadowed her face and her breasts up and
rose; he could utter a word, and the fencing was. Margaret, who thus kiizdeseknek
repeatedly witnessed, no sense of fear, which is based on her gender and szenvedoleg
shared in the danger-man. The big joke was old Mikola, this Bulletin, and has
Miska case fakaszta to laugh loud.
- This is hardly even in this short is not treating Matthew - said Margaret Banfihoz and turning - it
crushed between his hands.
However, the battle began, and the young champion Matthew unexpected contestation in which most
there appeared the more trusted, clever turns suddenly came out. The tower, which is very natural
was destroyed in the balance somewhat. In this volatile situation benefit the young vice versa,
arrow rate jumped to next page, and szintoly suddenly stuck out his chest with one hand,
another belt back, one or more reverse repelled him, and fell to the length of Matthew
the sand, high straight, protruding nose, which often in the blood stream.
Roar, a long "live" roaring cry. Matthew had to fight back under the rules of the
move on, and as the young champion, no one brought more fencing, he kialtatott winner.
- Who was that? - Inquired the old Mykola Banfitol hardly terhetve himself from staring. - Now
approaching familiar with my brother, sir?
Banfi kihajlott. Then came the champion winner of the Prince towards the lodge, and driven deep
himself, was adopted by the hands of the abbess richly embroidered white wide belt
which was intended as a gift for wrestling winning mark, before the rich reward
handling it at the end of games.
This is - say Banfi - Bethlen Wolf. Hardly know him a simple, brown vest and rolled up
shirt. -
Hidden under a nice, long cap of curls - said Mykola - would have recognized him otherwise. No -
continue - it's great audacity, and so can hit goes out. I only regret that so soon end
open this kind of fencing, which amuses me most.
The prince looked like some gentle words to Bethlen, who soon left the
Swan Knight
Pure and undefiled.
Legerdekesb the currencies of the former practice was the knight kelevezjatek, such as the
eastern Europe, and more people than today toroknel the practice is.
That my stay in Transylvania leventes Cristiemaval and numerous guests of all properties
raise awareness, it also wanted to add color to the east all the way kiilrol: twenty-four adolescent
the first families in Transylvania, the Poles are present in the young and the German Szapia and
Zobel knight wished to take part in it. Fencers were divided into two teams, red and blue;
Farkas Bethlen, the first and the other leaders were John Banfi. Every one's waist
short, white, richly embroidered with gold and taste Turkish short finger ceiling, original scarf
for middle surrounded; Moreover, like white cloth was pulled short open dress,
which had ended in the angle, aranybojttal jeweled wings on his shoulders instead of fingers. The
first-team fodte legs are blue and the other is defeated, baggy pants; their feet yellow Topanka
pushed without spurs, which substitutes in the Arab kengyelrez wide; Turkish websites, precious
loaded with stones, sickle-shaped swords were related. The eastern section of them embroidered scarlet
turban patyo-
shaped turban around lat river, which buttercups palm beside white egret feathers were pinned.
What fognanak Before the game, rode around the battle space as two of the most beautiful and
steeds species of tiger leather saddle blankets; sziigyeiket their heads and blue or scarlet, gold
cafrangok loaded, according to the colors of the teams, waving around. Each fencer two simple
fenyobot blurred or spear-shaft in his hand, like the choice of painted, two vegei-
are blue or red paint laden LAPT he coupled it, so that the location of the found
residual color serendipity; only those spots tekintetven wounds that are above waist level snow white
can be taken out of the garment very clean.
Bypassing space between the barrier, which is the number of lodges Overlooking the foot
henchmen stood, many of the above-prepared written kopjanyelekkel, Levente into two
become, and the game began.
All around the spacious rode the wind speed in combat; before each challenging each other,
VIVA later all together.
Admirable dexterity kelevezeit made to avoid each other, bent their horses galloping
kantarrantassal suddenly given a different direction, or in effect, trapped with their hands in the air and
immediately kelevezt
visszarobbantva the attacker. Warring nekiheviiltek already, and flew the flaming orcaikon
filling my pleasure; the seeds are also horses, which have been torn in pieces of foam, merry nyeritessel
priiszkolessel the game and seemed to share the joy.
That was beautiful! - Said the fejedelemne, one an elderly woman turning. - Zamojszki three kele-
AThis was at one time; Bethlen illustrious knight! - The old woman nodded helybenhagyolag. -
Look Banfit - said Margaret Gizella - already found two, and still clear. - Giselle throttled detected
breath; each revolution speed osszeszorita lips, or eyes to kezecskeivel Foden.
Zamojszki Szapia and went out to all the rest dwindling number of not only the psychological
presence, which put their horses at the same moment of consciousness side, when the viewer has been
believed that
zuzatnak the barriers to or farther twisted cores; but also in such dexterity,
Page 86
which hitherto retarded snow white costumes without spot, although frequently exchanged kelevezeik
found. I can not remain among six of the barrier, and the number of them still intact:
Bethlen and Banfi. All those whose waist was reviewed two patch, the judges fight than it is
gyozetteket kiidezven of the barrier.
- The Polish lords - says the prince - probably win this practice; them and the lance
kelevez favorite weapon.
Bethlen, Banfi and Tasnadi very clever in this game - Kornis replied, turning to the Prince. -
Damage to Abafi not present, he occasionally would cast doubt on the race for a long time. -
Admire - note the cold Bathory - to avoid the noble practices, especially if
in some tokellyel is ... A young Levente it is - to continue, leaning Cristiemahoz -
many of whom complain about it once was, but who, as we hear, is very different.
- Made evident familiarize greatness - Komis affirmed - that only arrest particular problem
or even arrives. I would like to present at the tournament, because occasionally in non-small
things would give the German lords.
Vigorous bout begins now, and could be accompanied by the eye barely open wings in front of the
audience as a cloud
passing knights. A knight was the second of the blue stain; so the Red color
there appeared to win, leading Banfi, and the Polish and Szapia Tasnadi, huszevu a handsome young
redoubled ardor began the Red Bethlen and Zamojszkit kelevezeikkel harass.
There was a pause, and the fight trombitajelere found the judges and viewers only Szapiat Zamojszkit
At this time in front of the gates of a beautiful horse; white swan go forehead and chest
gorgeous eziistcafrang were hanging around, and saddle leather covered the white wolf. The young
white, silver
embroidered dolman, laden with shimmering buttercups ovtol fenced, and a similar color pants
Foden idomos legs. White, Round Loaf hermelinpremmel long, shiny, white feather
fluctuated shoulders and thick, auburn hair streamed waves. I heard a faint scream of
Mikola lodge, when the paladin by the deli a few jump ramps on the battlefield
You're not well, Giselle! - Margaret says the girl's waist spanning hatrahanyatlo.
Oh, yes, yes - it's soothing, almost inaudibly rebegve - there's nothing wrong with me! Transient
only be terminated immediately.
- No, my good angel - Margaret says compassion - this is not a review of nerves; not
going to get home? I'll go.
At that moment the white knight Margaret took a look, and suspecting the cause of Giselle
all about trying to encourage him, without him sejditeset eszrevetetne.
Gizella's eyes were fixed on the beautiful young man. She is so beautiful, so Delia has never seen;
it seemed to him as if all this gloom borulna dignity before full knightly figure.
The first came just a glance discerned across large crowd of people, and it's a Giselle
was; or because, as Abafi so brightly never appeared, or because no one in her
expected. Second, who recognized him, but only when he paholysor meet the tease, the interesting
east- faced young man was whom we saw just now saw the color of the suit; - Margaret and the third.
Abafi stood in front of the royal box and respectfully bowed himself, it seems as if
would have been shocked. His face was pale, and waving it around again suddenly blush; the keen eyes
szerafarcara regal woman hanging and standing about enchanted. I liked it.
Page 87
as if the space of everyday life in the light of the gates of heaven would consider, and not imaginary
Edje statement. What image of half unsuspected form, being brought up as a picture in his soul, he
valosulva saw the beautiful, gentle, modest regal woman, the quite strange and yet so
knowledge singles - before him, an idol, who do not worship, no love, no honor, no desires,
who merged his soul, extractor him out of himself and out of his existence and soldering foreign
So she stood speechless for a minute, about himself and highlighting an unknown odabamulva
life. The prince questioning gaze cast upon him, his wordless contemplation strange contrast to
It was quick, complete with the appearance of fire.
Oliver finally woke up and beautiful, full voice, his eyes are always the regal woman andalgo
legeltetve countenance, declares that the Poles against the winner of the Transylvanian kelevez apt
or talent in giving a - against two.
The winner of the race champions will just gave them away one by one; Szapia went out of the gates,
Mikola the lodge was a witness to the war, which consequently, the high Zamojszki
level of experience before being known, not ketkedett.
- No - say below the bench Guti Moses neighbor, a civil pretty woman with red wheels
face and gentle dove view - hardly the white swan paripabol bean becomes a bout
... What is the end of Tartar - exclaims, leaning Orsolya - since this Abafi! - His wife smiling
He nodded yes. - No, the bald brother
well lean - to continue with her husband - the saddle, this,
I hear there keleveze always fly where you are sent.
On handsome young man, who by and large grass color suit just now noticed, came down the
hagcsokrol, and the battlefield is ready to serve henchmen stood in line, some Ijang on the ground
kelevezt up in bold, bright monitored every Abafinak mozdulatjat.
Close to it, just a decent old man left standing at the end of the paholysor. Classy outfit
showed. - The white knight or very confident in himself - says the close doors - or did not know
what do you do when this white snow appeared in the battle.
The young green upon him with large, dark eyes, and an extremely high value dagger stuck out keble-
out - here - say - a dagger hilt to come up with a Wallachian village; and this sword - continued
dependent side slapping weapon - on top, two gold against the Abafin will not be a patch on the
after the bout.
The bet is easy - the old man replied with a smile - so be it! You will have to give me advance
weapons. -
Yes, yes! - Strong laughing some of those close to one.
However, the battle has begun, and it amazed the crowd lively sympathy accompanied the two deli
Knight's every move; However, it was very noticeable in certain bias towards Abafi,
which was a shock debut in the audience.
- Ah! - Sounded throughout the nezosokasagon when Oliver kiropite kelevezet, which is always
found, but only live to see the horses because Zamojszkinak extremely skillful movements; or when
Zamojszkinak keleveze screamed above the Abafi head Nestled deep in the sand itself.
Our hero every throw, every turn in all lively encouragement followed.
The battle Abafi calm and began standing in one place or more waiting for you. Zamojszki
villamgyorsasaggal rushed to her, and it just reminds ketolnyire the first kelevezt by
Abafi very oldalugrassal bypassing the second hand taketh away screaming at him, and one
Page 88
perditven it, visszarobbanta, and found Zamojszki horse collars, sudden turns, barely
palm away from the barrier, avoided the huge projection.
Re-koriilnyargaltak around the battle with spacious, Abafinak to green and the two young kelevezt
Zamojszki by two took a rush to csatlostol.
- 1 was not afraid Abafit - said the prince. - That's right fencing! The two horse Zamojszki kelevez it
already, the Abafie intact ... Right! This was right! - Said the prince again Cristiemahoz out
interest accompanied Abafmak movements, and as happens in such cases, he also took party, and as
Apparently the curved part of the ride home.
It was a very nice scene Mykola Szapianak flag fire-box line, which the carriers for
followed; the Abafi viadala extremely pleased him. - 1 - say - Located waist Zamojszki
Abafinak if the other kelevezt then suddenly threw the first one.
- Abafi win - Margaret exclaims. - Look, Giselle, the blue patch on the arm ... Zamojszki now and
again one of the
in the middle!
Giselle faintly, like dead than sat in silence; could not speak a word, just bosom
elevation of the inner storm, which took place in.
Oliver won. The last confiict kelevezzel rushed Zamojszkinak highly elevated, and
turning it forward to providing his arm suddenly tugging the reins to go feet
leszegezettek as rooted in the ground; kelevezt but not fiung out. This ruse was only
Zamojszki when he was suddenly turns out he wanted to avoid: Abafinak arrow speed flying
keleveze one arm, the other waist.
All times changed! "Live" resounded around; Zamojszki he withdrew from the battle, and horses,
foam fi-om which flowed, draining his head wearily.
He was Szapia day, they left the lodge Mikola, the grown fun, lively pace
After the location in which you can brave the most striking, when himself worthy companion fencing
1 do not receive the best there is, my brother! - Said a young man is not the old host conduit.
Yet - the old saying - only the winning party; I will Szapiara I prefer it, I think,
The young green smiled quietly to himself - Five more gold Abafira! - Say, purse
thoroughly satisfied with five out of Venetian gold, which was then the landscape a lot of money.
The old man was silent, and the bout eUcezdetett. Being almost similar to that described just now, the
I trust the quality of talent; the only comment I would like to help you to
Szapia correct rotation of both horse and every movement of the kelevezviadal
Zamojszkit far surpassed. But we also do not Abafmak dense blows big bout
gyakorlottsagabol rate resulted from certain aspects of the victory for climate. Szapia three
Rosia ticket, which was one of the heart, the struggle stepped away. All people in the USA
knight stared. Clearly, as the snow cliffs, he and his horse, standing on the winner's face still blazing
so still. Looking around the eyes, the three interest seen full face joy sugaritol discarding. The
three face holder is easy to figure out.
After a pause, archers entered the square, and were staring at a remarkable skill. The best shooter
the east face was beautiful, green-dressed young man, whose lively participation in the fighting so
was noticeable.
Enamelled VITEZ
Deli and brave, oh, look, and we relaxed woman!
Then, soon followed by a serious bout verttel shining helmets and heavy grate.
Details of such as well-known and not so often described bout to be ignored and only briefly
I mention that after he Zobel four knights and two Transylvanian Hungarian Levente winner came to
pass the
Keresztiir difficult dzsidaja draped her ground, and then some with the following. Tattenbach
Defeat Kereszturit out, and has been found in possession of some of the award itself, when a mighty
enamel coated steel, lowered sisakrostellyal appeared tall, raven-black steed.
This Bocskai Istvan - said the prince Cristiernanak - 1 know this black steed. Nasty,
is not it? - Continue pickles turned out helybenhagyolag nodded. -
1 did not think - said Komis - that Bocskai vivhasson. He yesterday I feel very badly;
but otherwise the youth games are not miscible gladly. Before he became an enemy with a vast csatak-
he is in his place.
1 see - said the prince woman leaning Bathories - Transylvania Levente not willingly
let the brow laurel foreign publication. This Bocskai? - Asks. -
Yes - said the prince - but may happen that this battle eminent German guests
will be the winner; I also believe, because it was really very Bocskai also weakened yesterday.
I am sorry that exposed itself; this gender want to battle force intact.
Size - say Komis - occasionally have trouble given the strange knight, if healthy
is released. -
1 was already winning two in this battle! - Answered Bathory.
The lodge Mikola Gizelle striking likeness unrest. He has not been seen in this battle,
and the other has had a great impact on your nerves. - Are there any dangers in this life are sometimes
kopjatores? -
Margit rebego voice inquired.
- Life-threatening or very rarely - said the kerdett - at least cases not know what this
justify; but the fall is sometimes difficult mellnyavalyakat, and can be very dangerous kovetkezesu
to health.
- Oh, my God! - Giselle elhalvanyodva sigh - but a lot of fun to it!
Then collided with the two knights, and heavy Dzsida countless pieces fell apart
Giselle closed her eyes and heart of the deepest folds of the doubt and pain surged.
Oh, heavens! - Murmured, her hands cramped fervor Margiteit the clamp.
Ah - exclaims the old Mykola whom the survey quite interesting fiilhevitett - what tremble, Gizi?
I was not afraid Bocskai half dead too. -
Bocskai! - Giselle in denial about shaking angelic fejecskejet. - The fencer not Bocskai.
Well, who would? - Mykola says with a laugh.
______ _____ P*ag»'iiU-
Giselle was silent, but the pain was shaking all the doubts that beset her features, and it was close to the
fainting. Margaret tried to calm her great compassion.
After the first test after the blue enamel knight, tall, white, flag pen with the princely
tease in front of the lodge, and dzsidajat new one in the hands lowered, respectfiiUy requested the fiiU
regal woman that her husband is not viselhetven this battle colors to honor a Transylvanian
Wearing permission knight, who believes that they will win all the other colors over
The regal woman latszatott doubtful, and gaze lots Bathories a question.
The prince smiled.
- The colors are beautiful Cristiemanak - say polite nyajassaggal - this will be in safe hands bajno-
kunknal, whose arms are known to us.
Bathorine the masolhatlan nyajassaggal, which he later so megnyere Transylvanians
heart, down the side of a scarlet and white waist band, richly embroidered with silver, and the knight
- 1 hope - to say full dignity meekness - that this tape your mercy, you should
Knight, not only in this championship game lovagunkka intervenes, but my husband every serious
intense battles also involved thereby.
The knight rettenhetlen almost trembling reached for the tape, which was encircled his waist, the dense
merged in terms of rays through the beautiful face visor speaker; bosom starch
After it was more aligned than is made. The heart, which could not have love, one never
known to be under the impression it had a sweet torment.
Seraph suffering as Giselle sat another lodge, and quite beautiful weakly rested
Margaret's face on his shoulders. Who can describe the sound of the feelings that rippled beneath her
Strident "live!" Cry the separation knotted tavulabb viewers echo from korulziigva, gave
consciousness gentle girl sweets. Tattenbach lay on the sand, standing in front of the lodge and the
enamel knight raised sisakrostellyal. Giselle knew it; suggests in her heart to him. The sun
hero, the winner was Abafi. Near the royal lodge in the green-dressed young man looked around,
face was beaming, who saw him like this, I believe that he won.
Page 91
Like creating one another.
The bright sunny evening dance festival mutatvanyait chapter again, which Bathory
Sigismund had not seen and yet it surpasses the guest cent last evening glamor light many
This beautiful church Abafi appeared first in the light of all the tribes of ancient life,
as a winner, as was envious, gained public attention as the hall.
The prince thought it was before the last war, that Bocskai. Bocskai horses this cause, which
Abafi took a few days before, on occasion for the war, and some little resemblance
Among his Bocskai and full compliance with the dignity and power. Bathory little was inadequate
Oliver lepetve knowing; he might have the courage, which is perhaps the prince reckless phenomenon
baptized, staring; out even a little bitterness could be the prince against Abafi bosom.
And Cristiema colors to wear such a distinction was that probalatlan knight as
Abafi, occasionally had refused when he was not looking at Bocskai that belief
After the prince remained sounds, the sound of the word unknown helmet rostelyzatanak
Attributed to.
Our hero had all the appearance of high- impact event. Not only kivalolag nice, manly figure,
tarsaUcodasi fine but the ease with which he made his own since become part time, and especially by
Mykola house owe this cause; but the victory has been raised in the pubUc interest, and the
respect and attention, which for present foreign knights were wearing, who's friendship
asked, and now considered the first appearance of aU respect.
First round action and more close to the man whom he has some distance
we usually only see around town and seen as somewhat superior beings always interesting and a great
important in life; how kellemesb almost fiiszeresb the impression that this first
gives rise to the appearance, when public attention was excited that someone can make, and onset of
such property
donokkal is that others are not the only cause of compassion, which is pretty shape, upscale
cause young man at first sight, but out of respect for all radiant face back, which only
merits and consequences of high property. The regal woman who Abafinak younger age
excesses heard, but first megpillantasakor him the man had interpreted the word beautiful
lation met: the bore to her attentive application, which is not only quite
involuntary, but also very natural - no one can look at it.
But the young man's soul as well as many already stale. On confidence in itself, which we know
Abafiban already, so in situations where physical force, practice and play in the first, slow
sankent permeated the work of the soul. If there is some vanity or conceit mingled
the stubborn hope, a deed which almost no physical strength wishing to be caught
some, almost blind belief that the prospective man, and this one is not for people '
reknek violates menthetove perhaps makes this blind trust in the own resources specific natural gifts
the force with which Abafi really had, and the fortune with which it has so far successfully complete
used. The power, however, he became more certain, more experience and gyozedelem
breeder confidence that self-esteem: the more approached Oliver's so natural
modest Community, which is the perfection valhatatlan followers. And if raw, defiant gaze once.
Page 92
After lucky, Merenye won or been erofejles after causing unpleasant impression
others fish with this wild rawness serious keeping modesty and finally gave in; and he
decoration and began keccsel know szenvedhetove interesting and made the top of.
And so natural reasoning soul gradually developed this exhibit quite spiritual subjects as well
itself. He's self-esteem, which already existed in some articles in other occasions he began
sejditeni himself. First train with the onset of the civil court has no more noble than those in the
confidence of my soul; and he began to not only believe, but know the extent to which the soul, if you
Abafit this time has been the most interesting young people in all aspects of Transylvania holder, and
Yes explained that the involuntary hodolas that the others with him erinteseikben
appeared, he not only felt good, but now I train folteteleiben pretty well.
Abafinak appearance was very surprised this evening. Dressed in a simple, yet ornate and large
It was worth. Dark auburn barsonydolmanya was embroidered with pearls east, many
taste, and heavy, precious stones loaded waist belt tight. From snow white dolman,
selyemszovetii heavy pants, no braiding, according to the fashion of the time, it seemed; and
narrow, pretty feet like unlikely Topanka tight. Illustrious sword side, and mice
sen tiger skin round loaf, pretty beaten gold eagle feather is added to the simple yet stunning
The regal woman Abafihoz also spoken of among others, to mention a few laudatory term gyoze-
Defence, thanking to the colors of the day acquiring triumph.
Abafi was so immersed in the beautiful and interesting lady with regard to very little
could meet; and only in a modest and unassuming lady as Cristierna, to set aside the notice
impressed by the nice young man vow.
The regal woman later amused Margaret; Giselle and happened to be next to each other Abafi allot-
Cum. - Gorgeous couple! - Says Giselle - and Abafira pointing. Gyulafine used nyajassagaval,
helybenhagyolag nodded. Another is talking, and it seems that the small and Giselle Abafi
Subjects were in conversation.
Margaret appeared on his face all night seriousness; Cristiernanak comments startling him.
In particular the human heart; are strings that are so deeply hidden that rarely pendiilven
, it is almost non-existent for thought. Thus were the ones that just rang the unusual
sound bosom. The regal woman with no comments nemjol was targeting him; this sense,
shame juice. - What is listless, in what may be offensive to someone in these two interesting creature,
which is really
appointed by matching each other beautiful couple? And yet my heart's comments stitches! The
I said out Cristierna intention, yet it hurts me! Abafi, oh, yes - you think you are
- He is enthusiastic, lovable man! Who sees thus, to do nothing but appreciate it! And Giselle,
this angelic child, all property that men boldogithat, so matching and
kellemeire, for all the time. Beautiful couple! Beautiful couple! - He said, and again he said
enthusiastically, as if
he wanted to get used to this idea; and all his noble soul oszveszede and Gizella
approximated. Do you all better, ever more attentive child was not in the sky, like this evening. S
Gizella, but his heart is like sex at the involuntary aversion Lepe,
Margaret's favor was good for him and hurt at the same time. Oh, I do not suspect that his Margaret
regarded as the heart, making himself reproaches that Abafit loves; He blames himself thousand
beautiful soul conditional flag up. - After all, he does not like you - he says he is - and why
kepzelgesz, vain girl that he likes you ever able? Margaret hearts endure; and who have been here, who
you deserve it? - So mused; However, the heather started.
Page 93
- You're dancing Abafival? - Margaret says, kerdoleg suspended upon his eyes, a side view of the
close to Oliver, who hear him. Giselle on fire, and it was somewhat wrong question; but
Abafi gently approached him and anointed him in the first dance.
One hundred envious eyes resting on the charming child, providing a trembling arm round Abafinak.
Ingva legs began to follow him in the side room; later ran benevolent warmth by all
nerves. He was happy; happy for the first time in his life, and what he felt, and which make a noise
bosom, and it was impossible to say sweet. Margaret looked after them, a tear steals
eyes; and who knew him, no doubt, that egyjet enjoy the heavenly moments,
which are the reward for a ongyozedelemnek legnemesbiket joy.
And go as undermining the thunderstorm,
Page 94
The small but brave military.
The bright elvegzodott ceremony, and the number of guests gathered Monastery Castle White Castle
where the nuptials were unofficial great pomp. Rare light also went to completion;
odagyiiltek out the fish with allayed. Among those who Cristiernanak bright accompaniment forming
lulia, a former Abafi well. He then saw all day Bathorinet, whose first days of Transylvania also
were not in the legkellemesbek. Her husband never fond feeling for the attraction, which
the spice of life. For others, the Council, the mighty emperor's wish is granted nationwide rally
decision now views this alliance.
Cristiernanak, lady full of virtue that can damage the heart coldness with which the young
Sigismund bore to him; and who always saw him he was close, staring at the religious
determination, which speechless, needle, without complaint, a reluctance which is not deserved.
Among those whom the regal woman fiill of charm and gentle kindness of near magic addict
Oliver was one of the busiest. He was so much sex and soul had been trained,
total interest that this lady all the way up to catch the spirit of the consciousness. Everything you
saw was new to him. The fine intellectual stature, the interesting traits and suffering, languid respect
heart touching. He is what you feel for him, he did not feel before. Margaret still women
First minds was, he still believed that Margaret lady is as much art, the fontebb
perfection as Bathorine; and yet, the special qualities of the human heart! the deep respect that
these two creatures he felt, was quite different sex. A gaze Cristiernanak sweet ardor
ran through every nerve; one day you could not see him, he had lost before Abafi. First
folebredtekor his thoughts, his last, and always - he was always just. He felt understood the distance
that eternal ercfalat line between him and the angels, who adored. He saw the noble, all
wild rose above purity, which was the most beautiful lady of excellent features. She is the woman that
would like to have anj^hing other than her husband? The regal woman came here not matter; the
woman alone,
This zeal, not quite romantic passion was not even allowed to stay unnoticed Cristiema
before. He is a knight in udvarisagot and deep affection seen only; and his hostility so often
severally as he made kedelyenek keseritett heart - tavul those who were in love, isolated from the
world, where he has been, and where you want to love and be familiar - was extremely pleasant
the sensation caused by a knight so passionate devotion. It was so perfect
Bathorine to tavulrol not had access to the heart of the idea that this noble homage
which went all tolakodastol, guilty gerjedelmet sejdithessen s it was obvious
piety and kindness towards Oliver.
If you have issues, they are entrusted to it; if he went somewhere, was among Abafi attendants, who
Synchro say that this noble passion feeling arose and went all the attention at the
Mordecai deeper humility; and went on was feigned szerenysegtol, sometimes radiating to the
vanity that such outbreaks and repulsive at the same time so the kegyencekben. And how to
consciousness behavior in the shadow of suspicion farthest also appear, and what she was unassuming
and clean
hodolasa; face appeared from the fact that Bathory began to be attracted to you.
Pagp 95
If people legvaltozobbika, Sigismund Bathory, now hated the thing he loved soon
distinguished, no one admired; he was more naturalistic to the young, the brave
Prince of masculine Abafi liked, although many condemned his actions, loyalty raoroklott
We adhere to the Bathoriakhoz. In its hunt, physical exercise often is neglected in the Oliver
Prince; and if they were secret adventures of Sigismund, which it is not consciousness: in this
can be attributed to the suspect Bathory imagined him fearful or associate; Moreover, he also
Abafiban was something we stay suppression.
It happens often in life that those who were going out straight: you always improve-
report, or extreme arise, move out of the world, makes magasztaltsag fellengzove soul. His life
and passion of this era was now Abafi; byte feel romantic soul that he secretly loves and
silently in a perfect being, whose whole soul stand to catch up, and it is still far away from her heritage,
who does not love him, he does not suspect he does not understand, and everyone kind of lost in the
szenvedelyitol which would leave you stuck in print; that is as clean, quite intellectual,
quite noble: to undermine so guilty if I betray.
Soon after the prince's arrival Fejer Castle rapid preparations will be possessed by all of Transylvania.
The Wallachia Wallachia and allied vojvodes Bathories who you are committing up to
united army chief of Transylvania, a large number of armies gathered. Deli Market, on behalf of a
Thickening famous leader, who has been known, and the edges of the upper age limit practiced law,
and where the
Turkey, where held under the Transylvanians, somehow gaining wild group, and made the fejedelem-
you attach itself
Exiles Hungary and Transylvania Republic, many Serbs hadnt trained more szerencsevada-
caps supplied and united army of adventurers; Always forests, caves and open sky
dwelt in, and everything was ready to tolerate hunger, thirst, cold and heat; s out anything
small part betrayed weakness, was banished forever from the scope.
Deli Marko loved you the king of the edges and the caves arszlananak be called, and one was
the strange creatures, whom is rarely seen in the elegyeke legellenkezobb to temper the
bad and good. Unlimited power and love among gyakorlani people could not detested
nothing like you would have wanted this over other gyakorlani. He was ready at the enemy
meaner ketszinseggel regret his word, even breaking his oath; war cruel, murderous;
grace battle no one expected it. But if someone gave himself Frigyes, whatever
mostly short time and some camel had no power over this short period of time, which gave him
Word may have a copy. I had the honor and thugs holding words feeling confident that
remain eternal riddle before about people, and one of the things that exist, but not
can be explained. This wild, stubborn man who feared enemy of Frederick hating looking for his
beloved horror, psychological and body giant, giant himself, and power is not tolerant else: a
girls were under government kerithete off her fingers around, and this girl was Izidora or Lightning,
as you call her name; Marko's Deli because the team everyone was required conditions, even
forget the name, each alias wearing of a property, such as the Lightning
speed, which unexpectedly appeared everywhere.
Abafi was one of the very first one, not the despicable battalions multiplied thy princely armies
Near Bistrita, which was scheduled gjKilhelyiil.
And fiery pain
Kebele horror,
The determined young lady
Bane answered.
So while the war preparations are made, there will be a disinterested person to approach, it has been
appeared several times in this story, and yet whom so little is known.
Deli Marko this bleak landscape of a forest dwelt army. Daily suriidtek adventurers.
Decision has already started and the royal military sites. Eve of departure merry feast your previous
Took a long row of tents broad forest opening korulovedzve captain fenyvek tomegei-
from. With blazing bonfires in front of the tents illuminating, standing and sitting around a picturesque
from. The crescent moon mist pilloga down jagged clouds and silver melting the dim light
fenyvek peaks, which in the middle of the flag maglyaktol vorositve the whole scene
the gaze was nice that night and painted fire lit by prescription in full of charm. This fire
gave a red gnome lighting countless grim picture too: do not let the children, wolf and Bear
kacaganyaikban, iron ingeikben yam and cold hard fegyvereiknek glory, even sajatsa-
gosabbakka exposed.
While this lively, noisy crowd singing, whistling and buzzing move: a pretty, slim
We see the little girl kilopodzni of tents. As the breeze thin, light and graceful movements; and where
affect the fat little legs forest grass was so poor, so the mental pressure that following the footsteps
rises again, as if through gyermekkezecske blow over it. She hurried passes, and the density
fenyvek ECHR exhausted and this seems like the notion figures. Two beautifiil rolls stuffed dates
dark hair down and ankles; keccsel and the entire eastern face of the night lights of blue-dally
with radiation. Light curve, loyal companion for all adventures, there's his shoulders, and her baby pud
arrows and two long white dress knot held. Little green shoulders melt flows or more
slender waist, and white underneath clothing; narrow waist, Turkish cloth is ovedzve,
which a needle is a precious dagger hilt. Passing the cute creature just now and just now, the forest
always thicker, fuller always; while small opening comes out. Bold, vivid green grass
It is this, night dew bathing, and trample footsteps shiny beads. In contrast to the opening
see hegyszorulatot narrow; it goes straight to the lyanka and deeper argument agree
JavaScript is a Transylvania's so well known, almost fairy volgykeblei from which everj^hing
surpass romantic charm, and which many mj'ths and legends recollections
Sziklahatak go high up in a small form latkort, but charming, delightful. The azure sky
paizskent bay is on the cliffs above the peaks, and portrays the stars nehanyait: Big Dipper
an adequate point, vivid light shining around it, smaller residents of the high outer space.
One of the top four fluctuate cliffs, picturesque pine knot tight, as night guards, and vibration
by lombjaikon meander silver crescent of the new moon.
Against szorulattal, which by this lovely lady volgyecskebe went high up
Cave seems to open the half moon lit up, and walk in darkness so that the borders lathatlanok.
Jet descends from the top down so quietly, so unchanged as a glass rope,
atszikrazva dubious star light. The jet soft spreadable csorgessel united front of the cave
Pgige 97
vizszonyeggel crystal, which detained large, medium deep mossy rock pool
bay; edges shaped countless forest plants matchmaker, whimsical collar forming around it.
This water mirror so quiet, so clear, so spice breath, as if nature itself bathing
slide; snow white and rainbow-colored foam bubbles abound around the drain jet,
more-more gyiiriidzve and soft silver hangajok flapping lull to sleep this dream landscape
She moved closer to the water cisterns descend the flanks pamlagara lawn; felreteve
arch, and the arrows beside helyhezven white dress knot; pretty shoulders began kiffizni and osszeszed-
two old white ujjacskajan next to zsinorait, she cast a curve, and the budding shoulder szabadulva
increase of hattyukeblenek piles patyolatingetol still enchanted by gerjesztobbekke; eluted
white skirt; full rule out some of the members of each ingetol fodve, yet visible;
Extracts hajtekercseit dark, and if szetszedven groups, stood up; and as soon as available, the tresses
nights felleg-
mantle lather on your ankles.
There was something in this fairy scene, which partly quiet charm of the place and the spirit of fantasy
cause that is so volgykebleken andalog; on the other hand this exceedingly rare creature interesting
appearance, which has Alvinci and other places we saw.
The lady in the cool river ledge descended, and the submission labacskait the water, and the water
huvetol pulled them back again, and finally entered the fish with melted szirtmedencenek uvege-
in. It seemed to be pretty well off members of the last sleeve he would Olt, but subject to examination
szetjartatva eyes, letting it private; providing its members with a sitting position on the bed shimmering
into the sand, the water habjaitol trimmed around the bubble. She sat soaking members and long
rubbing; rather quiet glee on his face, as long reverie was removed.
While swimming strokes full of charm continue, it seemed to him as if the noise recsegdelne
through the foliage, so Mino cause the deer, when hunter ear principles eyelets open szemek-
plug comes off the head of the bush, or in the evening wind blows flinch each half withered boughs
The beautiftil Izidora, who has been called a name, there appeared a bit surprised, and a gaze in all
curvature, which is close to him, lying on the grass, eyes jartata to hear the sounds of landscapes. Again
it came to pass. Soon it seemed to him as if the noises heard closer but again silence,
triggered in which only the cave roof sparkling jet andalgo unanimous splash
rend half
Izidora awakened, and has been considered to be much brighter the light around him.
- Who are you? - Cried a voice began to scream at the same time, not far from the eyes of a king-
As a rising oak lombjaiba get past it with a crown of large semi-shaded water
carpet. Szetomleszte shoulders wet hair suddenly multiplied, and the river rushed to the ledge; up
Sticking to the curve, and skilled hands it off tensioner, an arrow fitted him; was terrified arrow end
the density of oak whose leaf of a wild man person tent stretched out rairanyozva daydreams
flaming eyes.
- Depart - cry upon the lady - or open the tree waist szegzi naughty head! - S
every movement suggests that it is not an empty threat words occupy themselves.
- Izidora! - Said a deep, sad voice of the people, which is almost like a reproach is: -
Izidora, I would have stayed intact hundred battle to the hand, so who merhetlen
I like feeling, by my heart beat?
Page 98
- You're the Brigade? Terrible, you! And your lips dare to take the Izidora name? You leech out
blood of my heart I want to kiszini! Oh, murderous, cowardly, mysterious snake! - And then again in
terms of
Drivers on the curve. - Get down and depart from here, because as the day the darkness rather than the
filth like angel devil hate you!
The oak lombjaiban vibrated again, and the person is gone, but after a few moments brigade nervous
the shape of the pool grew menacing, ominous threat position; kidiozva obleikbol eyes,
furiosity the whole face was burning flame, and his lips blue haze envelopes. - Shoot! - Say, a kelevezt
holding up his hand. - Shoot! The first blow to be yours; but good find, even here in the middle of the
where you live now, and you will live while beating. Good find, say, Izidora because kelevezemet
you know, and it will find you.
Do not put your lips that name again! - Said the girl, tack-welded arrow pride. - My Lightning
My name and my father's Deli Market, the caves arszlana king of the limits! -
Izidora! So, not as I call - murmured Brigade easing anger, regardless of the game
radius of passionate running around the beautiful creation, which listed all patyolatinge
tokellyel sculptural lines of protesters out. - Do you know, we are glad to hear a name for me this time?
Even when the arms are now threatened with death, so fiercely beating crowd
bosom! So all in all it is already forgotten? - And in the words of many softness, as many
gentleness sounding as is only kitelhetett this wild creature. - Shoot - say - and if my blood
szetfercsent white shirt, and go and sit steed, and past the wings of the night angry Abafi
castle! ... Shoot, if the last beat of my heart is unsustainable, squeeze into the arms of the game fights
hero, while Brigade, who stares at a time, the battle-hardened male and unburied Brigade
konnyezetlen dusty it!
Izidora lifted the curve again.
1 do not shoot - say, about meggondolkodva - do not bum my blood for my soul, but depart,
the heavens and all that we have for you, you may be holy, please depart! The curse
moment in which those weak heart failure should not let yourself love lepetni! Kiszaggat-
nam eltembol the hours in which you sardonic tiger shape confined to my heart. Do hizelkedjel
yourself; It was not the love! No, no, no! To my shame I confess, no! ... Sensory
risings, weakness, alacsonysag, hell, all you want, just do not love! -
And so you put it, Izidora, you're out of the minutes records if I did not come; you, who for weeks
busongtal if
disease over! Thou wast a fire and flames! And about anyone, no matter how much I loved you, you
have to believe that
you love me more ... all in a single man, and whose name can not hear when your heart has been
mine was.
- Yes, yes - Izidora said, his face covered the flame - for him! Hear, and your loser kinodra,
thug coward lag! ... sake, whom I love as God, whom I am ready at any moment
die, his eyes enough to irantadi a flashback szennyere eternal oblivion
mantle spread! ... Do you know this dagger? - Say, a dagger raised. - Ha, coward, you rush three
against a
and when he graciously pardon, you're miserable, I want to execute this! ... This dagger
the ercfal, which is between him and the center of the earth to the sky shop! I know what you go
a long time already, despicable! But dismayed because megismertetlek Abafival.
- Hahaha! - Say wild laugh Brigade. - Abafival? Fear of him, and thou dismayed! - Then
the sudden jump vizmederig plummeted.
Page 99
Izidora nekiereszte arrow, which is in the midst arm up, but only slightly: s Brigade hugging slim
waist, passion fierce flame of her to him in the eyes of the lady, trying dagger
unscrewed by hand. Izidora the Brigade chest tensioner hand, and all about himself sought
extricate him.
- Ha, gentle dove - cry Brigade - or in my power now. You see, I do more
like to get back. Come! - Continue, raising the lady who is a fierce fencing lankadni
looking, and who has been a sharp scream koriilhangzek the forest. - Come! I have set
Abafmak heavenly steal a few moments. But do not shout so awful! Not out
build defenses; You are mine!
- Brigade, the sky villamira please - said the effort szakadozo Izidora voice - no, no
please order it, let me go! ... Ah, hateful! As I hate, despise as miserable!
Do you think I'm scared of you? Tightly cover your arms, but I know the breath and drown myself
nails digging hated limbs: furiosity and pain while doing insane, cowardly, because so many have
the Deli Marko daughter dagger dare hit.
Meanwhile the dreadful silence passed, light burden, and brought him into the forest belebb-belebb.
voices are heard only faintly.
After a little while angry roar roaring out of the woods, like a wounded lion, and the density
through bushes scattered small portion of hair and shirt, his face an expression of the furiosity
Izidora rushed out, holding a bloody dagger high.
- Comma - say - an abomination! Even the rotary knife and space, which embrace before
Oliver wanted to execute the Monastery Castle Square!
A kelevez screamed the thicket Izidorara.
- Furious! - Shout it, and suddenly folkapva visszarobbantva the kelevezt. And folragadvan of clothing,
left in a hurry.
So the father arrived at the tent, osszekarmolva, lankadva hardly panting.
Deli brand itself outside rushed out of his tent, and folkoboza You share a lot, but
Brigade is nowhere in sight. Maybe the wound, which was inflicted during Izidora struggle, not
was fatal.
The next day, the edges of the royal army arszlana g5KiIhelyere started.
Page 100
The secret is explained.
Gathered together from all sides of the forces that brought Bathory's army across the border, uniting
Michael Vlach and shaking them Moldavian Voivode's.
Sinan Pasha was a great leader of the enemy. Sigismund continue the war a lot of luck; more
battle to beat the Turks.
Among those who have this great war Tone and useful services to the prince, was also Abafi,
who is also the last battles of luck was the prince of six Tatar, who applied
sint defeated would have to release. Bathory was redoubled after this attraction felt savior
moreover, always oregbedett since its military prowess and athleticism more meg-
described. The distinctive among all her prince and a beautiful cattle Gifted
to those that were exiled from the recent and kivegeztektol elfoglaltatott.
Abafi adopted in favor posed in a comment below. Duke's voice begged namely, that it is not
will regret this purpose, use whatever gift. Bathory gave his word.
After several battles with the unfortunate prince important Abafi with reports sent to Transylvania. He
there as a hero, winning more battles and big-eyed man had appeared.
Cristiernanal he did it is the earliest to tisztelkedeset, modest nyajassaggal him out of the host, which
this high-spirited lady was so lovable.
Heart barrel Abafi first young love, and as many times as possible, nevertheless near Bathorinenak
so often inexpressible was happy. Real quality Sejdite whether this enthusiastic woman attraction
hosszasb time later? you can not know; but it was all for the purposes of Abafi towards something
gyanittata this. - We've seen this story kept that what started out to battle in front of her husband, gladly
Abafit around him: sometimes instructed, and attention, which bore to him, had not been detected
vehetlen. Later, mainly Fehervar mulatasakor today, it seemed as if Cristiema
to some extent have been withdrawn from her without her favor less
harbors. Abafi, this probably only took notice, he thought that the lady's soul
considered, and so delicious delicacy known virtues and meet the regulatory barriers that
I like to have a little tighter than they were before. We have seen that the love of Abafi
magasztaltsag was romantic, and thus the certainty as to say that the angel pure woman
lankaszthata not stay more love, in fact it made it even fellengobbe.
- He's review me - you think you are - but as you can see, how the spiritual reverence with which
wearing her corpse, no violation by love; and I would be worthy of this heavenly piety,
if it were not for me saint of the barrier, which made the wordless Cristiema nice to meet me? - Abafi
duplicate respect, and although we had a hot temper, which is attractive imadottjahoz her heart, trying
that, as far as possible, to hide. - Just beside the prince Giselle had a woman, and though Mykola
it became difficult to get rid of it, I can not be this kind, full of goodness fejedelemnetol meg- nothing
deny. Margaret consciousness even more difficult to do without him, only to relieve pain that Gisella
often visible. Bathorine particular propensity towards harbors the popular girls, who now
It was perfectly developed, and the most beautiful lady in Transylvania. Some dream seriousness,
Usually suffering, which was discarding his face, doubling the interest of being charming. Margaret
Page 101
hidden reason for this could seriousness; and although it would have been exceedingly gratified heart
of the Giselle bizodalmaval
possess, tenderness did not allow him to question; and when the girl asked him Cristiema Margit
the seriousness of the cause: Gyulafine avoiding long answer.
- Gisella grief press - say once the fejedelemne - perhaps the parents of plaintive orphan, or
separation from you, good Margaret makes her so take hold! You do not think much again want to do -
continue the
legreszvevobb voice - shall see him happy.
- Maybe - said the kerdett no small uneasiness - Her Excellency that banatja-
also has one of the causes of the orphan; but parents of such age lose to those He remembered clearly
a. This, then, if his sensitive heart of sometimes bitter feeling flooded, do not make it so
abrandozova permanently. Greatness loves, fate is satisfied, it goes I know this: s
so I think that the time is also scatters the earnestness with fish, which I myself
very prominent.
Cristiema think latszatott. - Margaret - say - my Gizelle love thee, perhaps most
there is more trust in thee: Try to soul, heart to get acquainted with the state.
It seems to me - to continue stifled sigh - that he loves.
Margaret was silent. Untrue did not want to tell the truth-telling is what led to
have? To reveal the secret of her friend, and it was really a secret, guilty pleased him because
Giselle hugged her bosom hot passion. Private classes were the happiest; time
eldele minds bitter-sweet love without hope of salvation; I will never betray a
so too.
If you would like - say Cristierna - can not believe this angelic child to himself indecent
love; but I am afraid that his heart is such a gift, you probably deserved it, but who
Gizellaetol the circumstances so different that relatives of them can not hope to match. -
It is hard to believe - Margaret replied. - He almost did not know anyone else who is as
my father's house appeared among them, and none of them fit your worship comments.
Repeatedly talking to Margaret Cristiema this subject, but not tavuhol Abafi she came out of the
legszivesebb illendoseggel bear the Little Daughters interesting, but who had a noticeable that
Giselle's heart can not stand.
After this conversation a few days Abafi said goodbye to the fejedelemnetol, the martial visszasieto
near field and Sigismund, who gave him a short time only the outage. Giselle present
was. Abafi elbucsuzvan Cristiematol, moved closer to the lady. - Dear Gizelle - say
(Because relatives authorized to call him names) - 1 will start tomorrow at dawn. Whether there was
izenetet my sister whom I take a nice, or not a good wish for me? The military life
by doubt, and I'm a bit superstitious: this good soul wishes talisman that grace and strength
The Abafi joyfully and playfully speech was given, and no other enyelgesnel. In parting
Gizella words had a strong impact, it seemed as if more steals eyelids.
Levente providing the soft hands. It was so full of charm that keznyujtas that you Abafit
be surprised if your heart so it would not be included.
- I'm only one I wish to - say voice almost rebego Giselle - to your mercy, good Oliver
Follow the blessing of his pace, which was all so enthusiastic daughter of Transylvania desire hero as
Abafi gentle handshake answering the left.
_ ____ ;pigtfiii:
Cristierna in view of soothing azure eyes Giselle delicate features, which
It was strange mixture of happiness and serious reality.
Gizella seemed as if Abafi never so happy to never give honor to the full udvarisag-
gal had not spoken to him, and a feeling of melting a handshake whole being, which is dark and
dubious memoirs wizard dreams of fairy pictures.
Since that time Bathorine monitors kegyencenek lives; Abafirol often spoke to him, and
which at first glance was just conjecture, became evident. - She loves you, yeah - he says he is
Cristierna - she likes Abafit. - Margaret also given unto later observation. Margaret has been betrayed
Seeing little secret of her friend, all narrated the prince woman who desires nothing
rather than Gizella happiness, adopted daughter, whom he loved as a daughter. Margaret
was Dunno who wove gentle hands off the plan, which has been established in his soul a long time ago,
He began with the fulfillment of the hopes.
Not much time has arrived Abafi the camp. The brief ceasefire Sigismund used
Fun for its unfilled, most solyomvadaszattal, which was a favorite pastime.
This hunt is a Abafi riding beside him.
- Oliver - said the prince - you're hiding a secret to me! One of the secrets of -
continue mocking smile - which will be the camp ... you listen to?
Abafi blush. - Excellency - say - the thing is no secret, but somewhat a mystery to me as well.
- A benevolent fairy - Bathory notes with a laugh - 1 confess, I want you
so my army also provided plenty of food for such delights you!
Abafi the Alvinc adventure told the prince, with monasteries megtamadtatasaval Petersburg. -
Izidoranak - he continues - who's also sometimes appear, and who has seen your honor several times,
haze hovering his birth; Deli brand is not about him gladly. The lady, I think I love
children. Shortly after his son gave him Alvinci back, I took one of his letters, which
consequently, the child is now in court next pastor, who educates him carefully; sa
full of talent, moreover, very nice, interesting that even young family honor would become.
While Izidoranak Alvinci son, his mother will visit all week; same camels with partly
makes it even now, since I have it.
Maybe some night's knight, whom we heard something?
The same. And to think that everything amily little peculiar creature with what they say about it
or believe so fiiendly towards me: it's partly, and partly fictional direction causing the soul to
visits he would guarded secret.
Nice - said the prince happily - that you do not find life long megvetojet
pleasures; to visit because of maternal anger was not alone because it now
also shows care. -
1 do not want to look better - Abafi honestly say - as I am.
S-liked this pleasure for the man-woman?
Abafi did not answer immediately, as if he wants to give something number, you do not know quite
what Iran
aware of. - Barely - say little break - 1 think that is what I felt Izidora, and perhaps
Now I feel it would be love; but I can not deny that the affection for me, which is still
never refutes itself ... the unprecedented fidelity, from which it is apparent to all, my heart
do not let's not let that happen ... illetetlen hardly the one hand, as well bury him not owe.
Since I'm lucky to be your honor's camp, tents abound in everj^hing, in which the
can be found in the countryside; and if I ask, who brought her maids rarely able to meet; everything
We learned that a pretty young soldiers sometimes come close to the tent at night, and if removed, the
before or basket filled with fruits of the region legizesb and Turkish delights, or an opening
game or else they find, and always leave so suddenly that it can not be recognized.
- Without a doubt he is! - Said the prince. - A girl or woman deli cute! Several times I saw Deli
Markoni, but this feral creation would not have guessed that's loyalty! Father yes
differs from it. It is true that so far has not given us the word of the breach; but this only
gave a year, and who knows what he does! ... The challenge is still far monasteries Petersburg
or gloom?
1 confess - Abafi answer - that until more! Izidora bypassing meet, I ask you, who like
some cells, but want to hide. Your honor knows, we just talked about woman shock! -
Yes - said the prince stifled sigh - lived my era was one of the bitterest
the; Deceived those, in whom I trusted most violent modes must go! - The
Prince stopped. - Then - said after a pause - there was no hell, if each
violence imputed to me!
-I - say Abafi - the personal bucella gyiilolsegenek ascribes.
It was not the best man - Bathory rephed with a laugh - but I would not do it.
1 do not willingly remember those sad days back, your Excellency! - About Abafi. - If
you can call people wanted for greatness, many would not have happened! -
The Kendiek - said the prince - secret enemies and always had the desire al Bathoriaknak;
Balthazar my brother wanted princely szekiinkre, this can still think and a lot of enemies
he put me among my subjects! You were one, Abafi. -
Excellency, the Abafiaknak loyalty towards the Bathories Transylvania became proverbial, and
Abafi be the prince of his enemy, but not the identity of the prince. -
Do not continue with this subject anymore - interjects long-pride Bathory. - Other life of the prince.
Conditions of others than those avatlan itelhetne correctly; How many of those who so
easy to judge a prince deeds, they would be the most hated tyrants if iilhet- chair
would! We should speak well of the dead, or anj^hing; but skies say, I believe that this
Balthazar had been fulfilled.
Abafi seeing that the conversation Bathories willingness to be exposed to other subject matter sought to
be turned in. -
Sinan Pasha - say - seemed to welcome the ceasefire. Greatness megbizonyita
Transylvania, Bathory weapon that can do it recognized the power of the Force.
For every hadainknak luck, I got tired - said the prince - the camps, and
more than ever, I'm calm. Believe Abafi, there are lessons that either spill
stick here, happier climates. The Olaszhon, many large cities, the finer wear,
language, application ... ohajtasokkal irresistible flood our bosom. -
So beautiful, such a great profession - Abafi say - that's why the fate of care, and a thousand were
your worship to the heart of the beautiful course on the presence of God, will the rest
lelni which you wish! An amiable prince grows near, the triumph of light from
koriilsugarozva more beautiful, more simple pleasures of which you can enjoy as Olaszhon
all softened pleasures, where there is only a caricature of former greatness.
Page 104
The heart of the prince was again megpenditve string so that it take hold mistaken. Some
strangeness he felt towards Cristiema, from which he could not give an account of himself. The
the desire for calm amid light Bathory, who laid it up briefly the national
worries, Kovari franquility again I wish to return to the noise from which to run latszatott. Cristiema
association was desirable in front of a forward, but this was hardly ohajtasbol reality: the lady who
royal purple is not devoid of all ornament, whom each had its own boldo-
gitasara, you can get anjwhere near to heaven, not to fill the hearts of consciousness.
Two knights who return to the camp of Prince galloped forward, and the new movement of Turks
spoke, and gave some of her mind escaping.
- The days will be dealing with - say a little more fun - 1 long for the victory.
In addition - to continue a special smile, half seriously, half jokingly, turning Abafihoz,
quietly - selyemredos the dress, the Red bibornoki hat and a spacious, comfortable lobby in the world
Among the former queen of great worth like ruins all small dicsosegunkkel here! What ...
think Levente?
Page 105
Consequently, the S BATTLE
The wound is not deep.
Within my heart a great night now.
Lawrence Toth
The prince's prediction was fulfilled. Barely stopped short truce, Sinan Pasha harass
He began the sentries.
The Hungarian camp was very convenient place. A long, medium-high ridge forms a large
ground floor, which was flat on top. This area maszhatlan cliffs on one side, other one
large river and marsh defending. This ridge down the gaping Bathory heavy guns.
Gabor Turi, an experienced military officer, was the commander of the army cannon. Brown steed,
sallanggal and simple black bearskin saddle blanket, saddle up and down the long descended agyusor
before, where orders are exposed to the public where soldiers calling you. Head hard, spherical helmet
Foden, torforma rounded tip, vasing ran down the middle, this was on top farkaskacagany
An Autumn valiantly approximate Turi, who stood next to a long gun, sometimes down, looking down
into the valley, where
already hostile armies clashed.
- Actions! - Turi said the same calm voice, which Taps courage. - The Keresztur csapatja-
left wing's bothering tar; take four cannon to yourself and to the right of the mound Process Velek
(When there indicators), and send some vasmorgot kozikbe! Hurry - continue, looking down at the sup-
Gas battlefleld - to get to be able to compose not get to keep the good and bad flicks off his feet.
Perea took command immediately met. - You stay here this soon - say a gun proceed
Pered teasingly - wheels bad, osszediil until we reach the hill. Hurry!
Four cannons were suddenly on the detained horses, and after a few minutes I heard stages
datlan deep rumbling.
- Used - say a pretty young guns proceed Turi speaking - my vasgomboleim. Watch
Stephen than sweep them out.
Ah - say it annoyed - no reason why you should spend your time here! Almost an hour to here
berthing. Devil Zounds! Look to the left there, Mr. valor - exclaims the young gun blazing
face - the prince ... Who is next? -
Abafi - Turi said coldly. - No, no - continue, subject to his eyes fixed on the csata-
Square - Bethlen; Abafinak I see the gray below. Derekasint! - Cried Turi flaming face. -
It was Bathories matching challenge! This takes the Turks! Watch out boys! - Say iterate
nyargalva before agyusor - Now turn; fire!
The cannons roar filled the air, making a terrible havoc among the Turks.
Then a young knight jumps up on the ridge.
Page 106
But it was also the place for us! - Stephen said merrily the gun, standing beside comrades. - But
Janko - continue, stepping closer to the next cannon proceed - so you are always up iranyzasz; Look
here! So! - Say, adapted from the cannon. - This certainly found shot; haha! -
Three simultaneously - woke Janko - just pulled off one of the key!
In the meantime, the knight, who just now eszrevevenk, folerkezett, and stood before tolerate the
spine showed a left end.
- The Prince commands - say - the whole gun team hastily retreat to the side;
Razvan armies (see boon? Yonder, ni! Now hurry armies were one team) could be considered
Turi sent immediately after lawsuits, and soon the long agyusor csortetve moved to the left.
These two wide-throated leave here. You stay, Stephen - Turi said the young guns proceed - and down
leszolasz sometimes the valley. -
Will care of him - it says, wiping cannon - to mix a few words with him, if not
I liked the thing turn below.
The guns gone, and soon there were a great help shaking Voivod armies, whose
the prince vedelmokre hurry.
- The size of a very lives at risk! - Abafi say, just came out next to Bathory - Here you
full of arrows like rain. On the hill ride greats from all better off
may be taken.
You're bleeding, Abafi! - Said the prince's horse vice versa.
Where? - It inquired coldly.
The shoulder; I did not erzesz anything?
Considered Abafi shoulder. - Small scratch, I think. I'm in a hurry to there! - Say, all of a sudden
give spurred his horse.
Good was the arrival Abafinak team schedule. They can attack a thick Turkish szpahiosztalj'tol
va began to back away.
Abafi was there. - Who dares to back away from here! - Cried run before stopping tax armies. - Back
back! - And breaking through the crowd, it reverses the spahi great hurt, many of whom
After remaining in place.
Each point was beating the enemy, and began to hastily retreat backwards.
Then came Abafihoz Bathory. - Michael Voivod - say - 1 am satisfied with today. He also
fights; Kottes you are on your scar! If you are not too big, enervate the blood loss, and even your arm
is required.
Just seduced by the words of the prince, when he collapsed Abafi rider. Abafi suddenly jumped up. -
Farewell, good call animal - say - you got yourself the best.
At that moment his side a handsome, slender knight; visor was lowered down, which
top fluctuate long, scarlet feathers; eziisting fodte waist, and on top of this beautiful tigriskacagany
floated; Apple dull sitting on the young soldiers, which we have seen is probably somewhere.
- Here's the horse, horse instead! - Says jump and his horse, and the horse surprised Abafinak hands
reins, while he stared at it, left in a hurry, between the army was satisfied, and soon disappeared
out of sight.
Page 107
Who was that? - Invite the prince surprised.
Who would have - said the kerdett -; Izidora, Lightning!
The daughter of Marko? - Says the prince. - God, this is his time to help!
Always and always her! - Oliver says strange expression on his face, which mingled with the
no sympathy with which he wanted to strangle itself.
Among Abafi and Izidora was really special relationship. After their first meeting, we decided that they
maybe also had close relations. To Abafi withdrew himself Izidoratol later, more
there is reason to suspect; Petersburg area to the monastery Izidoranak words to prove this, and the
make a statement before the prince himself And yet this passionate creation of recalled
after, how hot insisted beketuroleg family suffered aversion, which now
certainly can damage: all of this is not only love, but out of gratitude too, towards the creature, who
her life has been kind of volume, and who loved her son toward unparalleled. Abafi, so to speak, is not
saved his life, but also education of the future and the fate of well taken care of and is not
gyamnoki top with, but fatherly and brotherly anger. But Izidora loved so well Abafit
hot, so ontagadolag without such a calculation that this is almost ennobles her temper. And this
lady who barely sixteen years old, an age among young seductive arms forget everything; out later,
when he made the first of these could vigyazobba actualizing is now, the Brigade guilty love
he was part of the subject: this is frivolous, even guilty creature consciousness has to grasp the soul
idea that this ignoble creature Abafihoz lack merit. He heads up the suicide of Tartar
were cut off from competing with wild drinking buddies father, played raged before Abafi
have brought shame wineglass lips, cubes and shake hands with indecent talk about irom his lips; and
since I loved the whole unhappy ardor hot young bosom: the gender vedhetlen disgust
Brigade formed the soul of Iran, and all his actions, and his life was able to something that is now
not to kozeltete gentler spirit, if not in all that you do not give your life
szokottol samples can hardly wish for, but we very much.
He grew up among her father's masculine, wild men. The power of the moment set him guilty;
time and negligent father permissiveness cause the path of sin passed. Spirit
the serious belief that he can not be better than it was with the defiance
mingling, which is so conspicuous in those whom fate unconscious and yank down dirty onakaratlan
vortex passions; you only have eyes budding, and who will only have the
Life-minded age, when the world is turned lelkeikben just despicable bring back proof
were broadcast around the army of black, and if indeed noble, powerful soul, which in mamorbol
awakening, self-hate and despise.
The lady, who is the most sacred throws a first-come, purity and nakedness, who years
spent the profiigate dispersal, which shares without the mercy of the current election; never
although as jobbuljon also very quiet and calm can not be any more; lady that nakedness is repealed
out, lost everything. - That was Izidora. He has since Abafit loved everyone retired;
but the idea that Abafihoz lack merit, and that if he ever could love him, love this
degrade himself, was the worm, which devoured.
- 1 do not love me - sometimes I say I am - because I hate myself and I hate myself
Mother of a child, his father not to name, and if it is alive, denying him! ...
Concubine of the most miserable worthless! A hyena, among which nevekedek verozonok
up! ... this horrible creature that almodhatnek love of the man, whom no woman who
Page 108
- As a man, as a man I esteem, gratitude megerdemleni. - So mused, no stains
was made of the guiding star. - Just once, if he does not hate the hapless Isidor, while not ruling
if matching between prospective happy woman's arms, you know how much I love! ... No,
no! - Say an outbreak of tears. - You can not, because he despise her laugh. And if you like
lady, whose moment of grace birhatni gondola, deserving of hatred without love: no
I was lightning, caves arszlananak dreaded daughter? - And not all e-folbatoritasa
save herself from a sense of self is not that different from those dolyftol Strikes sometimes,
which often obscures just estimate of the deeds which they induce.
Abafi Isidore did not like; nyilatkoztatasabol himself understood this. But so what was the
he felt towards his Izidora? Forward to a nice, pretty lady senses the approach could, and Izidora if
would have been less open and cselszovenyesb, occasionally Abafit elszedithete easily. But this
a peculiar creature itself was a spirit always be like, so
Abafi every act of his life and above all he knew. Not admire, if included, anything nefarious people
It was also the first time Izidoravali of knowledge, such a statement on the cool retreat
caused, which tend to be easily volunteer intrigue consequences. But the little Zsiga
before it was extremely nice; advancement of the application itself csinosb countless athleticism
Abafi ascribes to himself and justly; small Zsiga was his teremtvenye; and the child be expressed
hetlen and gratitude for the simple, streaming from the heart of my search, which virtually joltevojenek
gondolatjat he sought to invent such a fairy had power that it could not be without it.
They include him do not always erosb conditions, there was always happy with his stronger
noble, and had to say great soul. Izidora was interesting before, first son, to whom
CONNECT common love them; on the other hand onragaszkodasaert Abafihoz where something so
denied, without such a calculation was that Abafiban friendly and willing to rise to szanakodast
at the same time, and that his soul was good, because maybe some kin had the temper of Abafi
iranjoikkal present; that's just Abafi gerjedseget precipitation hardening in everyday life, and the
vaunted strength towards Izidora not, if the person who is fond of, and actions of former lives refer
had, but I felt the creature, whom young bosom of every talent and power
adored - Cristiema towards. Izidoranak unprecedented fidelity interesting, will be dedicated in front of
him; and not
admire, if all the effects of all these reasons, the united thanks so noble and gentle
sense of, had a large, even still growing force; all the more so because Izidoranak Abafivali
tarsalkodasa was quite different, gentler sex asszonyibb as it masokkali
Touch of these special beings we were witnessing; and finally as Izidora exfremely pretty, keccsel
was a complete lady, whom no man eye view my condolences and was angry or not.
On this excursion after a shghtly longer, but it is necessary to turn back the gaze story
prince and Abafihoz.
After the enemy army retreats to the prince, and several leaders of assistants
accompanied estates, among whom Bocskai, pickles, Keresztur, Abafi Bethlen and others were highly
cheerfully returned to the camp, where he stayed heather joy merry shots on him and his followers.
The army remained a part of the valley, sleepless eyes virrasztva by the long night hours;
sometimes heard a shot or quiet csortetes, movement of froops and signal testing
in lectures. The peace camp in a hurry after all the day long struggle.
Are carried out by blood flow,
Turn from my life!
- Die
Beautiful death for me.
Abafi tent came before him; stood in front of the number of domestics. - Dull stay with me today - say
will be standing up and patting the neck of the horse Izidora - keep well! - Adapted from a satellite
horses; Oliver entered the tent. It's hard, white and scarlet, negynyiistos canvas was the four- to six
furniture protect roominess formed, and it was dehcious Turkish fabric lined. The opening to the left
retired corner of the camp bed. The head of the bed skirt suede cushion occupy, and the blanket
It was a wide, bright green raincoat; next two lengthy luggage bag making and juxtaposition
Turkish rug out more Retba fodve sofa formed. In contrast, ground reflected
covekektol rack held several weapons were aggatva mirror smooth.
An old maid was in the tent. - Until it was dark already, Peter! - Abafi say, and removing
helmet. - Tweet this many gaping servant here; I want to be alone with you.
Peter obey, he returned alone.
Point out that hard my neck shirt - lord says.
The Master's shoulder is bleeding! - Sadly notes with the servant. - The iron fabric has been cut in
half -
Wait - Abafi say, leoldva sword - from right to raise ... beware ... do not pull so fast .... -
Peter carefully lifted the sodronyinget neck. -
The young master was lucky with this shirt, because he fell in half vallperece. Bring water;
slept all the way up the blood of the dolman. -
1, too, have been difficult to stand in my arms, but first I will let down dolmanyomat. - This
suit with one hand.
Sir - Peter says, quietly pulling the right arm it - and the other fingers will be split into good;
I like to have a swollen shoulder. -
1 do not mind. You did not see anyone?
Not even today; but the man wrapped in cloak, who yesterday had access to the tent, not on good
walked; while and then jumped into the thick retired from me, and I could not see anymore.
Lightning was.
1 swear that he did not.
Is it? - Abafi is leaning on his bed. - But more about that later, now hurry after water.
The servant went out, soon brought iron bowl of water, lying lord carefully soaking
arm. - The wound is not deep - note the valet. - But it would be good for the old pre GYARFAS
call, he is not very far from here.
- 1 do not mind; but first, as you know, blindfold; because verzeni start again.
Peter badly torn cloth well-put the wound, and it korulkeritven white cloth, the tent
Abafi healthy elbow leaning lying on his bed. Not looked away by the opening of the tent
fire; and the camp guards walking up and down and the children of military zsibongasuk, horses etc,
renneted, egyesiilenek the lively noise of war, which the military life in a lively, noisy gives shape.
Soon after Peter left the Lightning Faded hoe the ground, and was without nyerite uproarious. Single
handsome young man then entered the tent; green raincoat was rakeritve and simple head, crushing
Foden cap.
- You are, Izidora! - Abafi cries. - A good soul, pale come home safely, back to dead tomorrow, today
even dwell at my abrakombol. But what brought you here?
Izidora took off his cloak, and the pale light irradiation fire illuminating handsome stature, compassion
Approximate Abafihoz. - Favor wounded - say - and restlessness to me here. Deep in the
wound? God, I immediately noticed that I did not take it, even at the battle had bandaged.
How much blood will have passed since!
- Calm yourself... a little sore. Put off those ties, look at; Sent after Gyarfas; but
your little gentle hands, calling the soul, more gentle going to regret this.
Izidora knot dress immediately took off his breast, the carpet, camel, and the bond of wounds
leoldva carefully, miiertoleg and boundless tenderness lashed into it again. - The tumor good
will these herbs megfozetni - say, pointing to a knot - 1 trust my cure Gyarfas
Allowance site. This pillow slightly folebb hft ... So, now be quiet ... - It hurts to
yet? - Ask Aba&a leaning. - Oh, my! I'm there! - Cried, leaning together at the same time.
At that moment screamed over an arrow through the head Abafinak tent; the first Isidore
- Ha! What's this? - Abafi cried, jumping up. - Izidora, good soul, our inventory ... Gosh! You're
bleeding ...
Outside arose a great clamor; more voices are heard, and among them wild blasphemies. Abafi up
embraced Isidore, who hardly heaving - the father, O my son Oliver heaven! ! ! how to die
without having to see him! - Here the words stopped, and ran away halalsapadtsag face. Abafi the bed
- Stop, thief! - Said a familiar voice in front of the tent.
Abafi ran. Peter Gyarfas Bethlen keeps the throat since the criminals, who fired into the tent, and
nyilvesszejet, as it is well aware of the weather, trend straight from the bed.
Who are you? - Bethlen said. - Oliver, or finding it?
1 wish I'd prefer! - Say Abafi the deepest pain. - 1 stayed intact. Oh,
Come, Wolf, help; Lightning poor there is no longer alive! ... And you, Peter, hurry Deli Marko
tent; there is in the valley below, to the right, the prince of the tabernacle of less than three hundred
paces; the
green flag to get to know. Get the best paripamat, hurry! ... These thugs take him Pered-
you; responsible for the life of him.
- Izidora, oh my! - Angrily said the killing. - Izidora, and not you, Abafi? Oh, hell! To get it right
! ... so Izidora - murmured - you found? You, who elteert thousand for imposing Hell! ... And you live,
Abafi! You, whom I have towards my arrow. - And who do you expect him to free the enclosing
- It's Brigade - was barely out of the tent hallhatolag. - Oh, terrible ... Thank you, God, that
found me.
- Do not take me! - Say Brigade, crazy eyes in all around him. - Let me see once more.
Page 111
only once! ... Oh, Izidora, cursed be the hour, which was carved ivemet! Cursed
hand, which he stretched! And damn you a thousand times, Abafi who to target and whom I should
It was horrible to see Brigades, who fought for ten people, and yet they could hardly with her.
Brigade high erokodesben lankadni latszatott, not fight again; eyes stood out, meerschaum
overshadowed his lips barely utter. - Ah - say - stop, just a minute! You see, I still
I'm like a child; I do not do anything! Tie my hands behind - continue
sadly koruljartatva eyes and hands hatrateve - 1 tolerate as a lamb ... Oh, just one more!
once Lead feet to kiss the dust off saruirol to rest once more
eyes on me, even if in anger. Dig out one of my eyes to see the other moment,
then - say wild folkacagva - whether yours is!
Brigade took around again, and began to drag away from the tent; angrily defended himself, not
not screaming, there was a roar of sex, which billowed out from his chest deep and throaty, and remitve
iszonyitva. So could tavoztatni big trouble.
Abafi Bethlen and entered the tent during the Gyarfas. Abafi written proof view of mounting
Izidorara eyes. - Oh, my calling, my soul; you have to be for me to get lost so young! But
Calm down, my son, and my stay while I'm alive! ... Oh, Gyarfas, all I have is yours,
if you save!
Izidora gave to his eyes, something rebege, but could not understand.
Gyarfas thing seen immediately. Quietly, highlight the arrow side. Izidora osszeszorita
lips, but not a sigh fluttered up on. Gyarfas examined the wound, and he carefully
bandaged. - The wound is incurable - Encouragingly Isidore - just quietly, my dear young lady, in
this will ease the seblazat also drops.
Izidora hihetleniil shook his head, his hands Abafinak providing: - 1 feel - say - to die! Oh,
Oliver, you live ... God, I thank You ... Be Zsigamnak father -! Continue, just rebegve. S
the lady who veve wild fire in battles, who each other was, when spear
broke out, but she did not; fallow soul whose only joy man known only weakness lady
gesegeiben was: so gentle, so quite feminine, sensitive so it came to pass at that moment, his face so
gentle expression evolved to include not know anyone Lightning week.
Oliver is a mixture of anger, which is not language, suspending the beautiful eyes, I really noileg
nice lady took her hands. - Be quiet! - Said softly. - But I hope, wound
not deadly, just be quiet!
Oh, boy, oh, my viscera! Dear little blonde little head, your gentle, good eyes ... God with
no, but how far away he or me! Who will you so fiercely heart szoritni like me! -
Quietly, kind, good soul, dear Isidore, you're going to live: in any case, Zsiga, my
Will Zsigamnak father. Before God I promise you this, legszentebbikevel oath. -
Oh, Oliver, Isidore of you ... your son ... heaven ... Your Isidore ... I ... Lightning ... the bloody game!
Brigade concubine ... the name of virtue, modesty without Izidora! ... Ah, heart, cracking! Be Greetings
me, O death, I ... I ... yes, oh, yes, I have lived ... - flame raised beautiful, dying eyes
Oliver and breast clamping his hands, and deep prayer rises, no bosom, but the soul
glowing from deep within, and lashes conceals his eyes, his face pale fusible paleness around and
sustain likeness away - he's asleep or unconscious, or dead. Marble was a picture, which
cold lines there appeared to float nemesultebb soul.
Thus, she relaxed. Oliver was troubled in his tent. - Gyarfas - say - make a wish, what you want, but
save him! A pain ties together all my nerves, so powerful, what kind of tame this
Gyan not affective.
Sir - Gyarfas spoke quietly and seriously - be a man! Accustom minds of educated,
that he has ceased to live. -
Discontinued! - Elhalavanyodva Oliver said.
Not yet - meet Gyarfas - more than two hours but do not dare to promise him.
Abafi speechless mereszte eyes and turns GYARFAS Izidorara. -
This young keccsel so flill, so call ... and two hours! - Say the word of deep sensitivity. - S
sake! ... Oh, it hurts, and very bitter! -
Maybe it was better this way - Bethlen said, offering his hand Abafinak. - You are loved, yes, Oliver,
do not
deny it, you loved, and what might have led to this? ... He's happy! You accepted His Son; last hours
near you spend nice, interesting creature!
- Wolf, you cruel, cold cuts the wisdom of my heart through this terrible moment. I loved
or not, what I know now ... a father, a friend of terrible loss! And we all
feeling egybehasonlitva's unprecedented insistence that this unfortunate proven
me! You know my heart, my friend, you know all the secret folds, and what myself before
I'm terrified to open, wide open in front of you. Yes, I would like benevolent heart can love the most
as a friend of the hottest friends, and lived many years will not be able elfelejtetni me
this totally original creation!
Oliver was sitting on the carpet near Izidorahoz; physical pain, wound it was forgotten, silent,
thought, he worked hard soul.
Izidora there appeared to slumber, Bethlen left, the doctor was alone Oliver.
Abafi rose. It seemed as if something important objects occupy his mind; a place szegze
eyes, and especially to his face sometimes joy flashed through radiation. Do not fall, extremely
this must be a joy not fall; because the expression of his face Abafi so calm, so
interest has become complete, and perhaps never was.
Oliver grabbed the doctor's hand. - Gyarfas says grace is not in any hope
the Izidora more about?
Abafi sigh. - What do you think - continue presenting, examining gaze compared GYARFAS - large
harm to joy, to hastening death?
They are only moments behind; and I think that offer more pleasure than roviditni
will this number of minutes. -
Perfectly think whether this boon?
As far as one can be certain about something, yes - Gyarfas met, subject meresztve
Abafira eyes. - But I can not understand what could be the joy of preparing for that
Favor. -
Still, still - Abafi sighed, and this came out of the tent, he gave a command satellites award, out
immediately rushed.
Izidora began to awake; his face was peaceful and quiet earnestness; Oliver providing hands.
- Father Zsigamnak - say soft, erctelen voice - oh, put him happy ... God, that it was not
Now I can see my watch last! ... divorced from life without weak arms around my neck
hug ... without that small little mouth rebegne: My Mother!
Oliver approached him, took hold of his hand, the most sensitive voice inquired: - Erzesz to pain
Izidora, good soul, it is easier to sit?
Lifting her eyes fill with tears Izidora Abafira. Kifejezhetlen charm was something in this regard. - Ah,
you're good at - murmured - 1 feel what she tender, sensitive attention to the qualities of happiness,
you show me, Oliver! I have no pain; only one ... three beings to break ... oh, this
hurt! Father too late.
- Calm down, Isidore! He comes, and you do not want to make him a little surprise, perhaps we
banatjat alleviate?
Izidora in focus. - Surprised? - Asks. - How ... Ah, the pain he is terrible!
- Izidora! - Abafi say, enthusiastic gaze resting on the patient's daughter, his voice full of compassion. -
Can you great joy of bearing?
Joy? Heavens! Maybe my son? - He says, his face flaming joy radiating around.
No! - Meet Abafi, rahajolva. - Your son is my son! He is happy, prospective, and perhaps sensitive
rupture if his mother to suffer so. He is not close ... and it's probably better that way.
Izidora silent. - True - said after a pause - 1 desire my cruel I was, crying her
see ... oh, just now kiU it!
He was not there ever a secret wish is granted, Izidora! Examine your soul, and you could possess an
its fulfillment? -
No, no! - Izidora said, motioning with his head in denial. - It's not right that I could have.
Oliver's heart Izidoranak clamping his hand; vote no breath left, as if not dare or could not
say what huUamoztatja soul.
Izidora admiring gaze upon him hanging.
Isidore - continue Oliver - Be My woman! Give your son Father, and let my name behavior
enable the creature to whom I owe so much ... Be My woman! - Lehajlott And it's a kiss
compressed lips, and the feeling elfogodva regarded him silently. -
Oh! - Izidora says, and hands clamping her bosom, her eyes burning increased. Spake it
He looked like he was levarazsol fairy verb, as the blind doctor who opens a beautiful world hand
You're listening to! - Oliver said, stroking his forehead.
Yes, yes - he exclaims Izidora - not cheated out of my heart, when I loved the man, who so heavenly
angel ahead of me! You, Transylvania's most beautiful, the most enthusiastic son, you Abafi, thousands
of whom languish heart,
whom have heart desires ... you could do this for me, nyomorultert out so far I am from you,
as East nyugottol!
Quietly, my dear - soothing Oliver.
No! - Answered passionately Izidora. - You can hear the whole world that the people Abafi Oliver
! legnemesbike ... Oh, Oliver guessed it; Yes, it was a secret desire in my bosom, but such a secret,
I also found him to this moment.
The doctor approached.
- It's not good - say - a lot of talk now, dear lady!
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- Oliver - said Izidora - whether it is possible? Oh, this is a dream, right? ... Oliver mine, my
husband! ...
Well, I'm no longer excluded from the world? ... Can queue with those whom the
opportunity to be able to count on you, I would have a long life? ... It's yours, oh my! - Say
in tears laughing convulsively - Abafine FoUephetni the world ... so his side, he proudly
down to watch the first queen; and thank all of whom I love, who is in front of me as a god,
high above all seceded.
1 did I make you this nyilatkozassal - Abafi said, grabbing her hand deep compassion - ah,
csendesedjel not to accuse myself, that it hirtelenkedtem. -
No, no! - The lady said passionately. - 1 do not die! I'm going to live! ... You see,
! all the pain disappeared ... I'm going to hug my son; I'll be the legirigylettebb, the
happiest woman, oh, Oliver! - Say barely hear, and korulfona arms neck and bosom train
her face tear-sodden and feverish hot molten images.
So clamping Abafit himself, and always tight, his eyes were closed, his lips paled,
ice weight tense arms Abafira ... Izidora was not any more!
Ah, I killed him! - Abafi exclaims in horror. - He died ... Oh, Gyarfas what you have done!
Continue rising up hands and eyes adhered.
S boon to accuse himself? - Ulfra Gyarfas eyes raised to heaven, his hands together on TV. -
Counted to him had to die! There was no excuse, attest to this; Favor the heavens and charmed
forward; He was never happier maybe not, as in this hour.
Abafi stood silently in front of the beautiful dead and the world lay in heart weight lead to pain. -
There is little time after this heart shaking a respectable monk entered the scene is accompanied by a
high horse,
who first sent Abafi. Providing hands on him, Oliver - late, my brother! - He said, pointing to the dead.
Horse rampage hear chairs outside, and letoppanasa a heavy body. - This arszlana caves -
Abafi say - Deli Market!
Page 115
SMALL viscera
Perhaps your child
Always a pleasure
Gastrointestinal have died.
Isidore of military pomp was buried the next day; Twelve young soldiers carried the flags being placed
on the beautiful
dead. Zara simple coffin in front of the tomb of; so Mordecai bones of tavul honatol, the closer
the village cemetery.
Deli Marko no pen to describe the pain. No complaints, no tears this gap.
Silent, dark, cold was like a tomb winter. The smile on her lips moved forever; and it was,
as a night ice tower amid the waves, waiting until the emergency is undermining the basis for a
dorgessel when a falling together.
Brigade of the prince altaladata Mark Employer; but what can stand in front of it the revenge that
would have been the killer found dead. It was a gaping wound on his head, and the blood spread widely
around the
sand. Guardians claims that the morning knock on the previous night, they heard a dull, deep
Following horgestol. The unfortunate smashed the head of the capital, which was chained.
Abafi made, which fell by Gyarfas and the monk told the game champion, touching hearts.
Two days after the funeral, which echoes rang agyudurrogasai hell even brain
entered the caves arszlana Abafmak tent, dressed in heavy armor of steel, and two
I came days after the sign was still visible leg.
Abafi received him speechless. Her face was changing in the beautiful young hero; some jitteriness
lips, eyes half in heavy lashes and stooped state witnesses were: how could this
Case soul, and the certificate, we sokszeruek woman's feelings, which are the heart ostro-
moles. Szanakodas, gratitude, friendship united Abafiban, loss of bitterness magnifiers.
And now, after these interesting creatures, so that the whole soul was his, he ceases to be: void
Abafi felt in the heart, which is just to clarify, when a beloved friend, but the friend of the word
in the fullest sense, lost.
Deli Marko stood quietly before Abafi. - Favor - said in a low voice to the caves
arszlana - noble, generous man!
Abafi listened in silence fell on the serious acelvallara champion.
What did leanyomert - said Mark - because I'm quite in the way of good intentions, average
my daughter is my soul migrates bosom: I'm the kegyede as he was vegleheleteig! -
It was silent, wide bosom prayer rose, providing Abafinak rough hands. - My
My life - continue Marko - lose world, deserts, inspiring, became desolate: I have everj^hing
I lost everything, my child myself Oh, Izida! - Said the deep, sad
voice that almost spectral, almost under the ground.
- What I wanted to do - meet Abafi quietly - 1 can not do it; now the whole world
my woman acknowledged father give his son, wants. The first death, preventing the other
I will have all the testimony - he says, offering his hand Mark Employer.
- And if you have lived - said Mark - if young people have the power to overcome death, then ... Abafi?
Page 116
- When I wanted to look better than I am, Mark? Boldogitni final moments of her son
in respect of whom lived, died, to reassure him, give him a name before the world, though the grave;
this s
all I wanted. But if you have lived, never Abafi not violated the word - to continue full dignity, but
gentle voice - he would have remained Abafine, and I could have given him and to obtain the
respect, which could count as My woman.
Marko's face went a ray of joy, almost eszrevehetlen; while stood speechless before Abafi, then
restless visited the tent, and the carpet descended like he feels the power to decline. - Keble-
men lying on a secret - say Deli Market - which is further kept locked in is not required.
Confidentiality? - Considering the Abafi said.
Zsiga - continue Marko, dark eyes Abafira suspended - not the Izidora son.
Abafi shuddered, as if the fate of his son come abroad property issues. - No? - Invite the surprise
under the spell of his face expression. - It's not Izidora son?
No - Deli reciprocate Marko quietly.
Who then? And this could be Izidora?
1 do not know, happiness, and I could not bear to let him do it.
It's a mystery to me - Abafi say - which I will not get it. Leave a boon to the skies
please: my heart is threaded. -
Sit next to me - met Marko - who quietly listen and judge. Izidora illicit association
fruit. His mother came from a noble family; Name of eternal secret of my heart. And rarely rejte-
I come up with his mother handed in not only ... but more about that. Izida increased among men; than
children already gave signs of definite reality, and determination to achieve romantic direction, which
Later he set him become one of the most interesting, the most distinctive creatures are. But why this
kegyednek say!
Sigh Abafi lifting the breasts.
- With all caveats are that special creation by atyafitlanul and yet so
were close to each other: he was a lovable child. Weaknesses, flaws, par-
premises are at the expense of education ... and maybe - Deli Marko continue after a pause - to mine.
Yeah ... I was too indulgent of the Order, Father! ... Great word you say, paladin, never
people at the edges of the lips of the king did not hear: he commanded me, and I was afi-aid of him ...
footslips my excuse. Who loved my daughter, it was nice to me. Dandarrali association
It was no secret. - Flame covered the face of the brand, stamped his feet, rattled boomed difficult
armament. - Brigade ... oh ... cowardly assassin ... He is no more ... If you live in ... a terrible revenge!
it would be! ... As my army was an orphan, he was wild, headstrong kid, but strong battle. Many
It was him, but I forgive you everything to him, since he is ... and my daughter loved it! - Marko
silent; revenge, furiosity eyes sparkled.
- It was nice Izida! Oh - continue passionately Deli Market - nice! Beautiful as her mother! And fire ...
flame of passion ... like her mother! He became guilty; the fruit of a forbidden love between beautiful
was a boy; and I believe-this pleasure, rather than condemn, the little fool I was ...
a childish grandfathers, who would spend hours in my lap barrel.
And who was the father of the child? - Inquired Abafi straining.
My daughter never confess. I suspect that Gyulafi Valentine, Mykola Margaret's husband; because
landscape of cattle were camping near you, and the one-year-old husband was amused oromestebb
Izidammal - continue some reserve Deli Market - as Transylvania's first daughter, the famous
Page 117
Margaret. But hear further boon. The boy came into the world Gyulafi Balint one of the cattle;
Izida it was very frail, and I feared for his life time piece. Even those ailing state
which is more of a dream stunned poured it happened that one evening when they heard a scream,
rushed the floor and the small Zsiga find deep forehead wound. Izida fblrettent intoxicated
sleep; Immediately the old woman, whom Izida lying and who is in the countryside as a healer, great
acquired for himself, his children, as he could help; the wound was not deep, and httle time
healed. As was the case when the Izida this terrible pain was so doubled
love for His children, when the recovered. At the same time (note boon well) I
I was the child's right shoulder is a cross-shaped, black ticket noticed that before my attention
other side. Izida recovered, the child grew, and when the fifth year of ERE, daughter
Alvinci by an old friend Mrs gave as Our farm and the frequent change of life
our race will not allow a child to arrange an increase of ... how much he loved
daughter, son, you know boon; and how he had once grown Alvinci: Every week you saw the
Zsiga kegyednel too small, and yet - says Marko Deli somber tone - small Zsiga not his son
it was!
A lot still osszeszottebb - said Abafi rapt attention.
I'll take the world get rid of the haze - Marko replied. - Before about three years to a monk
satromba entered. Sir, I say, the most important thing you want to follow me suddenly. Kerdeseim-
he did not want to answer. I follow. The neighbor went to our village to the next one monk
I'm talking about:
The pregnant patient sent for days. When he arrived at the hut, where the patient is very
I found a dangerous state, would seem easier. I sat down beside her; pastoral vocation
the spirit of running, the religion vigasztalasival wanted aggodasain mitigated. Asking the patient
Having regard to the lifting eyes on me. "Father," murmured, "I am a great sinner, there is a grace of
Before, if we repent of heart? As far as possible, I would like to make it up. "I said yes, and
I asked her to pour her heart out to me, especially if it is what he'd done, helyrehozhatni hoped. The
She asked me to go kegyedhez without delay, and all of a sudden coming forward to stand,
without any sin is the name of gyonvan me.
- During Speech - Marko continue - we arrived at a low hut, where the patient has,
descriptive than the monk, made rough nyoszolyaban found. It seemed to mind
quite place. At the request of the woman left the monk; I sit in a bench
bedside. What the woman crying to me hook length, in particular between sighs, briefly say
...to the patient Gyulafi Balintne was then the landscape Mykola Margaret his son's nurse when the
my dear (Mark biased) my dear Izida - said after a deep sigh - sick bed
lay. The name of the father of small Gyulafit Balint baptized, and a day or two possible Sr.
only small Izida Zsigajanal. Gyulafi not know where it was; accompanied by an important embassy in
save the country, four weeks before his wife give birth; and from there just waiting to take weeks.
Margaret passionately fond of children, and if not ellenzene weakness, certainly
onkeblen been fed; but this is not tehetven, this lack of a maternal sweetest socket
utmost care ersatz out. Rarely could leave the nanny to the child's room; but
Once it happened that the nurse in the beautiful summer afternoon spent in the garden, and fruit
After reaching Suit scheme, lose your balance, and the child collapsed. Immediately overshadowed
the small Balint and this consciousness was lost. She frantically ran in fear, hiding the child
cations, the old woman, was where Izida Palestinians under Occupation, and whom the above
mentioned. Advice with you
actualizing is the relation of it came to pass that I dream to Izida Conversely, Margaret child
situation on the ground next to the crib, as if he had fallen out of there; and the nurse to another thanks
to the
Margaret fiacskajanak suits, he brought it with him! ... The exchange more easily done.
Page 118
because the two children resemble one another suspected reasons, and the cottage was very dark. The
you know the rest of Pilgrimage - says Mark, felbeszakasztvan speech.
Ah - exclaims Abafi - so the little son of Margaret Zsiga have Valentine ... No, no, it's impossible?:
that remained hidden for so long? And what birhatta the old woman and concealed the deed? -
The deed - say Deli Market - on occasion is that the nanny was the daughter of ownership; and rightly
were afraid to lose because of the negligence bread; and to conceal the crime itself -
But later - inquired Abafi - when the alleged G5ailafi son was dead, and the secret nevertheless
kettqjoknek great reward could have?
Then - met Marko - This is my commandment, and my purse. The children discovered the secret
After three moons Mulan out. -
And we could not move him your mercy? - Scanning Abafi, resting his eyes feddoleg Deli Market,
standing beside him.
- S asks boon? - Meet Marko heviilve Deli. - Favor, who described Izida! He tell us
dani that no son; lived out her passionate mother, maternal sense of disappointment that happy
...to awaken as many would like to kill him. Ah, I could do with this, I, Deli Market,
Father, I have given up my life a happy orajaert?
Mark Deli Hours Abafi seriously considered; but the seriousness flashed by some hidden pleasure
which, who knows Abafinak fascination with Margaret, will be able to decipher. - In the - say
Abafi seriously - it was not right, my champion, Marko! That happened to so and
not fallen as: mean, I hold; approved but not let that happen.
- S boon Izida been killed? Because that would have been the felfbdozesnek actualizing is certain.
Charm thousand, and a thousand others simply joy of life: he lived only child in her lap ... As for the
menekvonek the cliff, her mother had the feeling; anchor, which survived ship CONNECT life;
branch sinking and the rescue rope, which stretched from the burning house in the water between the
flames and smoke
before ... Oh, I would have killed boon!
- What would I, Mark - Oliver replied, offering her hand - 1 do not know. I am a man, and not
I want to set myself (because I'm not father), otherwise you would have done, but
mother of the child is deprived of that other disappointments live in your child
is: did wrong. I think of myself that I could not; but between belief and knowledge more widely
there is a gap; and I'm a man!
Deli Marko stood quietly before Abafi. Something such suffering, so cold, bitter was all
shape of discarding that hath stuck detected heart. - Oh, Mark - say, stuck his hand - our
Our loss horrible!
Deli silently clamp Abafit bosom.
Abafi sat down again. - Mark - say - the story is likely to spoken. Favor thinks might know
as well; but we need to prove it, Mykola Margaret prospective happiest creature in the world, but
to be, we need to clear all doubts.
- The easy do happen - Deli Marko said calmly. - Recovered after the nurse's testimony
he lives, his mother is still alive; in addition to the cross-shaped ticket also prove something.
- And one more thing! - Exclaims Abafi vividly. - Yes, yes, no doubt! The child Margaret
similar; This has long been the striking me. And the mother's heart will be the last and largest
- At first, the child's father, Gyulafihoz like - say Deli Market - later
I myself have noticed some changes lineaments. This happens so often in children, while
Deli Marko sat Abafinal length, and was engaged in what must be done in a future love;
is that thing he has in any case in advance deep secret. Royal command called
Sigismund Bathory them later in the tent.
Page 120
HOPELESS desired
Heavens! I did not expect this
Harro Haring
The prince of the tent assembled heroes gave them to know that armies led home. The Turks
moved to the Danube, and he thought it was now fulfilled. There were many people who desire
wished to retreat, and among them is Abafi who lived though as desired day, the beautiful Cristiemanak
proximity could, but at the luck of the Hungarian and Wallachia hosts took the better
beat until iron while it is hot.
The hesitant, volatile Bathory got tired of camping and wanted to Transylvania; not that there
remain static but rather a long-hidden hearts desire fulfillment worked
Hasson existing courtyard of the many Italian masters, who before so interesting paint Italy
country and by a retired high bibomoki the dignity which always secretly wanted.
The hosts started, and soon the prince of the Abafi Bocskai, Keresztur, Komis
Caspar and Bethlen accompanied okben entered Transylvania limits.
Thousands feelings besiegers Oliver bosom. Izidora death can damage grateful heart. The Mykola
Margaret was a happy surprise premonition powerful Irish kedelyere patient; but the gap was
He felt in his soul, not to be filled up. His love, hope, and without kinezes. What Izidoraert
did or wanted to do more, and just now in the camp, it was a shock later in Transylvania
sentenced. The vast majority of you do not catch him staring condemned staring approved. Who
spirit quite knew not csudalkozott it: it thus and not otherwise possible and Kelle
to act. Margaret and Cristiemat the Abafi has highly exalted. In the women's own heart, this El
sets of estimates are correct grasp of perspective! Giselle was silent, but deep in the heart of
said a voice Izidora happy!
The more closer Fejer Castle, where present Cristierna finances yard more
Tensioning Abafinak bosom of torture and kejvegyulet's doubtful that the heart of the present situation
is very
deciphered; to find his Cristiernat if this enthusiastic, virtuous woman, has been reviewing her already
Suspecting passion, will to keep cold away not! And if so - say Abafi - but
be, his picture will live forever in my heart, and it is not the victim, it was not
would. - Indeed, in a spiritual way, so fellengo was hodolasa, that statement is not
Bathory finally arrived, gyozedelmeinek light of glorifying; and the Transylvanians meltanyloi
knight hero's deeds, the past forgotten, duplicated reverence and attention will be given unto the young
nobles. Cristierna conquering nyajassaggal there met him out him polite but cold residence
kodassal greeting. As far as this is a deadly heart was not worth mentioning treatment to her husband:
so he would hide it and consciousness; and out of her angelic face affable, cheerful expression she saw
would be happy thought.
The usual celebrations and tisztelkedesek out what has been said. Abafi save his cattle. First
Action was obtained from the estate of Prince Cseszeliczkinek return, under whom Falcon name
we got to know in the Southern Marko free zsakmanyosai and who Lonyaival, or as alias
they called together the last buckle price war in the services etc. sheer grace element
not to win. Bathory Abafinak this was not the best of enthusiasm took, but his word Defected
This time break.
Home Abafi found safe and healthy little Balint, Zsiga not anjmiore. Pastor of the yard
Defeat is not quite the charming child advancement of diligence praise. Abafi Deli and Market,
who accompanied him, all the certificates acquired a small Valentine's fate. Abafi ever5^hing you
found, as I told him Deli Marko. There was no more doubt; so good-bye
Markotol, a grim army returned to you and the hostile world. Abafi the
Fejer Castle hurried and took the small Balint, who first be spared correspondents everything. Valentine
perceived loved his mother; Insisted Abafihoz written proof propensity; no wonder, then, if the new
status unknown happiness felejtethete not to lose it. Children's sad, joyless
It was, and still sighing back Isidore. - Who is going to me - say Abafihoz simulva - so
love like she was my mother who, yes, my mother rather than the other ever could.
The sudden joys effect was even greener in remembrance before our hero as that Margaret
sudden and unexpected happiness would dare to acquaint who present Gizella visit,
father, fun, old Mykola Miklos, Fejer was expected.
Abafi hid the child, and her first visit Margitnal only warn that
the birth of his son's shoulder was cross-shaped feature, which later disappeared; s not possible to
in such a way that the child elcsereltetett.
Margaret was not a little bumped at these comments; but with destiny answer his son's arms
Among hath lives, so that the tickets are often eliminated or changed.
The next day Abafi again brought the matter, adding that he is suspected that this exchange
actually happened.
Margaret became attentive. - Abafi! - Exclaims. - Generating hope this maternal bosom without
that can be implemented, cruelty! Ah, do not speak out more about it! This happiness ... heaven! ... This
no heavenly joy from life on earth!
- But if it does take place! - Abafi said. - And I?
Margaret jumped fi-om the site. - Oh, Oliver - murmured - no, no! But this is impossible.
So accustomed to quiet the mind to reality Abafi, sparing and careful communication of the whole
The joy he could describe it? A new world in Iront of him, said: she was a mother. And as charming,
interesting child clamp bosom; her husband's face when he invented onvonasait; when he
thousand kissed shoulders of the cross-shaped ticket; when he everything, I learned, and the last
merged with the sufferings of this rich warmth of happiness: he then was in heaven! -
No more nuclear want in life! - Say elragadva joy and tears bum lifted load
eyes, train bosom child. - Ah, no! - Continue smiling between tears and hands
providing Abafmak. - Is there a single one of happiness, salvation spell out the heavens
my life! And so it is worth!
Mykola grandson extremely pleased; and soon the whole story came knowing Transylvania.
Among the new position of the little Valentine loving grandfather and mother care for her loving arms
accustomed. He was a child; and soon so sweetly, so love Margaret said:
"Mother!" As a Izidoranak age.
While Abafi Margaret happiness diligence tool warm juice: the princess
often close to him, and there he saw several times Gizella without him feel more than
before. In addition Cristiema Abafi Tuda not think anything else, just save him!
A few days after the birth of little Valentine came to light, Bathorine, whose
conduct of his or her towards Abafi experienced no change, and called him.
We saw that last existed when the Fejer Expected fejedelemne not called him so many times, it's not
as many as before. So this was a double joy when receiving the command, and he is the love
wings hurried to the royal lady.
Reading Room of Cristiernat found, sitting on the sofa, his face was bland, but serious. - God
brought knight! - Said the fejedelemne. - Closer, closer! - And so say something useless charm
shape of the whole was so sweet and gentle gaze was that Abafi elragadva and immersed stale
speechless before.
-I - said Cristiema, little tow - a request is kegyedhez.
Abafi silent, but his face was the expression of the ability to read and joy, which Cristier-
Nana brought request. It seemed to him as if he had never so kind, so gentle gods would not have
have him.
The request is important! - After a pause, resume, smiling eyes Abafira suspended.
Oliver was silent, his face burned joy around as you say, how happy is an important
request so certain forward teljesithetese. -
Listen to Favor - said Cristiema - request to be fulfilled; but said false and forward
it also promises boon?
Abafi passionate "yes" answer.
Any Female difficult life can be anything a woman? - Conduct, his eyes are always subject to
Cristiema nailed him. -
The more important the more difficult: the more pleased! - Reciprocate the moderate kerdett
voice, as if indulatit wished to brake. -
But - say more Bathorine - if quite unexpected when pregnant kegyednek compliance with the
if you cut through all of life's plan, if ...
If it is impossible - Abafi replied passionately - allows gracious madam! I
I'm ready! Command and execution of a statement! -
Non-command - who gently adjusts the regal woman - but one wish is that the usual heart
lehetonek, teljesiilhetonek believe that boldogitna me! And think happiness is a boon
would be an asset when. -
And what is it, madam? Ah, tell your honor that willingly, the performance of ohajtasainak
Certificate must be: where is hot, we grow all my heart I desire to reassure something
I could! Whatever Female unexpected, breaking apart any woman lived all of my plan, no matter what
make a woman sexually
be, let me know!
The regal lady latszatott thinking; blush race in the month of face; Not all Proceed
said without rebegve - Abafi, I kegyednek good choice, extremely interesting, lovable woman
I have.
Abafi elhalavanyodott; seriousness overshadowed by dark brow suddenly, there was something almost
rehanyo almost reproof face beautiful face. This recommendation hear from, who we love and who was
by this Recommendation decided to constitute a summons, even painful and bitter, when
love is unrequited, and when it is not the object of the suspect! - It was such a situation,
Abafi. Cristiemanak the legszivesb made the offer insulting tone legreszvevobb, wounding Abafit.
Page 123
Himself condemned the heart of undulation; juice shame that so you leave yourself delude
indulatitol. Did you mean: our passion for daring woman, what a woman is wrong; and not Tuda meg-
lepetesenek be so suddenly lord than usual; Feel deep in the heart of that pure love,
impairment ontagado; that there is nothing that can be liable to infringe a heavenly seraph; and all this
through reflection him speechless odabamulasba stand.
Cristierna paused, examining gaze jartatva the young. - Favor silent! - Finally say; and
It was not entirely without a hint of that term.
Her Excellency! - It was all he could say or do what Oliver rebegni.
S Abafinak so hard - so he took up the stream of speech after a pause Bathorine - so
desirably letesitni, which would serve my megnyugtatasomra! - The lady blushed, as if more
have said, as he wanted.
Abafi difficulty breathing; His eyes were suspended in one place, lifting internal struggle bosom, and
her face
Protesters storm twitch in his soul fluctuations. He was awarded Cristiernanak last words to
now reviewed to guilty, but not - not at fault, but passion is not a secret any more wrong.
- Oh, in this case, the delicate feminine tact. - Flame covered the face; half fell to his knees in tront of
her, and
the sudden decision, which was a feature of Abafmak own and, when a high-stakes around
itself, but only those that he understood the nobility, and that was in harmony with the principles,
arise and pass (because leterdeplesekor reproof eyes met Cristiernanak):
- Her Excellency, command more surprised than you can say and free - will be dedicated
hallhatolag just added - but as my beloved, my esteemed uralkodonemtol come:
I can only be one answer.
Maybe? - Cristierna say, kerdoleg suspended Abafira eyes, and there was something in respect of,
which proves that the criterion is not satisfled. -
There! - Abafi preconceived answer.
There was a pause in which all Cristierna and Oliver were immersed deep in thought.
Abafi - say Cristierna without erotetes not quite a smile - and do not even ask boon,
who has been chosen? -
Whoever - meet Abafi - greatness chose him: I am calm! - But face
there appeared to reflite the expression statement.
The regal charm women continue full voice:
- 1 hope Abafi that choice will win displeasure. That lady, who signed this
paladin chose life partner, adopted daughter and husband so worthy in every respect.
He - continue after a short break, considering the light Abafira - my dear, good Gizelle!
Abafi did not answer. His face a minimum change in the slightest shade structure was not a surprise
noticeable. The regal woman anyone would have called him all this was a moment. On
lady, whom he adored, to fulfill orders: it was before; nothing that any other molten
against the idea.
And how? - Cristierna said. - Favor listening? Is it wrong that choice?
Giselle lovable child and your worship - say Abafi vaunted, but suffering
voice - adopted daughter
Page 124
Cristierna lowers his eyes. So much determination, and as much as many sad words of significance was
the young
In that sense elerzekenyiilve involuntary hearts. - Abafi - murmured inexpressible softness
voice - 1 want neither charming children's happiness is a boon! His grace your likes this
I know ... Yes, I love the whole first tender young heart lobogasaval; and a nice boon ...
anticipation predicts prospective me ... happy!
Abafi sighed; soul can not be trusted not to suspect that happiness.
- 1 hope - Bathorine continue trusting his voice, he arose and approaching the young - hope of
lem even count on him to boon this will ohajtasomat up to you illoleg
met, as the most faithful princely our house, otherwise perfect leventejetol
can not be expected.
Kezcsokra providing the beautiful angelic lady Abafinak hand, who would train her lips gently. -
Gizella grace your day as my Gizellamnak - say noticeable targeting and Audio
face - I'm going to see her fiance!
Abafi deeply bowed down, and left speechless.
Page 125
They are happy!
The next morning was Abafi Mykola Miklos. The two men talked alone. Mykola
Nicholas's face flamed with joy; Abafi quiet, cheerflil and gracious was like him, who indulatit
brake consciousness and blond, half-oflf did nothing, it could wait.
- Gizi! - Mykola Nicholas said, cheerfully beszolva the next room. - Gizi, good child, come
a word!
Giselle left.
Nicholas Mykola clamping her heart. - My dear angel! - He said - although what your heart
I mean, would level much fun as me!
Giselle surprised eyebolts Mikolaja.
- Gizi - continue it, kissing her forehead cheerfully - 1 have good news to tell you, which
every girl is happy! ... Hit, Gizi! - Continue megcsipkedve face.
Something doubtful anticipation fluttered around the flame interesting lady's face. - My brother - said
his dear voice - always dally: I can not find it. - Giselle considered the ground, his lips around
quiet smile went away.
Request in the house! - Exclaims spillages old.
Oh! - Giselle sighed, and again fiilhegyig felpirulva elhalavanyodva.
Are you listening to? - Mykola inquired.
I'm not going to get married! - Giselle long pass quietly.
Never? - Mykola said cheerfully, as if he did not plan for success skeptical.
A nice, good GizeUe! - Abafi said. - Is so important, so is my question decides
Gizellamhoz lovable, that I want to make it very seriously. Me - continuing high
favors voice - 1 know, not someone else, and feel free to meet him and you decide!
If you are hoping to prospective me happy when free heart: I together with my hand on mine
I recommend with the promise that I and most dearest love this prospective duty
boldogitani remarkable lady.
Giselle fluctuated legs. - Boon Abafi - says he hardly surprised hallhatolag. - Oliver! -
He made also the softest, almost with one voice to it. - And we can reach this sudden determination?
- 1 Kepedbol - said Mykola kifakadva - that you love Oliver. Gizi, do not give me the basket,
Do not enter! Come - proceed with bright cheerful Abafihoz guided him, and the young man's arms
Among thanks - you're married to one, because - he affirmed, rubbing his hands with delight
legeltetve beautiful pair of eyes - can not be otherwise ... Come, Margaret - called the currently
Gyulafinet ticket - good daughter, come and take part in our joy; Gizi husband ... Oliver!
The old Mykola was beside himself with joy; s all so sudden, so bright with noting that
while Giselle noticed: It was in the Abafi arms. Every dream I liked him; but the dream
It was heavenly, and as a wake-party clung to silence the young breast.
Pajne 126
Margaret is a tear glistening in his eyes. He is speechless clamp Gisella heart, the noble
One may even question; if he was happy with this marriage?
Abafi Cristiemat liked. We have seen that some courtly love and romance magasztaltsag
was. He holgyeert up this spirit sacrificed himself happy that the star whom I lived,
Cristiema led to his arms, who own, who's daughter called him whose happiness
Abafi believed that before Cristierna lover not a secret and how was this belief is likely to
has presented clear. The virtuous woman eager reviewed her out because female gentle tact
love before man, woman hidden anything, can not stay secret for long, so it was targeted to the young
be in another direction. Gisella loved one with the finances of legerdekesb creatures; that Abafit
like to know. Oliver knew Cristiema romantic attachment to a person, he believed that
suffer the same element that harbors him, among other conditions, perhaps gentler lobogasu
prospective, finally, that such extremely close to being interesting as Giselle, who even above this
Abafit loves, another will take place over time.
Abafit've seen so many circumstances that thinking is quite unknown. We saw Prime
there was a vile, everything went wrong with declining fish kivalolag prominent people, in all respects
was noble, interesting and honorable man; how to change the direction of this lovely perfected in him,
vaunted fellengesse by a romantic, unrequited love; What set him ready for this woman
romantic love I lived there to sacrifice happiness! But it is also seen that much Abafi
a man of his word; that he does not do anything halfway; thanks to the sense of duty and qualify
power to her heart. We put all of this will be easy knowing that he is, if not happy in advance
but it was quiet. Taken to prosper Cristierna adopted daughter, what beautiful woman profession, so
thought her gaze to win approval from whom he loved so mondhatlanul estimated and obligations
width of approaches, it is not half, not the feeling that it just makes it all the way but it's
illoleg! - This was the beautiful, the noble course that stood before him.
And all this is facilitated sokszeriien Giselle, who was an impossible so close and affectionate
relationship chin
ni without the sex rokonerzetnek fejlenek not the soul. Abafirol, as we know him,
I have to believe that towards Giselle, full of compassion, abiding knight was more attentive,
as her husband is still: and since them the covenant of love is sweet, pure pleasures may not preceded
out of these pleasures, and the charm of the new Gisella happy marriage.
Giselle was a legtokeletesb ladies of Transylvania. And this should be taken to see her often close to
respect to the recall, which was so worthwhile. Deeds, not words appeared in the
his spirit. Purity, modesty: that the two words paint him up. He loved Abafit as
no other; so he knew himself to be used, so the passions, habits, almost
gondolatjat to find out that her husband can not be considered without this deep condolences and
gratitude innocent, pure,
angelic creation.
We have seen that Giselle was considered shy, her horror he drops every little feet. This manly, brave
Abafinak not possible relish, tenderness although it did not allow his wife never be felt.
Giselle had not sat on the horse world. Who can describe the Abafi surprise, when an age
hunting plan home, beautiful wife liveliest steed galloping forward.
So with fish came closer and closer to the interesting alliance, which brings together them.
Occurs when a Abafinak need to go into Vienna. His absence is good, nice Gizellatol distribute the
gloom utterly soul. He felt how necessary it was Giselle; feeling of happiness
first true pure joy of all fellengestol went to Gisella likes. The romance
magasztaltsag past! Giselle Abafit localization in life; and now it's become prominent,
a man full of interest, how a man can be perfect, I can tell yourself that!
Abafi was happy. Mykola son of Margaret lived; witnessed the days of Oliver's Giselle happiness
of; His desire for more is not known; Abafit he loved until his death. Being so perfect as Margaret
can love only once. But the principles, virtues overcomes his passion; quite brotherly love
took shape itself.
Gisella his upbringing; I knew what it was largely to thank Margaret.
Margaret Abafinak romantic attachment described Cristiemahoz; lady in a full sense
note that it can not escape. He affirmed the Cristiernat the plan, the success of which so
partly attributed to himself; ontagadassal and much, much modesty! It is from there
It is apparent that this alone Abafi Cristiemanak attributes hardly meg- without Margaret
had occurred.
Yes, he is again no more desire; especially when there were Abafiek - - Mykola sa nice house
vigabb, was oromteljesb than ever.
Fine with goods donated by Margaret old tanner, whose residues can still bless
Powders; and a former nurse came not forgetting the small Balint.
Cristiemanak fate and the prince of Transylvania stories known.
The Prince Bathory
Andras was bibomoknak in 1599 by the Prince of, but regretted it again. Perform many
After many vicissitudes parts of Europe wandered. Beautiful, and loved everything estimated
divorced fi-om her, and that of the parents later returned.
Deli Marko again appears in the stories of Transylvania, during the reign of Andrew Bathory,
host of the game has been quite serious hadnt tempered man. Not Maker, was not the kind Izidora
more, sometimes a gentler feelings known to her.
Abafinak marital happiness has become proverbial in Transylvania. Cristiemanak sweet memories
he was dead and the kind Gizella, who owe him happiness. Often said Abafi
Gizella, before the secret was not since we love it:
- All the best addressed by Providence. Izidorahoz which attracts the gratitude and szanakodas
was. Mykola Margaret towards the assurances of my bosom compound brotherly love.
Cristierna with romantic vaunted poured into my soul, and while such a beating heart, his image will
therein; I owe him my heaven. But what I feel for you, you dear, good, gentle angel: the
love; Yes, yes - say flaming face and passionately involved in the most beautiful woman of
bosom - the love!
A word or two of the moral effect
And Poetic justice batch AS
Every good novel, short story, a narrative must grasp the main picture box and I was proved
If this is done correctly, it is in the moral impact, either straight (direct), or
reverse (indirect).
If Reny vivid, evocative colors painted and loved in the reader by its tracking
buzdittatik: the moral effect it straight.
If a felon was prepared, and this world's life-like drawings may be appropriate, so that the
loathing can be induced against evil: the reverse effect. Hopes of Reny, since the
author failed us evil, cowardly, despicable megutaltatni.
Both of these gender cultivated moral effect, it does not make a mistake before thinking reader
foganatjat; he is one of them than the other, you can catch up, but the uneducated or feluleges out
dealt only with care of the stream of history, and its direction, targeting, psychology
little or nothing thinking: in addition to the more doubt in the second, ie reverse moral effect
and believable is lost sooner than the first, that is straight-impact, so there where higher
part of the readership does not read very much of a writer, though the intention was clear, first goal
if it works straight seeks to bring about moral influence.
Used, where the Hungarian writer few readers, and even those few times over different levels
consists of literacy, can not provide the finest tact him that the work of public
win acclaim.
A portion of the readership of the most educated kiilnemzetek liter aturaj aval known; this
desirably magasbak follows; others are little read and evil; this difiicult writer
you understand. We have implemented a kind of confusion agyuaknak who all something imaginary
szoritni want to measure a sample or head okben established system; who can not be
it, and they do not want to hold that the poet ceases to be the moment in which the flight of
constraints squeezed. Everywhere outdated views, convictions and reverse slant of writing there are
legjelentobb sides and work are lost.
He's must be present to obtain a reader, and so they tend to be the outer life
bibelodnie, which is part of the larger tastes like the inside, and that only the educated
minded reader amused.
The moral influence of the poet or the real world, or a kepzeltbol, existing at the right
or from bad draws. There are those who create a world in which it was not, it will not be.
Baselines disappointment, and a whimsical Utopia imagined the events they wish to moral
now in effect.
The loving reader to think nothing can break or interfere with the moral influence
rather like the idea that he was reading, and is the only possible way is not the book
real world.
Other writers in the life of the world is perceived as really exist. His life is not a novelist
life, his person is not novel persons, but also calling on existing drawings of world events
and persons in which we live, and which of us are.
Page 129
The real world does not win once in a villain, not once honored; and see how many times
low fondorsagainak success, while the waist, the honest, the renyes eltiporva, forgetting public
inattention and perhaps exposed to contempt.
There is no poetic justice (poetische Gerechtigkeit) of the real world; but have eternal
truths that, if a thousand times in succession evil, a thousand times in the fall Reny etemal truths
s; and in which any such spill fate and end with some people: there are deep moral teaching.
In moral teaching is mainly a reverse (indirect) or indirect, and the concept of deeper psycho
you want to login, as a spent, artificial watery world events of handmade, tetszoleg
straight moral teaching.
The latter spent justice in the world never left it, or very rarely. The Renyi
usually wins reward, punishment of the wicked: and if circumstances sometimes, Greek or whatever
Other causes an unfortunate end renyes person, it immediately follows the strict
Punishment, who is the cause of this calamity. This is a running and feluleges glance, and some El
larity has an impact, but it carries the seed of hazardous depravity womb. For Reny train-
TURE success is uttered, the evil of punishment to those uttered get used to the mind grouped together:
so the first one not love itself, the latter did not hate it for its own sake.
The real world of handmade stream straight or reverse moral doctrine always ensure
more because reality is not based on illusion.
Even in those cases, which are the evil will win the victory over the Reny, deep practical
moral doctrine occupy themselves. Feliilegesseg ketkedhetik this; this depth will be back
lead to truth.
Could, for instance beautiful scene as the track during Reny Ekkel struggle against? And if meg-
fall if honor, success, fortune instead of disgrace, loss, misfortune followed also been
the bitter feeling that surprises the reader's bosszonkodas, which is heartbreaking: certi-
cates a deep moral impact of his work.
If a miscreant deeds of success, fortune following her a thousand times becomes gyuloletesbbe pre-
us. Private is then thoroughly koriilasitva undoksagatol, and hate him at the same time bosszonkodunk
so the effect is two-fold. If you fail a villain, some szanakodas compound bosszonkoda-
Make and weakens the moral infiuence, or revenge pleasure of causing our hearts
wasting it.
This brief examination of the consequences to the real world or the like to
immersed in the world and life-like images are always confident, but that these good concept
can not jump, be prepared for this, and the reader and not used abrandozasokhoz reader -
big time now lekoltoztetni Irom the clouds.
Page 130
Josika listed on Abafi TO
Required of the reader Abqfi the name Apqfi stored up not replaced.
So then addressed the princes of Transylvania is time.
One of the most difficuh tasks of poetic madness or febrile whim correctly given.
Each of the two objects without psychology gyermekessegge nastily, and every educated reader bored;
but after this difficult task in the correct use of the heaviest criticism.
Some of the writers of this madman ever5^hing back together induce to speak; Sometimes a patient at
the same time become wise;
One would think that is wise, if the writer could not have said it in advance, that person
genyke slightly crazy.
This work also comes in a feverish whims description; And what woman driven painting views of pre-
What common sense of the spiritual and corporal works of good stream normally do or say:
it confuses the fever whim felbuktatja; these actions and sajdngs of the chaos feliileges
oszvefuggest any reader, no order can not find; he just jumps and barbed against items
look at, and large gaps in front. And this is all right with him feverish oszveziizasa
Type whims.
Now there is a feverish madness or some whim - so to speak - whimsical
process; there is some connection between the notions, like a mountain stream, which rocks
Marching down, sometimes divided huUasaban mist, is hidden underground, out of sight, and again
a source or Csurgoi, tavakka register or mighty rivers stretches, respectively; but
is not interrupted. This is precisely the jumps, which are the gaps feliileges mind think are the
egybefuggest - and a eszrevehetlen first glance, but existing relationship.
Each person has a fever fanciful notions or mere notion (idea FIXa), all
return or jump back, which revolves around; sometimes endless tavulsagra gallops her egregious
jumps or more semblance to do but to escape again.
Pure imagination, for example, making knit everything that is pure; and if a pure heart bibelodik: List
crystal - glass - water and other material pure mind.
There madness as a whim, bright moments: the crazy with longer hours,
sometimes last for days; on a whim, with respect to the quality of the disease, fever or hagymaz time
below, shorter. In the latter, the world's jet is sometimes broken by moments of exultation
dizziness; so that a common word, a normal picture other nations immediately followed that enormous
leap semblance of form. Dark, just minutes vilagulo memoirs, the notions
Associating (Assotiation idearum) and the aforementioned persons or mere notion of madness is
as a whim, the main role.
The patient's physical, material property gives to the soul and vice versa; what you want, what you
what fear, what shame: implements; and sometimes the food, the gift of prophecy, or no longer exists as
existing backward-looking. But in real life, and anything else you can imagine nothing but
what is observed, that is: what can our senses; and so-called new ideas and inventions
- Only new items together new combinations; can be up to kepzetiinkben legszeszelyesb shape
which has never been and never will be; However, if we examine parts of the light, they
we can not find anything new: so crazy, febrile whim distorted forms of common items together
notions; otlik minds of a king, this ties together the overall big uttered; and not
Page 131
rare that the second word high mountains, giant, or could something like that will be the largest fruit.
sees no psychological leap against this grim lines, but the attentive psychological disorder
finding it in the stream. Apply this to the present work.
Giselle, the gentle idegu child loves Oliver, to see that the three are attacked; Sight
forrolazba fall. Caprice, hot to want, though childlike clean spotless as
itself, it is created; right, the image of a person that he is - Oliver Queen.
When you first find fairy rural opposition, the Oliverreli togetherness happy for him.
Happiness is in the minds of the good image of a beautiful and related disturbed mind. This
further ties; the beautiful image of the most beautiful flowers, the rose turns to meet him, you see the
countless szinvegyiiletben.
Spoke again; again the main notions, Oliver is in fi-ont of him; puts her at his side. His wife, Oliver,
minds with her by his side, the togetherness eszmejebol went with him to the planting.
Another appended whim; Oliver is sitting next to him; intoxication by darkly gleaming upon his mind
created by the whim of reality, it was a wish is granted when: a blissful reality now
Valve's wish is that, in the minds of good orom- or relatives thanks to the notion. She Oliver
thanks, death, love, "that your love gratitude to thee?" - he says. Shuts down again
brains: what we believe to exist, when there was a desire; here is in doubt. "This is a dream" - so
about. "No, no!" - Said, holding out his hands as if Oliver's squeezing hands. In ferfiu-
hand that needs to be so sweetly in his belt, brings to mind the OHver fights. "These are your hands -
about - with which attackers plagued by dust (jumps back again in the minds of the present situation)
and that with such a gentle embrace Gizelladat "He pauses again, and silently weaves whim farther.;
the process is not interrupted, the hands are in front of the Attacks: "Three against one" - he exclaims,
again returns to the main minds; Oliverreli co-existence of the unit is uttered causes; three meg-
Number attacker certain number of togetherness brings to mind. "He and I - says - because the
only one. "
This ties back silently; He and Oliver, they are together, they sit next to each other. Oliver
nejetol minds want a kiss; innocent, pure angel child skeptical: "Oh, no -
say - is not "The ideas interleaving or association she shows that married!
kiss each other; you mind associates, willow farther, it suspends Oliver lips and around
answered and said: "You're right," sat. Ketkedesire jump back again, "I'm married too guilty if
make it? "- he asks. "You amitasz, Oliver!" And again goes back to the former situation, because again,
and meg-
kissing her husband minds.
A fever is completely encircles him later; appear in darker images in his mind; always
bibelodve right minds; Oliver megtamadtatasat append farther: this sebesiilhetes
united notions; what dread, it establishes the whims; Oliver received a wound in the wound healing
notions associated with the medication; in these eloszerzesok comes to mind, and the memory of
Margit that took ilyszerii instructions. He makes the writing on the wound, he pulled the spicy plants.
Oliver imagine connected with less suffering, united with the image of silence, "you're listening to,"
he says. Here you go further, Oliver listen, maybe you do not know him - zoom in on a whim because
everything and
"You do not know me - by going to extremes? I'm Giselle "- said sat.
Gizella fever fish with quiet, there is a clear minute whim, she opened her eyes, neighbors
yat feel, and Margaret asks the question of water; united in the minds of the water clarity and image of
contrast, the density of "do not drink the thick - say - crystal clear ... - and again the notion - as my
my love! "
Page 132
"Do you know that?" - Margaret inquired. The clear last minute; Margaret, the striking, great woman,
result is vaguely before him, the relative magnitude of remekseg minds up image of a needle
in his mind, this is a picture of the Queen unite "you or queen"; caprice is not satisfied
thus, even bigger jump, "you're a fairy or" - he says, and goes back to the water, cleanliness; and
in the glass needle up his mind as pure as transparent material; "Glass is clothed" - say
Sat. Again the relative size and value of this notion arises; the queen of the fairies halantekain
be moved to the king of flowers, rose, namely the value of the beautiful singer combined - rose gold.
Already a fever edge of your seat, back in a minute coming to light; Margaret learns.
Still not quite clear his mind, still in somewhat whim; the flashbacks begin
elotiinni clearly. Remember that Margaret Oliver loves; notion is again right in front of him:
Oliver hers. With the resignation of Margaret imaginary case of associates and establishes a time.
kepzetiben Oliver resigned because Oliver is now hers! This is thanks to Margaret. The closed,
wordless language of loving a child solves the whims and betrays all the secrets of his soul; but
every word altalsugarzik the main notion that Oliver - his.
Laszlo Szalanczi more notable embassies used Sigismund Bathory.
Places traders expected time Kolos, who often assisted by the princes of money
Funny name for the Poles, with close-cropped hair for the front.
My sources are silent on the other two megtamadorol; assassins could occasionally stray.
I see it necessary to Transylvania stories
here we briefly note that Bathory Zsigmon-
As dot:
In 1576, King Stephen Bathory, Prince of Transylvania Polish dependent response. Government of
By Kristof gave Bathory, whose son Sigismund, when Christopher died in 1581, only
was kilencevu and Transylvania councilors ruled on his behalf
Stephen Bathory in 1586 occurred after his death, in 1587, King of Poland Sigismund following
Searched by quality, but without success.
In 1594, thus beginning one year after the story, Sigismund in the belief that
Andrew Bathory Balthazar and the lives of his endeavor. Castle Rock, where to run. But soon meg-
BANVELR hirtelenkedeset returned; We will save him in this story for the first time.
See Farkas Bethlen story of Transylvania etc.